MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

There is a problem with mapleprimes favorites. 

Looking at my list of favorites it cites I have 6 pages, however when I get to page 3 it shows a list of only six items and no more page listings after clicking the back button and going again to page 3 even less appear.  I was looking for specific questions and posts I have favorited which seem to be abscent from the listing. 

Can mapleprimes administrators please address the problem?

This is Maple:

These are some primes:

22424170499, 106507053661, 193139816479, 210936428939, 329844591829, 386408307611,
395718860549, 396412723027, 412286285849, 427552056871, 454744396991, 694607189303,
730616292977, 736602622363, 750072072203, 773012980121, 800187484471, 842622684461

This is a Maple prime:

In plain text (so you can check it in Maple!) that number is:


This is a 3900 digit prime number. It took me about 400 seconds of computation to find using Maple.  Inspired by the Corpus Christi College Prime, I wanted to make an application in Maple to make my own pictures from primes.

It turns out be be really easy to do because prime numbers are realy quite common.  If you have a piece of ascii art where all the characters are numerals, you could just call on it and get a prime number that is still ascii art with a couple digits in the corner messed up (for a number this size, I expect fewer than 10 of the least significant digits would be altered).  You may notice, however, that my Maple Prime has beautiful corners!  This is possible because I found the prime in a slightly different way.

To get the ascii art in Maple, I started out by using to import ( )  and process the original image.  First then and to get a nice 78 pixel wide image.  Then to make it a pure 1-bit black or white image.

Then, from the image, I create a new Array of the decimal digits of the ascii art and my prime number.  For each of the black pixels I randomly use one of the digits or and for the white pixels (the background) I use 's.  Now I convert the Array to a large integer and test if it is prime using (it probably isn't) so, I just randomly change one of the black pixels to a different digit (there are 4 other choices) and call again. For the Maple Prime I had to do this about 1000 times before I landed on a prime number. That was surprisingly fast to me! It is a great object lesson in how dense the prime numbers really are.

So that you can join the fun without having to replicate my work, here is a small interactive Maple document that you can use to find prime numbers that draw ascii art of your source images. It has a tool that lets you preview both the pixelated image and the initial ascii art before you launch the search for the prime version.

I'm wondering if there is an available command that can evaluate the number of terms required to produce a desired outcome.

Specifically, I am interested in determining the probability of a Poisson distribution, given the parameter (mean) value and the probability outcome. I can obtain the desired result using trial and error / brute force, but I am curious to know if there is a more efficient way. 

Suppose that, lambda = 2.6 and the cumulative sum of the probabilities is 95%. I know that I must add the first 6 terms for P(x) in the series (x=0,1, ..,5) to sum to 0.95. Each term ...  P(x=0)= 0.07, P(x=1)=0.19, and so on.

However, how can we know that desired 95% outcome can be determined from the first 5 terms without trial & error?

 To Whom It Might Concern,

I purchased Maple on Jun 5, 2017 for my Window laptop. However, my harddrive in my laptop was broken and i lost all my stuff including Maple. I am using my husband's laptop right now. How can re install Maple? I still have the transaction number (removed). Would you let me know what I can do to re-install the software? Also, my husband's laptop is a Mac. 

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Nancy Phu.

Good day sirs,

I am trying to plot graphs on stream function but its given me a lot of multiple error using my codes. Anyone with useful information should please share. 

Below is the code.


Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .


I saw a question earlier today regarding 3 particles in a gravitational field.  It has since disappeared. 

I see no rhyme or reason why it was deleted by someone, whoever did.  It was Math related and it was Maple related hence no reason for it's deletion.  This happened just before Mapleprimes and Maplesoft went offline for a couple of hours. 

Can someone explain?  Did anyone else see it?

Earlier today, we published an update that improves the way MaplePrimes handles tags.

New features include: 

  • There are now tags for Maple Commands and Maple Packages. These tags are denoted with special icons, and cannot be edited. The hope is that these special tags will be useful to anyone looking for assistance with a particular command or package, and will provide another centralized location to find support. For example, a command tag for the plot command will look as follows:.  A package tag looks like:
  • The tags page has been completely updated to show tag use over time, and also provides information about specific tags. Users with moderator privileges can also edit tags directly from this page.
  • Hundreds of inappropriate or 'garbage' tags have been removed.


In addition to the changes to our tagging, we made a few other improvements and updates, including:

  • New academically- and techically-focused social networks have been added to user profiles
  • Updates to the message editor to improve WYSIWYG consistency
  • A variety of smaller fixes and improvements

I hope you find these improvements valuable, and look forward to your comments and suggestions for future improvements.


I noticed Mapleprime have entries of users who clearly create an account just to put a bad website URL in there and they are just spam.

Why do not the moderators of Mapleprime purge these out? Mapleprime is full of these spam marketing users.   Here are just few I found in few clicks

There are hundereds of these spam URLS in there. They make an account, only to add their infected web site URL there so if someone clicks on it they get virus.

Moderators of mapleprime should do better job and remove these cleary spam entries from Mapleprime.

on what grounds do posts get deleted from this website? like i just dont see the problem if its non offensive and math related to be honest it just seems a bit ridiculous to regulate content to that extent

I am very pleased to announce a new user community centered around Maplesoft's online testing and assessment and courseware products. The new site is specifically for instructors and administrators currently using Maple T.A. or Möbius. This community of users are a small, specialised group who we want to bring together so they can share ideas and best practices. To find the community, go to either or

"The Maple T.A. Community has grown organically to support new developers as they pool their knowledge and queries. This has resulted in a fluid searchable structure, with answers available for all levels of question - from beginner to pushing the frontiers of what Maple T.A. has been designed to do. Our summer student interns rely on the Community as they become proficient in their question writing skills - and many have become contributors as they realise that they are in a position to teach others. Opening it out more broadly will be great in sharing good practice on a 'need to know now' basis.”

----Professor Nicola Wilkin, University of Birmingham


What content is in the community?

The community has many posts from active Maple T.A. and Möbius users from beginners to advanced users. The site is broken down into categories like 'Best Practices' - longer form posts that cover a broader concept in more detail and 'Quick Code snippets' that are small piece of code that you can drop straight into your question algorithms.

Much of the content is openly available and can be found by google, however there is additional content that can only be accessed by members of the community, such as the Maple T.A. school material which teaches you how to author content in Maple T.A. and Möbius.


Who runs the community

The community is jointly run by users based at the University of Birmingham, TU Wien, The University of Turin and TU Delft.


How does this fit into Mapleprimes?

It began as an offshoot of a private, internal customer forum. As this community grows, the ultimate goal is to eventually roll it into MaplePrimes proper. But this alternative site gave us the quickest way to get up and running. Maple T.A. and Möbius questions and posts are still welcome on MaplePrimes, and will continue to be monitored by Maplesoft.


How do I access the community?

You can find the community by going to either or


Where else can I get support for Maple T.A. and Mobiüs?

Official support for Maple T.A. and Möbius is provided by the wonderful Customer Success Team at Maplesoft. You can contact them at For other contact methods see


How can i copy paste some differential equations with boundary conditions from maple work sheet to here

Searching for "typeset but do not execute" in MaplePrimes returns several hits.  The following looks primising:

acer - Replies
... Note that Maple doesn't do so much with this computationally, since it's interpreted
just as a ... But if the 2D Input is only used as typeset math without ...


Clicking on that link, however, leads to a page which has nothing to do with the searched item.  How does one navigate to the correct page?

Greetings to all.

My apologies if this is a repeat, I could not ascertain if this question has been asked before. I am not able to enter a tilde in my home page URL in my profile. I used the escape sequence %7E as a workaround. This does not work in all browsers however, e.g. the page displays correctly in Chrome but not in Firefox. How to enter the tilde into my profile URL? (The tilde is commonly used to indicate the directory public_html in a user's home directory by the Apache web server.) Thank you.

Marko Riedel

If binary constraints are imposed on an optimization problem and LPSolve presents a solution, is it possible to extract the variables that have zero or one assigned to them? This would be most useful if there are many variables, for example...

If a solution is returned that looks like ...

[x[001]=0, x[101]=1, x[201]=0, x[301]=1, ....], how can I filter those solutions that equal zero?

Thanks for reading!

Is there a problem with MaplePrime web site?   All my questions for the last 4 years, and answers are no longer available. All gone. I posted a question early today about sin(x) calling. one hr after that, I noticed all my questions and answers gone.

When I go to my user profile, it says I have zero questions, zero answer and zero post for the last 4 years. All the answers to my questions also got deleted, which is a shame if this happened. They have many useful information.

Any one else affected by this?

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