MaplePrimes Questions

How can I evaluate the eigenvectors of a 2x2 Matrix with trig functions as entries? This is what I did: with(LinearAlgebra): K:=<<cos(theta)|sin(theta)>,<sin(theta)|-cos(theta)>>; Eigenvectors(K); Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-LA_Main:-Eigenvectors) expecting either Matrices of rationals, rational functions, radical functions, algebraic numbers, or algebraic functions, or Matrices of complex(numeric) values I'm wondering why cos(theta) shouldn't be an algebraic function ?? Assuming theta to be real I get the same.
How can I plot some velocity vectors on a circle. the function of velocity vectors is (1+cos(t))i+(sin(t))j thank you very much
So, why are we given two ways of defining a function, one using " := " and the other using " -> "? The latter seems pretty clunky. What use is it?
There is an icon in the Expressions pallete for "eval". Why isn't there one for "algsubs" which seems to be far more useful than the "eval" command. Or maybe I've missed something.....
I would like to animate a function and its derivative together in a sort of trace feature like you can do on a TI calculator. I am unsure if this is even possible, was wondering if someone else has done it or has any ideas... Thanks in advance, Brandon
I would like to be able to code boundary conditions of the following type: u[x](0,t)=0 and u[x](1,t)=4 where u[x] is differentiating u with respect to x. I can code for non derivative boundary conditions using a for loop. Is the process similar? I have tried to find some examples on the internet but can't find any.
Show that an n x n unitary matrix has n^2 - 1 independent parameters. {Hint: Each element may be complex, doubling the number of possible parameters. Some of the constraint equations are likewise complex and count as two coordinates.} Next Question: The special linear group SL(2) consists of all 2 x 2 matrices (with complex elements) having a determinant of +1. Show that such matrices form a group. {Note: The SL(2) group can be related to the full Lorentz group in Section 4.4, much as the SU(2) group is related to SO(3). Taken from "Mathematical Methods For Physicists", Arfken and Weber.
Hallo, I would like to run my worksheet document (.mw) on MapleNet server. Unfortunately, I have always got this error message "Maple Worksheet - Error, Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/kriz/". I found MapleNet Demo on our server ( but with the same error result. Maybe there is some problem on our server, but me and our administrator don't have any idea to correct it. Thank you for help. Regards Pavel Kriz Masaryk University Czech Republic
I follow the instructions in the User Manual section 5.2: Dragging to a Plot Region To use the drag-and-drop method, use the plot region created by one of the other methods or insert an empty plot region into the document. Empty plot regions can be two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Advantages of the drag-and-drop method include the ease of adding and removing plots and the independence from plotting command syntax. 1. From the Insert menu, select Plot, and then 2D. 2. Enter the expression sin(x) in an input region. 3. Select the full expression in the input region and drag it into the plot region.

TangentPlane( x^2+y^2, x=a,y=b);

Error, (in VectorCalculus:-TangentPlane) 2 independent variables 
are required

However this is copied from the Help, last example, (2.8). What wrong in this example? Thanks, Sandor
greeting, i have a little trouble and getting under pressure.. i found how to "plot" circle using smartpot; i found how to get two curves into one graph by with(plots): f1:=plot(3*x^2,x=-4..4, color=orange): f2:=plot(-3*x^2+40,x=-4..4,color=blue): display(f1,f2); but i can't get things like two circles into one (i tried combining with(plots) combined with smartplot.. can anyone advise me for the case i can't find the answer? thanks
hi i know a little bit about maple, i am able to input commands for it to solve non-power series equations but i do not know how to input commands for solving equations involving the Sine Integral fucntion, Si (x) thanks in advance
Im new to maple and im stuck! How would i "Calculate an approximate real solution, correct to 10sigfig, of hte equation x^3+x-1+0"? Thanx x
Again we have the unitary and Hermitian matrices U and H related by, U = exp(i*a*H) (a) If the trace of H = 0, show that the determinant of U = +1. (b) If the determinant of U = +1, show that the trace of H = 0. Given Hint: H may be diagonalized by a similarity transformation. Then interpreting the exponential by a Maclaurin expansion, U is also diagonal. The corresponding eigenvalues are given by u[j] = exp(i*a*h[j] v/r, Guidance welcomed and appreciated
Hi guys, I'm currently using Maple 10, however, I can't seem to plot this function: >implicitplot(cos(x+y)=xy^2,x=-2..2,y=-2..2); When I press enter, it just says: "Error in implicit plot could not evaluate expression." Anyone know?
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