
20 Reputation

4 Badges

4 years, 161 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by user-JG

 I have a long list of integers looking like

   725  =  5^2 * 29

  1125 =  3^2 * 5^3

   2048 = 2^11

   4752 = 2^4 * 3^3 * 11

  For all of them I need to extract  base & exponents, namely

  for  725:   [5,2, 29,1]

   for 1125: [3,2, 5,3], etc

   "op" gets lost for integers like  2048, power of a single number.

 How to do this ?...  Thanks.

The  galois routine returns the group of  polynomials within quotation marks, e.g.  "6T1".

How to convert  things like  "6T1"  into just   6T1, i.e. how to get rid of the quotation symbols?


 How to use the command  "latex" to write a table with, say,

3 polynomials on the same line, separated by an "&" ?


The idea is to get  a program to produce tables of polynomials in LATEX format.

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