MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

I'm seeing older posts bubling to the top without any apparent changes.  Perhaps spam is being added to the ends of them and then being deleted is the only thing I can think of.

Can somebody suggest an efficient way to specify / input a large list of binary variables in the LPSolve command, for example:

> LPSolve(objective function, constraints, binaryvariables={ x[0,0,1], .x[0,0,2], ...., x[i,j,k]}

Is it possible to assign a name to the set rather than input each element, x[i,j,k], manually?

Thanks in advance!



I want to draw  phase plane of system of three fractional order equations. 


Note that 

Also want the  phase portrait when the values of alpha are not same....






Hi. Wanting a procedure, but not wanting to reinvent the wheel, I did a search on mapleprimes for "Shoelace" (formula). I got the response below indicating a hit. But clicking on the hypertext, i get to page 41 of Kitonums replies, but not the actual thing i wanted. I go to "find on this page" in my browser firefox and input "Shoelace"...nothing. enter "thU"...nothing. Do I really have to go through all of his replies on the page?

Kitonum - Replies
... ThU. You are right. Shoelace's formula is a wonderful formula! It ... ThU. You
are right. Shoelace's formula is a wonderful formula! It ...

I am a little perplexed. I can no longer copy-paste equations as images from Maple to the editor here. Now, only text, either on a single line, or at several lines with parantheses made from / | \, which looks awful, is inserted. A couple of days ago there was no problem. Do others experience the same problem?

PS: On some of the copy-paste trials a couple of minutes ago my browser, Firefox, even crashed on two different occasions.


Update: Today, the 28th of November, I have sent the following mail to Mapleprimes:

Dear Mapleprimes,

I would very much appreciate if the problem with the copy-pasting of images into the Mapleprimes editor, as reported at, would be fixed as soon as possible.

Not being able to simply copy-paste equations as images, as was possible a week or two ago, is a real nuisance. A couple of minutes ago, for instance, I had to resort to the use of a screen-shot program to perform the task.

John Fredsted

The copy paste and snip tool used to work.  I can no longer use either to paste in mapleprimes.

I  encountered a non-integrable integral in the process of solving the following process, . How to achieve its numerical solution? Such as in a looping   code:

pa[i] := pa[i-1]-(Int(subs(t = tau, Lpa[i-1]+Na1[i-1]-Na2[i-1]), tau = 0 .. t)); 

pw[i] := pw[i-1]-(Int(subs(t = tau, Lpw[i-1]+Nw1[i-1]-Nw2[i-1]), tau = 0 .. t)); u[i] := u[i-1]-(Int(subs(t = tau, Lu[i-1]+Nu1[i-1]+Nu2[i-1]), tau = 0 .. t));

Detailed code see

I cannot seem to upload my .mw file.  What is going on with the this new MAPLEPrimes?  I need some help getting my file uploaded.  What other avenue is available?


As mentioned a few weeks back, we have been working on an update to MaplePrimes designed to dramatically curtail the amount of spam we have been receiving. I'm happy to say that we implemented these features earlier today, and in the hour or so since publication, they have already helped prevent multiple messages from being posted.

Using content posted to MaplePrimes over the past few months as a baseline, this new feature is successfully able to detect 90% of spam, while maintaining a false positive (i.e., incorrectly identifying a legitimate question or post) rate of 1%.

If a message is detected as spam, it is immediately quarantined and not publicly posted. Importantly, any user who posts a message seen as spam is immediately informed, and is provided with a simple mechanism to let us know so that their post can be reinstated (if it is in fact legimate.)

We will be closely monitoring these services to ensure that they are working as intended. In the meantime, I am very hopeful that they help improve the experience for our members, and require much less effort from our dedicated group of spam fighters.

Dear all

I have n, p two integers greater than one

I would like to minimize the following real number by a fixed positive constant if its possible


Many thanks

The content in all comments posted on any Blog posts are missing.  What happened to them?

Below I have pasted the recent post of a spammer who's title was http:// 

First of all, I thought those spam filters had taken care of those. 
Secondly why isn't there an http:// with a zero rating user poster filter on this forum yet?



Important Question
Anyone figured out how to upload a worksheet since the revamp? Big green up-arrow appears no longer functional

Less important question
Mapleprimes input window can no longer be stretched horizontally - is this deliberate?

When I made the suggestions about new ways to delete spam, I specifically requested that there be no confirmation dialogs. I even emphasized it. But I see that there is such a dialog. Was the author of the spam asked to confirm whether they wanted to make the post? So you're saying that my time is worth less than the spammer's. Every time that I need to answer that dialog, it's an insult, a slap in the face direct from Maplesoft.

The new look and feel of MaplePrimes is ugly and disfunctional nearly beyond belief. Please put back the old look and feel ASAP. I am not commenting here about any new controls or features because I haven't tried them yet. The wasting of space on the screen is incredible. The windows with sharp corners are ugly. The grey colors make it look like selections are inactivated. Most of the controls that can be clicked on are not highlighted in any way.

Just as an example of the waste of space, I now need to scroll down three screens just to get to the Active Conversations stack.

Once again, anything that you can do to make the look and feel similar to any StackExchange forum would be an improvement.

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