Maple 2019 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2019

Kindly help me to find the coefficients from the equation. I have attached the MAPLE file here.

Thank You 

It may seem like a stupid question, but why is the first answer not complete, but the second imput is the same as what the book states?

I know you dont need to be able to read Dutch to understand that A = amplitude (amplitude), Omega = Hoekfrequentie (Angular frequency), and Varphi= Fasehoek (phase angle). 

They state that fc(0)= A*e^i*varpi, but it clearly shows that the equation on the left of the equal sign gives a "2" and on the right it gives "2+ 2*i*sqrt3".

Why is this so? It does not make things more easy if you can make "mistakes" like that by just asking the answer, but maple spits out half an answer... 

He thanks a lot guys!


The Function 

I scanned my math books, i like it, i can search in the book now with the "ctrl+f" function in Adobe reader. Get a scanner. Mine is a Canon Lide 400. Not regretting it.. :) 

omega := 5



`ϕ` := (1/3)*Pi



A := 4




proc (t) options operator, arrow, function_assign; A*cos(omega*t+varphi) end proc













What is the procedure to add global optima package in maple?

Dear power users, could someone be so kind to help me out with this file and give me some explanation on what I did wrong? Thank you for you time and help

I am still learning Maple and so I would like to rely on you power users to help me out. I probably doing something which is not allowed or not using the best method. I would appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance 

Fitting procedures in Maple are self explaning and easy to perform. However, I was wondering if it is possible to fit data vectors with units. For example one vector would have units of seconds and the other units of length. Thank you for your help.

Maple code for finding optimum maximum value of function TOTP given below when D is kept in the range of 300 to 2000?Also give maple code to find 3Dplot to determine the convexity of function TOTP with respect to y and Sr?

I want the resulting shape of the 3D matrix M (ٍExcel file) to be placed in below grids codes.
The range of x and y is between 0 and 1 and the range of z is 1/1 e-4 to 1/1 e-10.




grids := proc (M, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) local z_min, z_max, plot_f, xz, yz, xy; z_min := 0.11e-6; z_max := 0.1e-2; plot_f := plot3d(M, x = x_min .. x_max, y = y_min .. y_max); xz := plot3d([x, y_min, z], x = x_min .. x_max, z = z_min .. z_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); yz := plot3d([x_min, y, z], y = y_min .. y_max, z = z_min .. z_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); xy := plot3d([x, y, z_min], x = x_min .. x_max, y = y_min .. y_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); return plots:-display(plot_f, xz, yz, xy, lightmodel = none, tickmarks = [6, 6, 6], labels = [x, y, "Error"], labeldirections = [horizontal, horizontal, vertical], axes = frame, orientation = [45, 70, 0], view = 0.11e-6 .. 0.1e-2) end proc

grids(M, 0, 1, 0, 1)

Warning, expecting only range variables [x, y] in expression M to be plotted but found name M







Perhaps a silly question but is it possible to stack two dataframe columns? When I use the Vector command the columns are stacked but nested.

Thank you for your help

Could any one please guide me how to show this solution by using Newton Raphson method. I need to show this solution step by step as shown in example.

Hi Community, I have solved the some basic expression by using built in command to get solution. Now i am interested to view the solution stp by step to show  my students of grade 10.


t := x^6+2*x^5-3*x+2+(2*x^6-4*x+8)



p := 2*x^2-x-10






s := 2*x^2-x-10



solve(s = 0, {x})

{x = 5/2}, {x = -2}


sqrt(x-4) = 4

(x-4)^(1/2) = 4


solve(sqrt(x-4) = 4, {x})

{x = 20}


s := (x^2-9)/(x^2-2*x-15)













Solving a system of equations:

x+2*y = 4

x+2*y = 4


3*x+4*y = 6

3*x+4*y = 6


solve({x+2*y = 4, 3*x+4*y = 6}, {x, y})

{x = -2, y = 3}


abs(3*x+3) = 12

3*abs(x+1) = 12



solve(abs(3*x+3) = 12, {x})

{x = 3}, {x = -5}




I know you can filter a dataframe by putting constraints on the numeric columns. However, I would like to sort and filter based upon a given string in a column, is this possible? I cannot immediately find this in the help files. Thank you for your

Dear power users, I probably have 2 dummy questions, which I show in the attached worksheet. 

1. it looks to me that the equation can be further simplified than done by maple

2. is there a quick way in cleaning up the array by replacing the strings by something as NaN (not a number) so that I can use the array for numeric calculations?

Thank you for helping me out     Download




why is the above not simplifying to x+sqrt(2)




How can I replace the strings in the matrix below by something like NaN (not a number) so I can use it for further numeric calculations?


Error, invalid assignment

"dat:=[[124.0,124.0,22.0,2.2],[130.0,160.0,20.0,4.4],[130.0,129.0,26.0,4.3],[119.0,115.0,21.0,">2,6"],[136.0,129.0,30.0,4.9],[118.0,126.0,24.0,2.9],["NA / 101",115.0,20.0,3.0],[130.0,118.0,21.0,2.4],[95.0,94.0,25.0,3.4]]"




Hey I’m trying to define a variable as the solution to a second order nonhomogeneous differential equation with an initial value problem.

I have tried the method below, but it doesn’t work.

N__1 := dsolve([diff(y(x), x, x) + 3*diff(y(x), x) + 2*y(x) = x^2 + 5, eval(y(x), x = 0) = 1, eval(diff(y(x), x), x = 0) = 1], y(x))

It kind of works it gives me the expression below

N__1 = y(x) = (3*exp(-2*x))/4 + 17/4 - (3*x)/2 + x^2/2 - 4*exp(-x)

But I need the expression for N__1 to define some initial values for N__2 and so on, what I have tried that doesn’t work is.

C := eval(N__1, x = 200)

N__2 := C   - Just because nothing much is happing on this interval

And it gives me the following expression for N2

N__2 := y(200) = (3*exp(-400))/4 + 78817/4 - 4*exp(-200)

I then make a piecewise function to make a function which I can plot, which use to work.                         

N := piecewise(0 <= x and x <= 200, N__1, 200 <= x and x <= 1000, eval(N__2, x = x - 200))

But when I’m trying to plot N maple gives me a warning message.

plot(N, x = 0 .. 1000)

Warning, expecting only range or variable x in expression piecewise ………………..  to be plotted but found name y.

If I define N__1 as the solution to the differential equation, then it works just fine.

N__1 := (3*exp(-2*x))/4 + 17/4 - (3*x)/2 + x^2/2 - 4*exp(-x)

But that I’m not interested in, because that will require a lot of copy paste all the time.

Thank you in advance.

Hey I’m trying to shift a function horizontally to the right.

I have the following 3 functions:

V1 := -x

V2:= -2*x + 4.95

V3:= -x + 1.665

Function V2 I want to shift l_1 to the right, and V3 I want to shift l_1 + l_2 to the right.

I know I can do this manually by define the functions:

V2:= -2*(x-l_1) + 4.95

V3:= -(x-l_1-l_2) + 1.665

Where l_1:=1.665 and l_2:=4.95

Is there a way to do this without typing it manually?

By the way it’s only for plotting, so it’s not necessary for me to actually define them, if there is a way to do it within a plot some how.

Thank you in advance.

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