
25 Reputation

6 Badges

14 years, 169 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by zfaigl

Dear All!

Could you explain how the coulditbe() function works?

> assume(q, integer, w, integer); about(q, w); coulditbe(q/w < 1); coulditbe(q < w);
Originally q, renamed q~:
is assumed to be: integer

Originally w, renamed w~:
is assumed to be: integer




Zoltán Faigl

Dear All,

I ran into a problem, which I can not resolve. 

> Eqs := [x*0 = y*0]; Vars := [x, y];
[0 = 0]
[x, y]
> solution := solve(Eqs, Vars);
[[x = x, y = y]]
> Eqs := [x*b = y*b, b = 0]; Vars := [x, y];
[x b = y b, b = 0]
[x, y]
> solution := solve(Eqs, Vars);


I would like to define the following exceptions:

0/0 should be equal with 0, but any other x/0 should be infinity, if x>0 or -infinity, if x<0.

In the following example, I show what I achieved, however, I also would like to have equation (8) to be infinity.


Zoltan Faigl


Dear All,


I would like to make multi-variate integration over 9 variables (x11, x12, x13, x21, x22, x23, x31, x32, x33) in order to calculate the probability of a given event. 

The output of the simpleWeightedSum method is a Vector(3,t), giving the mean of the rows of the matrix X. The event which I would like to "measure" is that the first element of the output vector is higher than the two other elements.

The xij elements are iid...

Dear All,

I would like to use fsolve in an algorithm, and have problems with handling the cases where there is no solution. The help writes that in case of no solution, the fsolve assigns a NULL value to the output variable. So I exoect that I should be able to handle cases where I have solutions using the "if solution<>NULL ..." statement .


In some cases it is not true: fsolve writes out the input, instead of saying that there is no...

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