Maple 14 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 14


I have this spring setup:

spring setup


Now I wan't to analyse the motion of the springs, so i create this equations:

Giving a expression as follows, how to extract  powers of g to a list?

 In this example the list of powers of g is {2,1,2}

6*F*u[0, x]*g[x, x]*g^2+24*F*u[0]*g[x]^3-18*F*u[0]*g[x]*g[x, x]*g+2*F*u[0]*g[x, x, x]*g^2


Hi friends,

I am running an application which consumes big memory and the result was given smoothly 

but after 5 hours I running the program again but in the middle of calculation the maple give message show  I got this error:

Execution stopped: Memory allocation failed! Please see 

I have problem because mserver.exe stopped working


Yesterday that file was working very well.


help me please



Good afternoon

i have problem with that program, because it's too slowly, i can't plot and i I have difficulty in keeping the processed data vector.

this program in matlab 12 seconds delay.

Thank you for your help

Good night.

I have a problem with this error "Error, (in unknown) invalid input: `dsolve/numeric/lexorder` expects its 2nd argument, b, to be of type {indexed, name, numeric}, but received cos(t) "

help me please




In polar coordinate, when we differentiate er, it becomes e[theta]. However it seems Maple can't do this, even I have set it into polar coordinate.

How can I allow maple to do this?

Hello, I have a problem, when I define some constants like a:=5, b:=6 and than I do some calculation like a+b maple shows immidiately the solution. Is there any way how to make maple to show the numbers at first and then the solution? What I mean is if I define the same constants a:=5, b:=6, then make the calculation a+b. The output i want would be 5+6=11. Is it possible to make maple show the solution this way? I use it for more complex calculation in civil...


I solved a system of equations by maple 14 . I want to know the solutions that I have its the only solutions or maple  14 just gives us arbitrary solutions but not all solutions ?.

please answer me.


I'm trying to plot a function but I recieved the error :

Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct.

It seems its simply because the function is a bit complicated, because I get the correct plot with eaither part of the function separated. Its my function:


Student here. I'm having a real hard time with Maple's help. Can someone tell me how to create F, without having to type the whole thing in (like I just did) each time I change N. F is really just columns of omega raised to the (column-1)*(row-1) power

I also need help with the syntax for pulling out a column of F, and multiplying A (an NxN matrix) by that column,

A*F(column n):




I have a function in maple with one variable (say f=2*x). I would like to generate a nx2 matrix with the variable (x) in the first column from 0 to 100 and the function value (f) in the second column. I would then like to export this numerical data. How can I do this in Maple?

I have a function with one variable which I would like to plot the Kurtosis (statistical term) of (for a specific range). The purpose is to produce a plot which will show the 'peakiness' of the curve.

Say y = x^3 + 2*x^2 + 3*x;

For the range, say x = 0..10, I would like to plot the kurtosis (Maple function is also called Kurtosis). I have been able to do this numerically with a matrix of data but am unsure how to do this in Maple.

Your assistance is much appreciated.

To answer this question you need to create a Maple function using Maple's arrow (->) notation.

Your function should take a Maple list of real numbers as its input and return the smallest cosine from that list.

Enter your function in the box below.

Your Answer: op(1,sort(map(cos,x)))

Comment: No solution is given for this question.

Can anyone tell me how my answer is incorrect, or more importantly, what the correct answer is?


I'm studying submanifolds of (semi)-riemannian and trying to look at some examples with Maple using it's great DifferentialGeometry package. But there's one thing I can't figure out. How can I define a pullbacked tangentbundle along the embedding map? Let me be more specific:

I have a manifold S, a manifold M and a map i: S -> M.

I realize this in Maple with: DGsetup( [...], M ); DGsetup( [...], S); i:=Transformation(S,M,[...]);


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