Maple 12 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 12

I am trying to plot a vector field with fieldplot, but the vector field components contain a numerical integration (i.e. evalf(Int(...,...)). However, maple refuses to plot it, and gives me this error mesasge

"Error, (in plots/fieldplot) no non-zero vectors found"

maple has no problem evaluation the vector field at any value of x, and y, and takes only a fraction of a second for each point. However, if i change the integral inside the vector field components to int(...

DirectSearch optimization package, version 2 is now available.

        The DirectSearch package is a collection of commands to numerically compute local and global minimums (maximums) of nonlinear multivariate function with (without) constraints. The package optimization methods are universal derivative-free direct searching methods, i.e. they...

I have the equation to calculate the legendre functions , but i am trying to find a way to form a loop so it would be less time consuming to find for a series of values.

Pn = sum((-1)^i*factorial(2*n-2*i)*x^(n-2*i)/(2^n*factorial(i)*factorial(n-i)*factorial(n-2*i)), i = 0 .. (1/2)*n)


This is the general equation , as you can see there are different values of P like p0,p1,p2,p3...depending...

eqn1:=(1-x)*exp(c*d*M*z + a*(1-d)*M*y+(M/2))-x*exp(-c*d*M*z - a*(1-d)*M*y - (M/2))=0;

eqn2:=(1-y)*exp(a*d*M*x + b*(1-d)*M*z+(M/2))- y*exp(-a*d*M*x - b*(1-d)*M*z - (M/2))=0;

eqn3:=(1-z)*exp(b*d*M*y + c*(1-d)*M*x+(M/2))- z*exp(-b*d*M*y - c*(1-d)*M*x - (M/2))=0;


When I try to solve this system of equations as:

solve( {eqn1,eqn2,eqn3},{x,y,z} );


solve( {eqn1,eqn2,eqn3,0<x,x<1,0<y,y<1,0<z,z<...

Hello all,

I'm sorry that I'm just not very good at working with Maple's optimization tools, but I appreciate your willingness to work with me. So, this is all related to the same problem I had been working with a few months ago. I used the "operator form" of NLPSolve to minimize the squared residuals of a temperature distribution with an external dataset by changing a few...

I do not have any experience with maple and have a homework assignment due tomorrow. I have been staring at a screen blankly for an hour now trying to research how to do this but have had no luck. Here is my problem...

compute the projection of w onto v. call proj w onto v "p" and let q be vector perpendicular to p so that p+q=w. plot all four vectors together.


I have no idea where to even begin. I can do this by hand but it's the computer stuff...

I'm trying to understand shooting method using maple in solving BVP. especially to solve boundary layer flow. I don't have any idea about the step size used and convergence criteria specified in shoot lib in the maple. Can anybody help me with this? Where can I refer to. Thank you


I am presented with a list of known roots to a polynomial. How can I reconstruct the original polynomial with a variable "x"  from the given roots?

The list of roots is: [-1/2,2/3,7/3,4+3I,4-3I]


I need to generate 200 random numbers from a normal(0,1). I used the following code:

for i from 1 to N by 1 do:
end do:

This code works. But the numbers generated aren't a random sample. You can check that in the following qqplot.

Hi I want to solve the following equation. For this I have written the following program. But Maple showing error.

eq := diff(x(t), `$`(t, 2))+326.1*(diff(x(t), `$`(t, 1)))+3190*(diff(x(t), `$`(t, 1)))^2-37500*sqrt(x(t)*(0.165e-2-x(t)))+2.825

ICs := x(0), Dx(0)-0

sol := dsolve({ICs, eq}, {x(t)}, type = numeric);

but it is showing 

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/process_input) system must be entered as a set/list of expressions/equations

Hello all,

In reference to Acer's workaround for the operator form of the optimization package, I'm having difficulty applying the method to an optimization problem with 7 variables. I'm hoping you can help me see what I'm doing wrong. This is what I've got coded, where EIG is a fairly long, complex procedure that outputs a float value:

> objf := proc (V::Vector)

I need to know if maple has any function that would allow me to explore the variables in an expression.

I am writing a program to find the coefficients of the second order derivative of all the variables in the expression and i have no way find out all the variables in the expression before hand and hence need to do it runtime.

I want to plot a graph for the two variable function f(x,y)= xy^2/(x^2 + y^2 +1 )

over the region x = [-2,2] and y = [-2,2].

How I can create a coloured [or with different shades of grey to see the difference in a black and white printout] "contour" plot of this function over the same reagion? Using 8 contours and in such a way that it is illustrative...

I have the space curve with parametric equations x = t ,  y = 0.5t2 , and z = t2

I need to find the unit tangent vector, unit normal vector and the binormal vector  at t=1

I also need to find the curvature at t=1

How I can calculate that step by step that in maple and also plot the space curve and the curvature graph seperat in maple?

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