
89 Reputation

4 Badges

15 years, 51 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by xaratustra

Hello everyone,

I like to force following:

a/(a+b) --->  1/(1+b/a)

I know that collect is a powerful tool that is actually capable of doing such things. In a similar (old) thread, it was suggested to use a function in the last part like

collect(expression, varialble, (x->something)@factor)

but I don't understand what exactly this means. Any help?

another related question is, is the collect command available as right-click option?


Is there any syntax highlighting for the "code edit region"?



Hello everyone.

an equation or a table can have a label and can be later referred to by using insert->label. Can we do the same for inserted images? Like Figure 1, etc.... A workaround is to insert the image in a 1x1 table and reformat the caption. But I am not sure that's the ultimate solution.

Another related question: can an equation that is just in the 2D math mode that is not meant for execution get a dummy label like (*) or (**) or something like that?

Hi everyone,
While I am getting more and more comfortable with the document mode, I have some questions regarding the document block feature:
- What is a document block good for anyway?
- Why not have the whole document in one block?
- Can one join two document blocks?
- when do I "remove the document block"
- How can I make sure that say an informational 2-D math expression inside a document block never gets executed?
-- Can I still...

is there a way to activate the "undo" command after executing the entire worksheet? 
Before executing every change can be undone, but since I press the execute button 
often, I loose my chance to undo.

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