
70 Reputation

5 Badges

13 years, 230 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by vicaut

After updatig, this procedure is awfully slow. "allRoots(rhs(ODE_4),50..50.1)" needs more than a minute to get the one and only root in this interval! And i need 500 computations with different numbers for a parameter in my ODE and a range from 100 to 150 or even higher to get a plot with all the roots dependant on the parameter. This computation would last days or weeks. Are there options to make this faster? I think there is a much faster option: I consider to find the roots with the "events=[y(t),...]" and maybe the eventfired option within my definition of my ODE, but i don't know how to get/save all the triggered events (= roots) to a vector, like in your procedure. Maple help for /dsolve/numeric/Events is not very helpful for me, because there aren't many examples/descriptions how to do this. Do you have any suggestions?

After updatig, this procedure is awfully slow. "allRoots(rhs(ODE_4),50..50.1)" needs more than a minute to get the one and only root in this interval! And i need 500 computations with different numbers for a parameter in my ODE and a range from 100 to 150 or even higher to get a plot with all the roots dependant on the parameter. This computation would last days or weeks. Are there options to make this faster? I think there is a much faster option: I consider to find the roots with the "events=[y(t),...]" and maybe the eventfired option within my definition of my ODE, but i don't know how to get/save all the triggered events (= roots) to a vector, like in your procedure. Maple help for /dsolve/numeric/Events is not very helpful for me, because there aren't many examples/descriptions how to do this. Do you have any suggestions?

Thats not what i mean. I'm not interested in the complex roots, but i need some kind of procedure that lists all the roots in the interval AT ONCE. I can't repeat the input with avoid, i have about 100 or more roots in this interval!

Thats not what i mean. I'm not interested in the complex roots, but i need some kind of procedure that lists all the roots in the interval AT ONCE. I can't repeat the input with avoid, i have about 100 or more roots in this interval!

But where can i increase this limit?

But where can i increase this limit?

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