Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

I need help to solve this ODE,

I didn't get series values F(k+3),Theta(k+2),phi(k+2),error comes in summation values.and

How to find the unknown parameters A,B,C.

Dear Friends
On 22 March 2018, I received: 
Customer: Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico, UNAM
Order Date: 3/21/2018
Order Number: 889668
Customer Purchase Order: 10972 
For instaling MAPLE 18
Please see the at bottom of the mail
I am trying to reinstall MAPLE 18. Unfortunately the download link
It's no longer available. Please send me a link to download Version MAPLE 18. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best Regards
Oscar Jaramillo-Salgado

El 22 mar 2018, a las 11:05, escribió:

Dear Oscar Jaramillo Salgado,

Here is your copy of Maple 2018. And this is not a release to ignore!

People use Maple to do many different things, so it’s inevitable that each new release will include some features you care about and some features you really don’t need. However, Maple 2018 contains a large number of substantial enhancements to how you interact with Maple, which means you’ll benefit from this release no matter what you use Maple for.

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Customer: Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico, UNAM
Order Date: 3/21/2018
Order Number: 889668
Customer Purchase Order: 10972



Maple 2018:

Product: Maple2018 Single User Entitlement Download for 1 user(s) (includes 1 home use license(s))

The following Purchase Codes activate this product:

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May  I please get a Maple code to solve the below Perturbation Iteration Solutions for Volterra Integral Equations? 

I shall be very much grateful if I can get the Maple Code.

And possible plotting


Hi! I need to simplify a polynomial over an arbitrary field F on a radical variable ν, such that for some power j, ν is in F.

the polynomial takes the form:


but, since νj is in F, this divides every element νi/j into a cotient group of order j, so this can be rewritten as a radical extension of F, in the form: 


where ki, ai are in F. I feel like this is a very straightforward technique for handwritten algebra, but i can't see a command for this on Maple 18. Nor the simplify(..., radicals) Or the combine(...,radicals) seems to help here. Maybe there's an special command for this? Must i do it myself? Please, any help is aprecciated.

Hi maple users 

I am working with the PDE solver.

i am receiving a following error

"unable to compute solution for t>HFloat(0.0):" 

Kindly do the needful how to rectify this error.

Please how  can I use getdata to extract only 200x2 of 208x2 matrix from maple to excel.

For instance I have:

Q:= ( seq( seq( plottools:-getdata(ans1[s1,3])[j,3],j=1..3), s1=1));

It returns  208x2,  200x2 200x2 matrices and I can't extract it using 

`<|>`( seq( seq( plottools:-getdata(ans1[s1,3])[j,3],j=1..3), s1=1));

because the matrices have different dimension. Please, how can make 208x2 matrix to 200x2?

I want to change the colors of a contour such that the region above zero is represented by a different color instead of yellow color,  and that the colors for conts <0 are one set of colors (maybe yellow to red), and the area for which conts >0 is one color which is very different from the others (so maybe white).


Please can someone help me with a sample code for bifurcation? You can use parameter values for the parameters. I'm using maple 18. Below is my model:


f__1 := Delta -(psi + mu)*S(t);



f__2 := psi*S(t) -(delta + mu)*E(t);



f__3 := Delta*E(t) -(gamma+gamma__1 + mu)*X(t);



f__4 := gamma__1*X(t)-(eta + xi + mu)*H(t);



f__5 := xi*H(t) - mu*R(t);



f__6 := gamma*X(t)-eta*H(t) - d*D(t);



f__7 := b*D(t) - b*B(t);



f__8 := phi__p + sigma*X(t)+eta__1*H(t) +d__1*D(t)+ b__1*B(t) - alpha*P(t);






Given a set (list) of PDE, is there a way to search all possible solution sets? For instance, pdsolve will output the solution

{_eta[0](t, x) = 0, _xi[t](t, x, u) = _C1, _xi[x](t, x, u) = _C2, eta[1](t, x) = 0}

for the list of PDEs below. But I am aware that there is another solution different from the above, is there way to seek these other solutions?


[alpha*u^2*(diff(eta[1](t, x), t))+alpha*u*(diff(_eta[0](t, x), t))-u*(diff(eta[1](t, x), t))-u*(diff(eta[1](t, x), x))+u*(diff(eta[1](t, x), x, x, t))-(diff(_eta[0](t, x), x))-(diff(_eta[0](t, x), t))+diff(_eta[0](t, x), x, x, t), -(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u, u, u)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x))-(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), t)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x, x)), -2*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x, x))-(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x, x))+2*(diff(eta[1](t, x), x)), diff(eta[1](t, x), t)-2*(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x, x)), -(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), t))*alpha*u-(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x, x, x))-(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x))+2*(diff(eta[1](t, x), x, t)), -(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), t))*alpha*u+(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x))*alpha*u+(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x))*alpha*u+(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), t))*alpha*u+eta[1](t, x)*alpha*u+alpha*_eta[0](t, x)+diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), t)-(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x, x, x))-(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x))-(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), t))+diff(eta[1](t, x), x, x), -2*(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u)), -2*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x, u)), -2*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u))-(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u)), -5*(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u, u)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u, u)), -3*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x, u)), -2*(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u)), -2*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u, u))-(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u, u)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u, u, u)), -3*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u, u)), -3*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x, u, u)), (diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u))*alpha*u-(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u))-3*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x, x, u)), -2*(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x, u))-4*(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), x, u)), -(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u))*alpha*u+(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u))*alpha*u+diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u)-(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), u)), -3*(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x, x, u))-(diff(_xi[t](t, x, u), u)), -7*(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x, u)), -3*(diff(_xi[x](t, x, u), x, u, u))]

I am trying to develop a recursive code to the above equations.  Note, U,X&Y are multivariate functions (in this case bivariate functions of (x,y)) i.e. U=U(x,y), X=X(x,y) etc.

u := (H(x, t, z)+sqrt(R))*exp(I*R*x);
                /              (1/2)\           
                \H(x, t, z) + R     / exp(I R x)

I*(Diff(u, z))+Diff(u, `$`(x, 2))+Diff(u, `$`(t, 2))+(abs(u)*abs(u))*u-((abs(u)*abs(u))*abs(u)*abs(u))*u;
  / d  //              (1/2)\           \\
I |--- \\H(x, t, z) + R     / exp(I R x)/|
  \ dz                                   /

     / 2                                   \
     |d  //              (1/2)\           \|
   + |-- \\H(x, t, z) + R     / exp(I R x)/|
     \                                     /

     / 2                                   \                    
     |d  //              (1/2)\           \|                  2 
   + |-- \\H(x, t, z) + R     / exp(I R x)/| + (exp(-Im(R x)))  
     \                                     /                    

  |              (1/2)|  /              (1/2)\              
  |H(x, t, z) + R     |  \H(x, t, z) + R     / exp(I R x) - 

                 4 |              (1/2)|  /              (1/2)\ 
  (exp(-Im(R x)))  |H(x, t, z) + R     |  \H(x, t, z) + R     / 

  exp(I R x)
  / d            \              / d  / d            \\           
I |--- H(x, t, z)| exp(I R x) + |--- |--- H(x, t, z)|| exp(I R x)
  \ dz           /              \ dx \ dx           //           

         / d            \             
   + 2 I |--- H(x, t, z)| R exp(I R x)
         \ dx           /             

     /              (1/2)\  2           
   - \H(x, t, z) + R     / R  exp(I R x)

     / d  / d            \\                             2 
   + |--- |--- H(x, t, z)|| exp(I R x) + (exp(-Im(R x)))  
     \ dt \ dt           //                               

  |              (1/2)|  /              (1/2)\              
  |H(x, t, z) + R     |  \H(x, t, z) + R     / exp(I R x) - 

                 4 |              (1/2)|  /              (1/2)\ 
  (exp(-Im(R x)))  |H(x, t, z) + R     |  \H(x, t, z) + R     / 

  exp(I R x)
  / d            \              / d  / d            \\           
I |--- H(x, t, z)| exp(I R x) + |--- |--- H(x, t, z)|| exp(I R x)
  \ dz           /              \ dx \ dx           //           

         / d            \                 2                      
   + 2 I |--- H(x, t, z)| R exp(I R x) - R  exp(I R x) H(x, t, z)
         \ dx           /                                        

      (5/2)              / d  / d            \\           
   - R      exp(I R x) + |--- |--- H(x, t, z)|| exp(I R x)
                         \ dt \ dt           //           

                             |              (1/2)|            
   + exp(-2 Im(R x) + I R x) |H(x, t, z) + R     |  H(x, t, z)

                             |              (1/2)|   (1/2)
   + exp(-2 Im(R x) + I R x) |H(x, t, z) + R     |  R     

                             |              (1/2)|            
   - exp(-4 Im(R x) + I R x) |H(x, t, z) + R     |  H(x, t, z)

                             |              (1/2)|   (1/2)
   - exp(-4 Im(R x) + I R x) |H(x, t, z) + R     |  R     
collect(%, exp(I*R*x));
 /  (5/2)       / d            \      2           
 |-R      + 2 I |--- H(x, t, z)| R - R  H(x, t, z)
 \              \ dx           /                  

        / d            \   / d  / d            \\
    + I |--- H(x, t, z)| + |--- |--- H(x, t, z)||
        \ dz           /   \ dx \ dx           //

      / d  / d            \\\           
    + |--- |--- H(x, t, z)||| exp(I R x)
      \ dt \ dt           ///           

                              |              (1/2)|            
    + exp(-2 Im(R x) + I R x) |H(x, t, z) + R     |  H(x, t, z)

                              |              (1/2)|   (1/2)
    + exp(-2 Im(R x) + I R x) |H(x, t, z) + R     |  R     

                              |              (1/2)|            
    - exp(-4 Im(R x) + I R x) |H(x, t, z) + R     |  H(x, t, z)

                              |              (1/2)|   (1/2)
    - exp(-4 Im(R x) + I R x) |H(x, t, z) + R     |  R     

I was computing an integral (Running Maple 18 on Windows 10):

The classic lenght of arc Integral of sqrt(1+(dy/dx)^2) dx

In this case, the function was a cartesian circle (x-R)^2+y^2=R^2 isolated as y=sqrt(R^2-(x-R)^2)

When I do the integration, the result of the integral is not correct.
But if I change R for a, the result is correct. Why? This does not make any sense.

R wasn't assigned to any variable. The code was:

Good Integral


Wrong Integral


In fact, any UPPERCASE letter used as the radius gives me the wrong answer whereas any LOWERCASE letter gives me the proper result. Why is this?

Thanks and have a nice day
EDIT: I added a Screenshot


I am trying to integrate this function numerically from x=0... 1, by using int and evalf(Int) but maple cannot handle it. Is there another kind of numerical integration?


Are there another kind of procedures to do numerical integration?



Bellissima used kripky modules to find the labels for one and two generators. the number of these labels increses to a very large number as we add another level. Can maple help count these lables? and how?

Dear maple users 


I hope you are all fine.

In this code, I am solving the PDEs via pdsolve with numeric.

There is some mistake in the boundary condition and pdsolve.

Kindly help me that to get the solution for this PDE.

Waiting for your reply.

In this problem h(z) is piecewise 




Note: z=0.5:

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