MaplePrimes Questions

I have the equation x^4=4(4x^2-y^2), and I keyed in maple

>with (plots):

and recieve in response x^4=4. 

I want to get eq:=x^4=4(4x^2-y^2), in order to find and graph all possible tangents in the event that y=3 and to find the point of intersection for the tangents that lie in the first quadrant. 



how this integro-differential equation can be solved?
any assumption or suggestion is appreciated. tnx in advance

EDITED: parameters are added.










diff(rho(t), t)+Int(0.200e-1*cos(sin(5*t)-sin(5*t-5*tau)+tau)*(sum((0.1000000000e-1*exp(-0.1000000000e-1*tau)-628.3185308*abs(n)*exp(-628.3185308*abs(n)*tau))/(-394784.1762*n^2+0.1000000000e-3), n = -infinity .. infinity))*rho(tau), tau = 0 .. t) = (1/2)*(Int(0.200e-1*cos(sin(5*t)-sin(5*t-5*tau)+tau)*(sum((0.1000000000e-1*exp(-0.1000000000e-1*tau)-628.3185308*abs(n)*exp(-628.3185308*abs(n)*tau))/(-394784.1762*n^2+0.1000000000e-3), n = -infinity .. infinity))-0.2e-3*exp(-0.1e-1*tau)*sin(sin(5*t)-sin(5*t-5*tau)+tau), tau = 0 .. t))





Is it possible to draw a graph without names for the vertices? I would get something like this.

The worksheet below is a failed attempt to produce the display of a pencil of conics tangent to four lines. The worksheet contains an image of the display.

Comments within the worksheet describe the details of the attempt and the solve command which fails.

dhaar provided an answer to a similar question which I posed on November 12 (its web address is in the worksheet) and I hope s(he) will reply to this one as well.


Hello there, 

Would you allow me to ask this question?

What would be a way to make the 'expression' as 'expression_desired' below?

In other words, what would be a way to cancel I (or j) and exp(-pi/2) each other?



expression := exp(-I/2*(-2*rho__m + pi))*I;



expression_desired := exp(I*(rho__m));





Thank you, 


I  installed Maple 2020 a week ago.   When I try to update the Maple Physics Package, the installation stalls.

Output to the command  Physics:-Version(latest):

`The "Physics Updates" version "872" is installed but is not active. The active version of Physics is within the library C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2020\\lib\\maple.mla, created 2020, March 4, 19:36 hours`

I note that there was similar complaint in June.  I am surprised that this has not yet been fixed. The reply in June seemed to be do a manual update, but I am unclear how to do that.   I can download the latest package, but I do not know how to  (or where) to install this package.  Do I just delete the version in C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2020\\lib\\maple.mla and paste the new version?

I would greatly appreciate any help since the main reason I purchased the new Maple 2020 was to use the most recent versions of the Physics package.

There is an error in the series expansion for the JacobiTheta3 and JacobiTheta4 function

> q := exp(I*((2*I)*Pi*1.20388508772313))

>series(JacobiTheta3(z, q)-JacobiTheta3(0, q), z, 2);

gives -1+O(z^2)

>series(JacobiTheta3(z, q)-JacobiTheta3(0, q), z, 2);

gives -1+O(z^2)

The issue is that 

>series(JacobiTheta3(z, q),z,2);


series(Sum(2*Q^(_k1^2),_k1 = 1 .. infinity)+O(z^2),z,2)

where the term n=0 is missing.  

The same for JacobiTheta4

series(JacobiTheta4(z, Q), z, 2);

series(Sum(2*(-1)^_k1*Q^(_k1^2),_k1 = 1 .. infinity)+O(z^2),z,2)

The same issue arises when taking the limit 

limit(JacobiTheta3(z, sqrt(q))-JacobiTheta3(0, sqrt(q)), z=0); 

gives -1

same for  limit(JacobiTheta4(z, sqrt(q))-JacobiTheta4(0, sqrt(q)), z=0); gives -1

This error occurs in maple 2018 and maple 2020. 

On the other side when taking numering values approching 0 there is no problems. 


So it seems that series and limit uses some codes wrong formulae.

How can one patch this? 

thanks in advance


I have created an model of a UR5e robot complete with mass and inertia however I have a problem with implementing the viscus friction. I have the viscus friction values for each of the joints calculated from another program, I just need to implement them.



Eric Ragnarsson


Dear all

Can we compute the following integral using maple 

   int(cos(3+sin(x)), x = 0 .. 5)

Many thanks 



Both exp(x)^2 and exp(2*x) are correct and the same. 

simplify(exp(x)^2 - exp(2*x))


But I can't figure how to make Maple always use exp(2*x) instead. This is for exponent  in integers. This covers 90% of all cases in the Latex I generate.

This is only for Latex purposes and for typesetting only as it looks much better and more standard to use exp(2*x) than exp(x)^2.

Here is an example


The latex for the above looks like 

The Latex take much larger vertical space on the line. Compare the above to the same expression, but written with exponent inside

expr:=-2*exp(x)*x - exp(x) + 2*exp(2*x)*x + exp(2*x)

Which generates Latex

Which is much more pleasent to read and has less height as well.

Is there a way to automatically make Maple do that? Could I add my own `Latex\function` ? As described in

How? Also, I am using Physics:-Latex and not :-latex, so I do not know if the above page would even apply here.

it will be hard to write code to manually fix this, by may be string searching and fix it as the program is running.

Any suggestions? Note that Mathematica automatically does this when the exponent is integer


Thanks to the hint by Axel Voget below, I tried to use combine, but only target it to exp(x)^n part of the whole expression, as I do not want to apply combine to each expression. This is what I came up with

expr := -2*exp(x)*x - exp(x) + 2*exp(x)^2*x + exp(x)^2 + sin(x)^3 + cos(x)^2;

Which seems to do what I want. It only applies to exp(x)^n and no other part. Compare this to applying combine to the whole expression


Which might not be what I wanted.

I still need to test the above more, as may be I did not check for other cases. But if this works, then this will solve my problem. I can add this in one place, where it does this just before emitting the Latex. All my Latex generation is done inside one function which is called from everywhere. So I could easily add this there without changing anything else in the program.


A person asked me why the following code does not give the integral of (x^2+y^2)*z over the top of the unit sphere.

VectorCalculus:-SurfaceInt((x^2 + y^2)*z, [x, y, z] = Surface(<1, s, t>, s = 0 .. Pi/2, t = 0 .. 2*Pi, coords = spherical))

The correct answer is Pi/2, but Maple gives 2*(-1 + Pi)*Pi^2.

Will someonoe please explain this behavior?

I am trying to use Maple to provide numerical solutions to the energy levels of muonic lead by using the Shooting method to work out boundaries for the 1s, 2p, and 3d orbitals. However, I am unable to get Maple to graph or fsolve the roots of the function, since it is "unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in this region" despite the zero being within the bounds.

Here is the code:


This worksheet covers the energy levels of a muon bound to a lead atom (Pb-206). All plots have been commented out and inserted as pictures. First define the variables for this atom, and the muonic mass ms in units of the free electron mass:

Z := 82; A := 206; ms := 105.66/(.51100)



where Z is the atomic number and A is the mass number. The Z and A values can be changed for any other atom or isotope. Modelling the atom as hydrogenic, we have the equation

En := Z^2*ms/(2*n^2)



where n is the orbital occupied by the muon and En is the energy in Hartree units. The average radius a of the ground state orbit in Bohr is

a := evalf(1/(Z*ms))



This is much smaller than the Bohr radius due to the muonic mass being bigger by 2 orders of magnitude and the higher nuclear charge. The atomic radius of the lead atom is determined by

R := evalf(0.125e-14*A^(1/3)/(0.529177e-10))



This is over twice the above average orbital radius, meaning that the ground state orbit lies within the nucleus. This means we cannot accurately treat this atom as hydrogenic, since the muon will only be attracted towards the portion of the nuclear charge closer to the centre. Instead, we must use a model of nuclear structure that accounts for the muon being inside the nucleus, treating the nucleus as a spherical charge distribution. Solving the radial Schrodinger equation for the sphere using a uniform spherical charge distribution, then applying Gauss's law for the charge enclosed by the nuclear surface gives a potential distribution which can be modelled using a piecewise function for the different potentials inside and outside the nucleus:

V := proc (r) options operator, arrow; piecewise(r < R, (-1)*.5*(Z/R)*(3-r^2/R^2), -Z/r) end proc

proc (r) options operator, arrow; piecewise(r < R, (-1)*.5*(Z/R)*(3-r^2/R^2), -Z/r) end proc



[animate, animate3d, animatecurve, arrow, changecoords, complexplot, complexplot3d, conformal, conformal3d, contourplot, contourplot3d, coordplot, coordplot3d, densityplot, display, dualaxisplot, fieldplot, fieldplot3d, gradplot, gradplot3d, implicitplot, implicitplot3d, inequal, interactive, interactiveparams, intersectplot, listcontplot, listcontplot3d, listdensityplot, listplot, listplot3d, loglogplot, logplot, matrixplot, multiple, odeplot, pareto, plotcompare, pointplot, pointplot3d, polarplot, polygonplot, polygonplot3d, polyhedra_supported, polyhedraplot, rootlocus, semilogplot, setcolors, setoptions, setoptions3d, shadebetween, spacecurve, sparsematrixplot, surfdata, textplot, textplot3d, tubeplot]


plot([V(r), -Z/r], r = 0 .. 6*R, V = 1.5*V(0.) .. 0, scaling = unconstrained, axes = boxed, color = [red, black], legend = ["sphere", "point"], title = "Spherical and point potentials", labels = ["r [a.u.]", "V [a.u.]"])


While the point charge model unrealistically goes to an infinite potential as the muon gets closer to the centre of the nucleus, the spherical model instead shows it tailing off inside the nucleus as more of the nuclear charge is further from the centre than the muon itself. To model the bounds of the energy of the ground state 1s, we use the Shooting method for boundary value problems.

plotsol := proc (E::float, l::nonnegint, r0::numeric, S::numeric, c::symbol) local Eqns, ICs, fnl, gnl, r, soln; Eqns := diff(fnl(r), r) = gnl(r), diff(gnl(r), r) = l*(l+1)*fnl(r)/r^2-2*ms*(E-V(r))*fnl(r); ICs := fnl(r0) = r0, gnl(r0) = l+1; soln := dsolve({Eqns, ICs}, numeric); plots[odeplot](soln, [r, fnl(r)], r0 .. S, color = c) end proc


We are looking for a solution with l=0, and the offset r0 to prvent division by 0 must be much smaller than the Bohr radius given the scale of the orbit. We need to estimate bounds for the energy and set an upper bound for the effective range of the potential. This upper bound must be low enough for Maple to calculate the function, which unfortunately means only a few Bohr radii out.

plotsol(-38.5, 0, 0.1e-9, 7.0, red)NULL


plotsol(-38.6, 0, 0.1e-9, 7.0, blue)


These bounds show that the ground state binding energy is between -39 and -38 Hartrees, since fnl tends to negative infinity at one bound and positive infinity at the other. To home in on the correct value, we plot the function between the bounds and find the zero.


fnl_at_r := rhs(soln[2])

Error, invalid input: rhs received soln, which is not valid for its 1st argument, expr


fnl_at_S := proc (E, r0, l, S) global fnl_at_r; fnl_at_r(parameters = [E, r0, l]); return fnl_at_r(S) end proc

plot(proc (x) options operator, arrow; fnl_at_S(x, 0.1e-9, 0, 4.0) end proc, -38.6 .. -38.5)

Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct



Elevel := fsolve(proc (E) options operator, arrow; fnl_at_S(E, 0.10e-19, 0, 7.0) end proc, -10.00 .. 0.)

fsolve(proc (E) options operator, arrow; fnl_at_S(E, 0.10e-19, 0, 7.0) end proc, -10.00 .. 0.)



fsolve(proc (E) options operator, arrow; fnl_at_S(E, 0.10e-19, 0, 7.0) end proc, -10.00 .. 0.)


The plotted function tends to a straight line with no nodes, so is the solution to 1s. This gives a binding energy of -11.94 Hartrees for the ground 1s state. The 2p state is the lowest with l=1, so the same method using l=1 will find the energy of the 2p state. First find upper and lower bounds:

plotsol(-26.0, 1, 0.1e-9, 8.0, red)

plotsol(-27.0, 1, 0.1e-9, 8.0, blue)

Then solve the differential equation:

plot(proc (x) options operator, arrow; fnl_at_S(x, 0.1e-9, 1, 8.0) end proc, -12.0 .. -10.0)

Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct



Elevel := fsolve(proc (E) options operator, arrow; fnl_at_S(E, 0.1e-9, 0, 8.0) end proc, -27.0 .. -26.0)

fsolve(proc (E) options operator, arrow; fnl_at_S(E, 0.1e-9, 0, 8.0) end proc, -27.0 .. -26.0)



fsolve(proc (E) options operator, arrow; fnl_at_S(E, 0.1e-9, 0, 8.0) end proc, -27.0 .. -26.0)





I have to compare the probabilty density of a data set of the normalised gaps between eigenfunction energy levels of random matrices to the Wigner surmise Pi/2*n*exp((-Pi)/4*n^2). I have collected the data set, but cannot find a function to give a numerical value for the probability density function to compare. I have tried using KernelDensity but it doesn't seem to work.

Here is the code:


restart; with(RandomTools); with(LinearAlgebra); with(Statistics); with(plots)


First create a procedure for the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble, GOE, with mean 0 and variance 1. This procedure extracts the normalised eigenvalues for a symmetric matrix added to its transpose and divided by 2:

GOE := proc (N::integer) local A, B, C; A := Matrix(N, N, Generate(distribution(Normal(0, 1)), makeproc = true)); B := Transpose(A); C := (1/2)*A+(1/2)*B; return Re(Eigenvalues(C)/sqrt(2*N)) end proc

data := [seq(GOE(3), i = 1 .. 5000)]

Histogram(data, binwidth = 0.5e-1, range = -2 .. 2)


The histogram shows a normal distribution centred around 0, as expected. Increasing the value of N makes the distribution trend more and more towards the ideal Gaussian distribution as N tends to infinity, since a bigger sample size tends to the statistical mean. This procedure can be repeated for uniformly distributed random numbers in the range -1 to +1:

GOE2 := proc (N::integer) local A, B, C; A := Matrix(N, N, Generate(distribution(Uniform(-1, 1)), makeproc = true)); B := Transpose(A); C := (1/2)*A+(1/2)*B; return Re(Eigenvalues(C)/sqrt(2*N)) end proc

data := [seq(GOE2(3), i = 1 .. 5000)]

Histogram(data, binwidth = 0.5e-1, range = -2 .. 2)

This creates a curved distribution steeper and narrower than the above normal distribution, centred around 0 and tailing off below -0.5 and above +0.5. As N tends to infinity, this curve becomes smoother and more rounded, as with the Gaussian distribution.


The same principle also applies to complex Hermitian matrices in the Gaussian unitary emsemble (GUE), though complex numbers cannot be normally graphed on histograms. By taking the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues separately, it is possible to plot the distribution on a histogram, since both parts have the same distribution.

GUE := proc (N::integer) local A, B, C, D, E; A := Matrix(N, N, Generate(distribution(Normal(0, 1)), makeproc = true)); B := Matrix(N, N, Generate(distribution(Normal(0, 1)), makeproc = true)); C := A+I*B; D := Transpose(C); E := (1/2)*C+(1/2)*D; return Re(Eigenvalues(E)/sqrt(4*N)); return Im(Eigenvalues(E)/sqrt(4*N)) end proc

data := [seq(GUE(3), i = 1 .. 5000)]

Histogram(data, binwidth = 0.5e-1, range = -2 .. 2)

The result is a similar normal distribution to the GOE, but narrower due to the increased normalisation constant.


Finally, a procedure can return the spacings between the nth energy levels of the eigenvalues, taking the nth level spacing as "lambda[n+1]-lambda[n]."This procedure can work for the GOE or GUE distributions, and must check for these as valid arguments.

spacing := proc (n::integer, N::integer, ensemble) local A, B; if ensemble = GOE then A := GOE(N); return A[n+1]-A[n] elif ensemble = GUE then B := GUE(N); return B[n+1]-B[n] else print("Invalid argument. Only GOE and GUE are accepted.") end if end proc

The Wigner surmise of probability density for the GOE and GUE predicts that the probablity density function follows specific formulae for each spacing. This can be compared by taking many results for a given spacing and dividing by the mean, the using the kernel density function with a Gaussian kernel to estimate the probability density of the data set.

data := [seq(spacing(2, 4, GOE), i = 1 .. 500)]

normaliseddata := data/Mean(data)

F := KernelDensity(normaliseddata, bandwidth = 1/4, kernel = 'gaussian', left = -1000, right = 1000, method = exact)




WignerGOE := proc (n::integer) return (1/2)*Pi*n*exp(-(1/4)*Pi*n^2) end proc







restart; with(RandomTools); with(LinearAlgebra); with(Statistics); with(plots)


First create a procedure for the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble, GOE, with mean 0 and variance 1. This procedure extracts the normalised eigenvalues for a symmetric matrix added to its transpose and divided by 2:

GOE := proc (N::integer) local A, B, C; A := Matrix(N, N, Generate(distribution(Normal(0, 1)), makeproc = true)); B := Transpose(A); C := (1/2)*A+(1/2)*B; return Re(Eigenvalues(C)/sqrt(2*N)) end proc

data := [seq(GOE(3), i = 1 .. 5000)]

Histogram(data, binwidth = 0.5e-1, range = -2 .. 2)


The histogram shows a normal distribution centred around 0, as expected. Increasing the value of N makes the distribution trend more and more towards the ideal Gaussian distribution as N tends to infinity, since a bigger sample size tends to the statistical mean. This procedure can be repeated for uniformly distributed random numbers in the range -1 to +1:

GOE2 := proc (N::integer) local A, B, C; A := Matrix(N, N, Generate(distribution(Uniform(-1, 1)), makeproc = true)); B := Transpose(A); C := (1/2)*A+(1/2)*B; return Re(Eigenvalues(C)/sqrt(2*N)) end proc

data := [seq(GOE2(3), i = 1 .. 5000)]

Histogram(data, binwidth = 0.5e-1, range = -2 .. 2)

This creates a curved distribution steeper and narrower than the above normal distribution, centred around 0 and tailing off below -0.5 and above +0.5. As N tends to infinity, this curve becomes smoother and more rounded, as with the Gaussian distribution.


The same principle also applies to complex Hermitian matrices in the Gaussian unitary emsemble (GUE), though complex numbers cannot be normally graphed on histograms. By taking the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues separately, it is possible to plot the distribution on a histogram, since both parts have the same distribution.

GUE := proc (N::integer) local A, B, C, D, E; A := Matrix(N, N, Generate(distribution(Normal(0, 1)), makeproc = true)); B := Matrix(N, N, Generate(distribution(Normal(0, 1)), makeproc = true)); C := A+I*B; D := Transpose(C); E := (1/2)*C+(1/2)*D; return Re(Eigenvalues(E)/sqrt(4*N)); return Im(Eigenvalues(E)/sqrt(4*N)) end proc

data := [seq(GUE(3), i = 1 .. 5000)]

Histogram(data, binwidth = 0.5e-1, range = -2 .. 2)

The result is a similar normal distribution to the GOE, but narrower due to the increased normalisation constant.


Finally, a procedure can return the spacings between the nth energy levels of the eigenvalues, taking the nth level spacing as "lambda[n+1]-lambda[n]."This procedure can work for the GOE or GUE distributions, and must check for these as valid arguments.

spacing := proc (n::integer, N::integer, ensemble) local A, B; if ensemble = GOE then A := GOE(N); return A[n+1]-A[n] elif ensemble = GUE then B := GUE(N); return B[n+1]-B[n] else print("Invalid argument. Only GOE and GUE are accepted.") end if end proc

The Wigner surmise of probability density for the GOE and GUE predicts that the probablity density function follows specific formulae for each spacing. This can be compared by taking many results for a given spacing and dividing by the mean, the using the kernel density function with a Gaussian kernel to estimate the probability density of the data set.

data := [seq(spacing(2, 4, GOE), i = 1 .. 500)]

normaliseddata := data/Mean(data)

F := KernelDensity(normaliseddata, bandwidth = 1/4, kernel = 'gaussian', left = -1000, right = 1000, method = exact)




WignerGOE := proc (n::integer) return (1/2)*Pi*n*exp(-(1/4)*Pi*n^2) end proc








Let X be a random such that P[X=x]=x/10, x =1,2,3,4

And let S be the sum 

I want to calculate probabilities like P[S=2] where S is the sum of 2 independent random variable that are distributed like X. The solution should be P[S=2]=P[X=1]*P[X=1]=1/10*1/10=1/100. Or P[S=3]=P[X=1]*P[X=2]+P[X=2]*P[X=1]=4/100

I need this not only for 2 summands but also for 3 and 4 summands. 

How can I code this? I struggle to write a code so that X the random variable has the desired probabilities. Thanks in advance!


Thanks in advance

I have an assignment for Q that after subsequent other assignments and substitutions  results in 

-XC1*R1^2/((R1^2 + XC1^2)*(R1*XC1^2/(R1^2 + XC1^2) + 12960.54302))


when I type Q.


I would like to solve this for XC1, for values of Q that make  XC1 is real. 

How do I do this?  Can I rearrange this assignment?   

I guess I could do something like this:

eq1:= -XC1*R1^2/((R1^2 + XC1^2)*(R1*XC1^2/(R1^2 + XC1^2) + 12960.54302))


but Q as a function of XC1 is a derived from other relationships.


The worksheet probably makes what I'm asking more clear.    I was able to get the result, but I'm sure there is a better, more elegant  way to do what I needed to do...





Series-Parallel Conversion Equations as a function of Q


Q = Xs/Rs = Rp/Xp;


Rp := Rs*(Q^2 + 1);



Impedance Transpormation Equations

Rp := proc (Rs, Xs) options operator, arrow; (Rs^2+Xs^2)/Rs end proc

Xp := proc (Rs, Xs) options operator, arrow; (Rs^2+Xs^2)/Xs end proc

Rs := proc (Rp, Xp) options operator, arrow; Rp*Xp^2/(Rp^2+Xp^2) end proc

Xs := proc (Rp, Xp) options operator, arrow; Xp*Rp^2/(Rp^2+Xp^2) end proc


zL := 1.343+I*131.925




XL0p := Xp(Re(zL), Im(zL))



RLp := Rp(Re(zL), Im(zL))



QLp := RLp/XLp



XC2 := -XL0p



Q := XL1/(R1s+RLp)



R1s := Rs(R1, XC1)



XC1s := Xs(R1, XC1)



XL1 := -XC1s







tmp1 := solve(-XC1*R1^2/((R1^2+XC1^2)*(R1*XC1^2/(R1^2+XC1^2)+12960.54302)) = Tmp, XC1)

(-25000.*R1+(-0.3240135755e14*R1*Tmp^2+625000000.*R1^2-0.4199391884e18*Tmp^2)^(1/2))*R1/(Tmp*(50000.*R1+648027151.)), -1.*(25000.*R1+(-0.3240135755e14*R1*Tmp^2+625000000.*R1^2-0.4199391884e18*Tmp^2)^(1/2))*R1/(Tmp*(50000.*R1+648027151.))



{R1, Tmp, (-0.3240135755e14*R1*Tmp^2+625000000.*R1^2-0.4199391884e18*Tmp^2)^(1/2)}


simplify(solve(op(3, indets(numer(tmp1[1])))^2 > 0, Tmp, parametric))

piecewise(R1 <= -8398783768000/648027151, [[Tmp = Tmp]], R1 < 0, [[50*5^(1/2)*R1/(648027151*R1+8398783768000)^(1/2) < Tmp, Tmp < -50*5^(1/2)*R1/(648027151*R1+8398783768000)^(1/2)]], R1 = 0, [], 0 < R1, [[-50*5^(1/2)*R1/(648027151*R1+8398783768000)^(1/2) < Tmp, Tmp < 50*5^(1/2)*R1/(648027151*R1+8398783768000)^(1/2)]])







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