Maple 2023 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2023

My main question is: How to change the font used in worksheet by Maple for 1D input from Courier to another font say times new roman? Is there a setting for this so it applies all the time?

ps. I found Can-I-Change-the-Default-Fonts-or-Style-for-Maple-Worksheets-and-Documents?language=en_US  (very hard to follow and confusing, but it seems that is only way to fix this problem now is to change the default font).


I noticed strange font problem using Maple 2023 on windows 10. This problem does not show on Maple 2022.2 (at least I do not think I've seen it or noticed it before). 

Variables with _ between the names, will have the underscore not display sometimes as I move the cursor around (movie at end).

When scrolling back up, the underscores no longer become visible. 

But as I move the cursor over the variable name which containes the underscore, they will now show up.

I am sure this is a font issue. The zoom is set at 100%. I made no changes at all other than making the input 1D math as I normally do and set the default to worksheet. Some of my setting are below.

This could be a DPI issue settings of some sort. My monitor is standard monitor (not a 4K one) and again, I have not changed any settings on my PC after I installed Maple 2023 and did not change any hardware.





Here is some system information also



Here is the movie showing the problem



As I play more with it, I notice a common theme. This happens when I hit the UP ARROW to go to the line above. Then suddenly the underscroes no longer visible. Once I hit the LEFT arrow (now I am at the above line), they show up again.

Here is another movie which more clearly shows this.

This makes it very hard to work with the code in the worksheet. But I am sure this can be fixed as it looks like just a font configuration issue with Maple on windows. But I do not know what it is and how to fix it.


I found something new. When setting the ZOOM at 125% instead of 100% as above, I notice the underscores do not completely disappear but become THINNER but one can still see them. This affects only the underscores. When the ZOOM at 150%, they do not change at all.  Here is a movie. first part at 125%. Notice how they become little thinner when doing the same thing as above. But at 150% they remain visible because they do not change thinkness. When going back to 100% zoom, they  no longer show.

So the problem is that they are there all the time, but depending on the ZOOM level, they beome thinner and thinner until they become invisible to the eye.


I found some related issue on windows 10 with some application where this problem shows up.


 "When you view your document in Microsoft Word, some characters may be missing, or the top (or bottom) of some characters may be cut off.

This problem may affect the following types of characters:


The above is about WORD, but it could as well apply to Maple?

I also found  underscore not rendering with courier

"Underscore characters are not rendered in new Google Docs in the Courier
New 11pt or 12pt fonts."

My question is: How to change the font used in worksheet by Maple? Now it is using Courier. May be if I change the font, this problem will go away?


Update: Found a workaround!  It is the font used!  I changed from Courier to Times New Roman and now the underscore do not change thinkness!  I just need a way to make this permenant for all 1D Maple input.   Here is a new movie showing it is fixed. You can see the underscores remain visible, all at 100% ZOOM level. Once I change to Courier, the problem show up again. 

I am not sure if this is a Maple issue or windows.





The moment we've all been waiting for has arrived: Maple 2023 is here!

With this release we continue to pursue our mission to provide powerful technology to explore, derive, capture, solve and disseminate mathematical problems and their applications, and to make math easier to learn, understand, and use. Bearing this in mind, our team of mathematicians and developers have dedicated the last year to adding new features and enhancements that not only improve the math engine but make that math engine more easily accessible within a user-friendly interface.

And if you ever wonder where our team gets inspiration, you don't need to look further than Maple Primes. Many of the improvements that went into Maple 2023 came as a direct result of feedback from users. I’ll highlight a few of those user-requested features below, and you can learn more about these, and many, many other improvements, in What’s New in Maple 2023.

  • The Plot Builder in Maple 2023 now allows you to build interactive plot explorations where parameters are controlled by sliders or dials, and customize them as easily as you can other plots

Plot Builder Explore


  • In Maple 2023, 2-D contour and density plots now feature a color bar to show the values of the gradations.

  • For those who write a lot of code:  You can now open your .mpl Maple code files directly in Maple’s code editor, where you can  view and edit the file from inside Maple using the editor’s syntax highlighting, command completion, and automatic indenting.

Programming Improvements

  • Integration has been improved in many ways. Here’s one of them:  The definite integration method that works via MeijerG convolutions now does a better job of checking conditions on parameters so that they are only applied under proper assumptions. It also tells you the conditions under which the method could have produced an answer, so if your problem does meet those conditions, you can add the appropriate assumptions to get your result.
  • Many people have asked that we make it easier for them to create more complex interactive Math Apps and applications that require programming, such as interactive clickable plots, quizzes that provide feedback, examples that provide solution steps. And I’m pleased to announce that we’ve done that in Maple 2023 with the introduction of the Quiz Builder and the Canvas Scripting Gallery.
    • The new Quiz Builder comes loaded with sample quizzes and makes it easy to create your own custom quiz questions. Launch the quiz builder next time you want to author interactive quizzes with randomized questions, different response types, hints, feedback, and show the solution. It’s probably one of my favorite features in Maple 2023.

  • The Scripting Gallery in Maple 2023 provides 44 templates and modifiable examples that make it easier to create more complex Math Apps and interactive applications that require programming. The Maple code used to build each application in the scripting gallery can be easily viewed, copied and modified, so you can customize specific applications or use the code as a starting point for your own work

  • Finally, here’s one that is bound to make a lot of people happy: You can finally have more than one help page open at the same time!

For more information about all the new features and enhancements in Maple 2023, check out the What’s New in Maple 2023.

P.S. In case you weren’t aware - in addition to Maple, the Maplesoft Mathematics Suite includes a variety of other complementary software products, including online and mobile solutions, that help you teach and learn math and math-related courses.  Even avid Maple users may find something of interest!

The new command ArrayTools[GeneralOuterProduct] (introduced in Maple 2021) computes the generalized outer product of two rtables, and again, there exists a similar function Outer in Mma (cf. the end of this question). But in practice, it appears that this Maple command is not so fast as Mma's one. To begin with, we need to generate four lists: w, x, y, and z. Our goal is forming all possible combinations of the lowest‐level elements in a nested structure (rather than a flat structure). Now let us start the test.

In Mathematica (the real time is about ): 

And in Maple (the real time is about ): 


w := [`$`](0 .. 1e4):
x := [`$`](0 .. 2e3):
y := [`$`](0 .. 3e2):
z := [`$`](0 .. 4e1):







p3 := parse(StringTools:-CharacterMap("{}", "[]", FileTools:-Text:-ReadFile("E:/data.txt")))

evalb(p1 = p2 and p2 = p3) = trueNULL



As you can see, Maple and Mathematica returns identical results (∵p1p3); nevertheless, Maple consumes too much time: the ratio is 199.880/0.784176 ≈ 254.892. (What a wide gap between them!) 
So, is there any possibility of speeding up Maple's ArrayTools:-GeneralOuterProduct? Or any ideas of obtaining the same results in Maple efficiently?

Explanatory notes. Here is an illustrative animation: 

(Deleted because not reproducible on a different PC)

With 1D

int(1/(sqrt(x__0 - x)*sqrt(-x^2 + 1)), x = 0 .. x__0)

Warning, unable to determine if -1 is between 0 and x__0; try to use assumptions or use the AllSolutions option


Warning, unable to determine if 1 is between 0 and x__0; try to use assumptions or use the AllSolutions option


int(1/((x__0-x)^(1/2)*(-x^2+1)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. x__0)



With 2D

int(1/(sqrt(x__0-x)*sqrt(-x^2+1)), x = 0 .. x__0)

int(1/((x__0-x)^(1/2)*(-x^2+1)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. x__0)



The root cause might be the same as for this open question.

Update: partly resolved in Maple 2023. still does not show the warning

There is a very helpful warning about using assumptions from the int command that does not appear in the attached case:
Warning, unable to determine if -1 is between 0 and x0; try to use assumptions or use the AllSolutions option
Warning, unable to determine if 1 is between 0 and x0; try to use assumptions or use the AllSolutions option

Using infolevel[int]:=5 in Maple 2022.2,  one can see that the integrals listed under int/ellalg/elltype are not the same.

My preference would be to have this warning always working. It's a reminder that Maple cannot give a general answer but that there might be solutions for a restricted real domain. The warning also does not reproduce when execution the corresponding help page
(Update: the warning reproduces in Maple 2023),%20unable%20to%20determine%20if%201%20is%20between%200%20and%20x__0;%20try%20to%20use%20assumptions%20or%20use%20the%20AllSolutions%20option

Sidenote: This kind of warning is so useful that I wonder if and how such warnings could be extended beyond  integration with piecewise solutions. (Maybe also to other commands. Maple often returns input unevaluated because there is no general solution in the complex domain, without informing the inexperienced user that there might be solutions available in the real domain.)

Here is the link of my paper.  Great pleasure to hear advice from you. Abel_equation(9).pdf

I  generated some graphs via maple and would like to put them in my paper. So I am going to convert the following worksheet to pdf.

Graphs:=[NonIsomorphicGraphs(6,8,output=graphs,outputform = graph)]:
M1:=Matrix (num,5,(i,j)->`if`((i-1)*5+j<=num_g, DrawGraph(Graphs[(i-1)*5+j],size=[250,250] ,overrideoptions ,showlabels=false,style=planar, stylesheet =  [
 vertexcolor     = orange
,vertexfontcolor = black
,vertexborder    = false
,edgethickness   = 0.6
,edgecolor       = MidnightBlue
,vertexshape     =  "circle"
,vertexfont      = [Arial, 4],
vertexthickness=5], caption = cat(H__,5*(i-1)+j),captionfont=["ROMAN",7]),plot(x = 0 .. 1, axes = none))):
DocumentTools:-Tabulate (M1[1..5,.. ],widthmode=percentage ,width=80 , exterior =all) :



But there was a problem with the exported pdf. There was some mosaic stuff at the vertices of all those graphs. It was strange. (I want to reduce the size of vertices of the graphs in order not to look crowded.)


Only when I insert the option vertexpadding and set a large enough size  of vertex (for this example, we set vertexpadding=7),  it won't go wrong. However, in fact, we often need make vertice‘s size smaller , especially when there are more vertices.

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