
8 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 217 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by varelasaraiva

Hello, I'm trying to calculate the following definite integral: int(ln(1-8*Pi^2*ns*e^2*N/(m*(omega^2-e^2*B^2/m^2)*L*sin(t)*kappa*((kappa*tanh(2*Pi*N*d1/(L*sin(t)))+1)/(kappa+tanh(2*Pi*N*d1/(L*sin(t))))+(kappa*tanh(2*Pi*N*d2/(L*sin(t)))+1)/(kappa+tanh(2*Pi*N*d2/(L*sin(t))))))),t=0..Pi/2); Maple10 tries to solve it for ~20 minutes and then gives up, returning the same expression. Do I have to explicitly set singularities? Thanks in advance, Pedro
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