Maple 14 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 14

I expected

int(x^(-13/10), x):


but i get

int(x^(-13/10), x=1/1000..1000);

MAPLE is not able to show me the output of nested loop. How can I get it?

for i from 0 to N do for j to 3 do

eqn[i] := sort(coeff(lhs(dequn[j]), epsilon, i)) = coeff(rhs(dequn[j]), epsilon, i)

end do

nested_loops.mwend do

I want to get the zeroth order and first order perturbation equations of the following nonlinear coupled ODE.

restart; N := 1

alias(eta = e, theta = t)

eq[1] := 5*(diff(F(e), `$`(e, 3)))+(1+3/m)*F(e)*(diff(F(e), `$`(e, 2)))-(2+1/m)*(diff(F(e), e))^2-(4+2/m)*H(e)-(1-2/m)*e*(diff(H(e), e)) = 0

eq[2] := diff(H(e), e) = t(e)

eq[3] := 5*(diff(t(e), `$`(e, 2)))/Pr+(1+3/m)*F(e)*(diff(t(e), e))-5*(diff(F(e), e))*t(e)

eqs := eq[1], eq[2], eq[3]

I wrote the following MAPLE code

restart; N := 2

alias(epsilon = e, eta = t)

eq1 := 5*(diff(F(t), `$`(t, 3)))+(1+3*e)*F(t)*(diff(F(t), `$`(t, 2)))-(2+e)*(diff(F(t), t))^2 = 0

F := proc (t) options operator, arrow; sum('F[i](t)*e^i', 'i' = 0 .. N) end proc

deqn := simplify(collect(eq1, e), {e^(N+1) = 0})

MAPLE says

Error, (in sum) too many levels of recursion
How do I get this error corrected?

Dear All,

I am trying to solve the following equation in Maple but could not find the actual result:

P:=1/2 * Real (E x H*)

How to find the real value of (E x H) with H*= H conjugate.   And also which command to solve for the value P.

Your help will really be appreciated

Thanks in advance




I have a problem:" Write the  equation of all lines passing through the point M(19/12,4) and tangent to the graph of the function f(x) = 2*x^3 - 3*x^2 + 5. I did the following:

[> f:=x->2*x^3 - 3*x^2 + 5;                    

[> g:=x->k*(x-19/12)+4;

[> solve([f(x) = g(x), diff(f(x),x) = diff(g(x),x)],[x,k]);

[> h:=k->k*(x-19/12)+4;

Hi and thank you for looking.

I have recently begun advanced maths and need help with maple. Is it possible to input an algebra equation and have maple rearrange it to make it a different subject?


I am new to maple and maths again so any help much appreciated. 


Also can maple for example if I input 6 equations could it or is there a way to get maple to pick two like equations out of them.


Thanks again, Danny 

I need to solve the below nonlinear equation for n numerically, assuming taut and taum are between zero and one, not inclusive of zero and one. 

I first used "solve(EQN,n, useassumptions)assuming taum>0, taum<1, taut>0, taut<1;", but no solution was generated. I thus removed useassumptions, and used "solve(EQN,n);", but I received the message "Warning, solutions may have been lost" from Maple. How to solve this problem?

Maple sometimes decides that the plot needs to be plotted from -infinity to infinite when I do not want it to.  How Maple decides to do this seems inconsistent.  Some plots having a maximum value on the order of 10^3, get plotted on the infinite scale, while others do not.  On the other hand, other plots having a maximum value on the order of 10^-32 get plotted on the infinite scale, while others do not.  In any case, I would very much like to know what...

I have used dsolve to obtain the solution of the inserted two systems below. The obtained results for the first system is accurate, where the obtaind solution of the second one is not accurate. I think the problem is in approximating the first system solution to be used in the second one. I would appreciate any advice on how to  obtain accurate results for the second system

 restart; endv := 5; sys0 := diff(f(x), `$`(x, 2...

I used dsolve to obtain the solution of the attached two systems of ODEs, where the second system depends on the solution of the first one. The obtained results for the first system is accurate, where the obtaind solution of the second one is not accurate. I think the problem is using cubic spline approximation. I would appreciate any advice on how to  obtain accurate results for the second system


 Sorry for my english, I'm french! :)

I try to make a modelisation of pedestrian dynamics.



There's someone, (a dot in Maple) at some randomn place in a square.


He want to go to another place.

So, there's 3 dot in Maple:

- S: The start fixed

- X: Mr X who is traveling from S to E

- E: The end fixed

so, without any rule, X is drawing a line from S to E.

Can someone please help me with the Maple language in solving the following equations?  I have already solved them by hand but I am new to Maple and am having difficulty with the coding language.  Here are the problems:

1.  Graph the parametric curve x=2t-pi*sin(t), y=2-pi*cos(t) from 0 to 20.  The curve forms loops, determine the arc length of one loop. 

2.  Graph the rose curve r=sin(4theta) in polar coordinates.  Determine the area of one pedal. 

In Maple 14, some functions involving coth do not plot correctly when using "plot".


> restart;
rS := 10000; cS := 1;
ZWarbSolid := rS*coth((((1/4)*rS*cS*I)*exp(2*Pi*freq))^.5)/(((1/4)*rS*cS*I)*exp(2*Pi*freq))^.5;
> with(plots);
p1 := plot([Re(ZWarbSolid), -Im(ZWarbSolid), freq = .4 .. 3.4], color = red, scaling = constrained, style = point);p2 := plot([freq, -Im(ZWarbSolid), freq = .4 .. 3.4], color = blue, style = point...

calchas:~ sedoglavic$ maple
    |\^/|     Maple 14 (APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX)
._|\|   |/|_. Copyright (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2010
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