MaplePrimes Questions

When I use listcontplot, the tickmarks on the axis show the ordinal of the point plotted, so if I have 20x50 points, it shows (1 to 21)x(1 to 51).

Is there any way to reescalate the axis to show the actual units of the points?, so for example (0.3 to 0.7)x(2.2 to 3.7).


Is the first output correct?

m := [[1, 2], [3, 4]];

m[[1, 2], 2];
                             [3, 4]
Matrix(m)[[1, 2], 2];
                  Vector[column](2, [2, 4])

m[1 .. 2, 2];
                             [2, 4]
Matrix(m)[1 .. 2, 2];
                  Vector[column](2, [2, 4])

The other three map the index 2 over the indices [1,2], giving the second column. The first one does m[[1,2]][2] instead.

I couldn't find a definite statement in the documentation about how this should work for lists (not rtables).

Also, ?selection says:

"To select trailing elements, use A[..n]."

"Use A[...,a[i]] to select the ith column."

I think it should have been

"To select trailing elements, use A[n..]."

"Use A[...,i] to select the ith column."


I used Maple a few times, years ago.

I've just installed Maple (2017.3).

Here is my first,  very confusing dialogue.


 =                              3

 =                           3 + 3 x

 =                       (x - 1) (1 + x)

 =                         x(1 + x) - 1


Mathematically that it just wrong (unless x = 0)   

It uses implicit multiplication on output.  

And accepts it on input.

And then prints(what appears to be) garbage.

I struggle to find any interpretation of (x-1)(1+x) => x(1 + x) - 1 that makes sense

On the other hand I don't feel quite arrogant enough to file a fundamental bug report in Maple after 5 minutes use.

Can anyone tell me what is going on here?  Or is it just early onset dementia?







Can anyone figure this out? Just getting solutions may have been lost :/ 


Kabel FeAl35
r[FeAl] := .51;
x[FeAl] := I*.38;
c[FeAl] := 9.5*10^(-9);
l[12] := 14;

PEX 240 Al
r[PEX] := 0.8e-1;
x[PEX] := I*.32;
c[PEX] := 11.4*10^(-9);
l[23] := 5;

Beregner Admittanser
X[12] := x[FeAl]*l[12];
R[12] := r[FeAl]*l[12];
Z[12] := R[12]+X[12];
X[23] := x[PEX]*l[23];
R[23] := r[PEX]*l[23];
Z[23] := R[23]+X[23];
C[12] := c[FeAl]*l[12];
C[23] := c[PEX]*l[23];
X[C1] := -I/(50*Pi*C[12]);
X[C2] := -I/(50*Pi*C[23]);
YC1 := 1/X[C1];
YC2 := 1/X[C2];
Y12 := 1/Z[12];
Y23 := 1/Z[23];
Y11 := Y12+YC1;
Y22 := Y12+YC1+Y23+YC2;
Y33 := Y23+YC2;
Y13 := 0;
Y := Matrix([[Y11, -Y12, -Y13], [-Y12, Y22, -Y23], [-Y13, -Y23, Y33]]);
PL2 := 5000000;
PL3 := 3000000;
PG3 := 2300000;
PF := .98;
P2 := -PL2;
Q2 := P2*tan(arccos(PF));
P3 := PG3-PL3;
Q3 := P3*tan(arccos(PF));
V1 := 22000;
eq1 := conjugate(V2)*V2*V2 = ((P2-I*Q2)*V2-conjugate(V2)*V2*(V1*Y12+V3*Y23))/Y22;
eq2 := conjugate(V3)*V3*V3 = ((P3-I*Q3)*V3-conjugate(V3)*V3*(V1*Y13+V2*Y23))/Y33;
solve({eq1, eq2}, {V2, V3});

I know it is very basic but…: I need the remainder of a division. I read about the "mod" operator in the Maple guide but I could not understand if it is what I need and if it works like it does in some other programming environments (i.e. Xojo).

Could you help me and, in case it's not what I need, tell me how to get said remainder?

Thank you


I think this code was written (Joe Riel/C.Love) on Maple 16 platform back in 2013, but I want it to work in my currrent version.

I think I had to set up a compiler, which was a bit of an ordeal.

compiler setup?

I have installed MS Visual Studio. 

Now in Maple I try:


i put vcvars64.bat and vcvarsx86_amd64.bat (from Microsoft Visual Studio folder) in my C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS and locate them

I get error

Error, (in Compiler:-Setup) unable to write to initialization file, C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\bin.X86_64_WINDOWS/launch.ini, possibly due to insufficient permissions



Does anyone know how to use applyrule to generic functions? I have a set of functions in 4D of the form name(t,x,y,z) and I would like to replace all of them by taking

name(t,x,y,z)-> name_1(t,x)*name_2(y,z)

I think I can use ApplyRule to do this but I am not sure how.





When I make calculations I often get a result such as: 1.061153846*10^7.


I would like to make Maple always show this result as 10611538. I can get this by right-clicking on the original number and choose Integer -> Round. But can I make Maple show it by default?

Hello everybody.

Maybe I'm so lucky but I found again the problem connected with "Kernel connection lost"; error (see one of my previous post regarding this ). But now I used Intel-based processor.

Here the simple code of my program:

R0 := exp((2*Pi*I)*n^2*z);
R1 := sum(R0, n = -infinity .. infinity);
R1 := abs(R1)^2;
R2 := exp((2*Pi*I)*(n+1/2)^2*z);
R2 := evalf(sum(R2, n = -infinity .. infinity));
R2 := abs(R2)^2;
R := evalf(sqrt(Im(d))*(R1+R2));
plot(R, k = 1 .. 10);

After this I got message from Windows 7 (64 bit) that mserver.exe has stopped and then above mentioned error with Kernel connection lost. Anybody knows what is the problem?

P.S. Maple 17 (64 bit).

Dear bright people of MaplePrimes, 

I'm stuck in a problem with dsolve.

I have a ODE system that I would like to solve numerically (because it's huge) in vars: var1(t), var2(t), var3(t), etc... Inside the ODE there are procedures with arguments like proc(f(x,y), a, b, c, etc...) where f(x,y) is a function for a curve (so x and y are variables) and a,b,c are numeric. 
Procedures have been written as indicated in the help page, i.e. differentiating whether the procedures are called with symbolic arguments or numeric arguments. So I call dsolve specifying the "known" procedures and a numeric method. Maple sets the problem correctly. However, when it tries to solve the equations numerically it points out that in the ODE ys there are some undefined parameters. Specifically, those parameters are x, y. But, again, x and y are not parameters but variables that are used in the procedures within the ODEs. 

I tried to include x and y as parameters and solve the system. However, before retrieving the solution, a numerical value must be given to all the parameters. 

What should I do if I need to keep f(x,y) symbolic in my procedures but I want to solve my ODE numerically? 

Thank you for supporting me. 
Thank you so much. 




I have lists like below, how to compute the size of such lists.

Y := {Theta[i, j, 2]+2*Omega[i, j, 2]+4*GAMMA[i, j, 2], Omega[i, j, 1]+3*GAMMA[i, j, 1]+Omega[i, j, 2]+3*GAMMA[i, j, 2], -Theta[i, j, 1]+2*GAMMA[i, j, 1]+Omega[i, j, 2]+3*GAMMA[i, j, 2]}

Size of Y is 3 as you see, but Dimension and Count commands failed to return it. 

Write the procedure "number (n)", which will display the number of digits in the given number,
e.g., n = 2648 returns 4

number := proc (n)

local sum; 

while (1/10)*n != 0 do 

sum = sum+1; 


end do 

end proc

Why this doesn't work?

Hello, everybody,

If I had the graph of a function just like plot(sin(x), x=-2..2)

The question is I want to plot this function is discrite form    by the pair of points (x[i], sin9x[i]) and i=1...N, where N is an integer number

how can i solve this equation with Two unknown terms

How maple could handle the set of linear equations in which the number of unknowns are more than number of equations?

For example in the case we have two linear equations with three unknowns, by solving this set we arrive at an equation relates the unknowns. (i.e. intersection of two plane is equation of a specific line), How it is possible to get the equation of this line in maple?

What about in general? e.g. 6-equations with 15 unkowns?

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