MaplePrimes Questions

I am getting this error when I attempt a DE plot

I have an issue where I believe the values given by evalf (I have independent verification), but the plot of the same function is incorrect. Specifically, g(a) plotted for a <=0 is correct, and incorrect for a > 0.

What am I doing wrong?

plot(g(a), a=-2..5) #I don't believe anything for a > 0

evalf(g(-1)) #I believe all of these values



Dear Maple community,

I'm trying to simplify the attached Expression "under several parameter constraints", see

The constraints are threefold:

1. pi[1, 1, 1, F] + pi[2, 1, 1, F] + pi[3, 1, 1, F] = 1,

2. pi[1, 2, 1, F] + pi[2, 2, 1, F] + pi[3, 2, 1, F] = 1

3. pi[1, 3, 1, F] + pi[2, 3, 1, F] + pi[3, 3, 1, F] = 1,

It seems like, whenever the constraints appear in the exact order as specified above, simplify(Expression, {(pi[1, 3, 1, F] + pi[2, 3, 1, F] + pi[3, 3, 1, F]) = 1, (pi[1, 1, 1, F] + pi[2, 1, 1, F] + pi[3, 1, 1, F]) = 1, (pi[1, 2, 1, F] + pi[2, 2, 1, F] + pi[3, 2, 1, F]) = 1}) can somewhat simplify the Expression. However, is there a way for Maple to recognize the above-mentioned constraints for all possible "permutations" of, say, pi[1, 3, 1, F] = 1 - pi[2, 3, 1, F] - pi[3, 3, 1, F]; pi[2, 3, 1, F] = 1 - pi[1, 3, 1, F] - pi[3, 3, 1, F], etc. and simplify the expression in the most compact manner.

Thank you.



Hello Everyone,

I am currently trying to tidy up my worksheet and hide all of the script/code that I wrote in the Maple 2D-Math within the execution script of buttons etc.
Was going well so far until I started transferring code where I was using a lot of symbolic math (if I understood correctly)
There is one instance where I have a variable chi which equals x divided by a.
a being a number, e.g. 5000, while x is and remains a variable.
No problem in 2D-Math as the unknown x is dragged through all following equations.

Not so in the code editor, I think. Doing the calculation results not in x/5000, but in this:

It keeps getting worse because this term will be derived, assembled into a matrix, etc. where the expressions are getting ridiculous:

Without getting into the details of what my script should do, I believe this is a very general issue, not specific to my code.

Is the code editor / "Code when Used/Clicked" not capable of symbolic math? Oder is there some setting that could potentially help me?

Best Regards,


I am trying to implement a controler for a 6dof robot. This requires a number of matrixis one among them is the mass matrix.

I have the matrix equation from using the multibody analysis tool and was thinking to use this matrix equation to construct a custom componet that takes the angels of the robot joints as inputs and have the 6 x 6 mass matrix as an output.

However when I complete the component generation am I greeted with this error message.

(in MapleSim:-Modelica:-PrintModel) unable to print Matrix(6, 6, {(1, 1) = ((1/5000)*(5000*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_End_effector_M)+5000*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_Wrist_2_M)+2500)*(`msim/RNAME`(_msim_Wrist_1_H)+`msim/RNAME`(_msim_Wrist_2_H))*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_Upper_Arm_H)*cos(`msim/RNAME`(_msim_R3_theta))-(1/5000)*(5000*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_End_effector_M)*(`msim/RNAME`(_msim_End_effector_H)+`msim/RNAME`(_msim_Wrist_2_W))+5000*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_End_effector_H)+2500*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_Wrist_2_W))*sin(`msim/RNAME`(_msim_R5_theta))*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_Upper_Arm_H)*sin(`msim/RNAME`(_msim_R3_theta))+(1/5000)*(5000*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_End_e ... NAME`(_msim_Wrist_1_M)+(1/8)*`msim/RNAME`(_msim_Wrist_1_W)^2+7/10000})

Error in Component btnGenComponent with caption "Generate MapleSim Component


Most of it is just fragments of the (1,1) equations but what I take away from it is that it complains on a missmach between the 6 X 6 matrix and the output port. 

After researching the question, however, I have not managed to find a good answer to this so I ask this wonderful forum for help.

Is it posible to have a matrix as an output from a custom component? If it is then how?


Eric Ragnarsson

Why doesn't Maple 13 plot x^(1/3) for x negative?

Thank you.


I am writing a very long worksheet, 7 MB at that time. Its size should be further increased. Up-to now, everything is fine. I wonder however if at some point this could be a problem. Has someone experienced trouble with very long file? M2020.1, Windows 10, 64 bits.

 How do I write procedure for maxima minima and inflection point? F(x)=e^x^2 – e x^2 + 1 

Hello Everyone,

Me Again... So I have been working do create a procedure, but I started the coding without encasing it in the proc() / end proc; brackets, thinking I could add it later.
What the script does is take parameters and create a matrix and determines the determinant of that matrix.
When I let the script run on its own, it is working perfectly, but when I activate the proc() / end proc; brackets it suddenly gives me a number of errors, telling me the matrix is not square or that the if-loop misses its 2nd argument.

I am kind of suspecting this happens because I take the variable "NumberPlies" from a Table that exists outside the proc(), but on the same work sheet, but I am not 100% sure.
I have uploaded the code, so one of you experts could perhaps have a look and tell me where I am wrong. Why is the script behaving differently on its own compared to when I call it as a procedure?

Any help would be fantastic!

Best Regards,


Anzahl Lagen des Laminates (Ohne Mittellage, eine Seite der Symmetrie):





restart; interface(warnlevel = 0); with(DocumentTools); with(LinearAlgebra); with(DocumentTools); with(LinearAlgebra); E1 := 125000; E2 := 10000; v12 := .3; G12 := 5000; t := .25; v21 := E2*v12/E1; Q11 := E1/(-v12*v21+1); Q22 := E2/(-v12*v21+1); Q12 := v21*E1/(-v12*v21+1); Q66 := G12; NumberPlies := GetProperty('ComboBox1', 'selectedindex'); A11 := 0; A12 := 0; A16 := 0; A21 := 0; A22 := 0; A26 := 0; A61 := 0; A62 := 0; A66 := 0; B11 := 0; B12 := 0; B16 := 0; B21 := 0; B22 := 0; B26 := 0; B61 := 0; B62 := 0; B66 := 0; D11 := 0; D12 := 0; D16 := 0; D21 := 0; D22 := 0; D26 := 0; D61 := 0; D62 := 0; D66 := 0; for i to NumberPlies do CurrentAngle := PlyTable1[i, 1]; CurrentHeight := t*i; CurrentHeight := CurrentHeight-.5*t*NumberPlies; CurrentAngleRad := (1/180)*Pi*CurrentAngle; CurrentQMatrix := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = Q11, (1, 2) = Q12, (1, 3) = 0, (2, 1) = Q12, (2, 2) = Q22, (2, 3) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = Q66}); TurnMatrix := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = cos(CurrentAngleRad)^2, (1, 2) = sin(CurrentAngleRad)^2, (1, 3) = -2*cos(CurrentAngleRad)*sin(CurrentAngleRad), (2, 1) = sin(CurrentAngleRad)^2, (2, 2) = cos(CurrentAngleRad)^2, (2, 3) = 2*cos(CurrentAngleRad)*sin(CurrentAngleRad), (3, 1) = -2*cos(CurrentAngleRad)*sin(CurrentAngleRad), (3, 2) = 2*cos(CurrentAngleRad)*sin(CurrentAngleRad), (3, 3) = cos(CurrentAngleRad)^2-sin(CurrentAngleRad)^2}); CurrentQMatrixTurned := Multiply(TurnMatrix, Multiply(CurrentQMatrix, Transpose(TurnMatrix))); Q_11 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[1, 1]; Q_12 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[1, 2]; Q_16 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[1, 3]; Q_21 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[2, 1]; Q_22 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[2, 2]; Q_26 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[2, 3]; Q_61 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[3, 1]; Q_62 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[3, 2]; Q_66 := CurrentQMatrixTurned[3, 3]; A11 := A11+Q_11*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A12 := A12+Q_12*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A16 := A16+Q_16*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A21 := A21+Q_21*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A22 := A22+Q_22*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A26 := A26+Q_26*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A61 := A61+Q_61*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A62 := A62+Q_62*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); A66 := A66+Q_66*(CurrentHeight-CurrentHeight+t); B11 := B11+.5*Q_11*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B12 := B12+.5*Q_12*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B16 := B16+.5*Q_16*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B21 := B21+.5*Q_21*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B22 := B22+.5*Q_22*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B26 := B26+.5*Q_26*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B61 := B61+.5*Q_61*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B62 := B62+.5*Q_62*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); B66 := B66+.5*Q_66*(CurrentHeight^2-(CurrentHeight-t)^2); D11 := D11+(1/3)*Q_11*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D12 := D12+(1/3)*Q_12*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D16 := D16+(1/3)*Q_16*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D21 := D21+(1/3)*Q_21*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D22 := D22+(1/3)*Q_22*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D26 := D26+(1/3)*Q_26*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D61 := D61+(1/3)*Q_61*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D62 := D62+(1/3)*Q_62*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3); D66 := D66+(1/3)*Q_66*(CurrentHeight^3-(CurrentHeight-t)^3) end do; A = (Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = A11, (1, 2) = A12, (1, 3) = A16, (2, 1) = A21, (2, 2) = A22, (2, 3) = A26, (3, 1) = A61, (3, 2) = A62, (3, 3) = A66})); B = (Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = B11, (1, 2) = B12, (1, 3) = B16, (2, 1) = B21, (2, 2) = B22, (2, 3) = B26, (3, 1) = B61, (3, 2) = B62, (3, 3) = B66})); D = (Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = D11, (1, 2) = D12, (1, 3) = D16, (2, 1) = D21, (2, 2) = D22, (2, 3) = D26, (3, 1) = D61, (3, 2) = D62, (3, 3) = D66})); Nx := 200; Ny := 0; Nxy := 0; a := 500; b := 500; m := 1; chi := x/a; eta := y/b; alpha := a/b; alphaD := a*(D22/D11)^(1/4)/b; betaM := m*Pi/alphaD; betaD := (D12+2*D66)/sqrt(D11*D22); etaD := D12/sqrt(D11*D22); nyD := etaD/betaD; kx := Nx*b^2/(Pi^2*sqrt(D11*D22)); ky := Ny*b^2/(Pi^2*D22); kxy := Nxy*b^2/(Pi^2*(D11*D22^3)^(1/4)); Omega := betaD^2-1+kx*(alphaD/m)^2; if kx > (m/alphaD)^2 then lambda1 := m*Pi*sqrt(betaD+sqrt(Omega))/alphaD; lambda3 := m*Pi*sqrt(sqrt(Omega)-betaD)/alphaD; GenFunc := W1*cosh(lambda1*eta)+W2*sinh(lambda1*eta)+W3*cos(lambda3*eta)+W4*sin(lambda3*eta); Status := 1 elif kx < (m/alphaD)^2*(-betaD^2+1) then omegaklein := sqrt(.5*(sqrt(betaD^2-Omega)+betaD)); phi := sqrt(.5*(sqrt(betaD^2-Omega)-betaD)); GenFunc := W1*cosh(omegaklein*eta)*cos(phi*eta)+W2*sinh(omegaklein*eta)*cos(phi*eta)+W3*cosh(omegaklein*eta)*sin(phi*eta)+W4*sinh(omegaklein*eta)*sin(phi*eta); Status := 5 elif (m/alphaD)^2 > kx then if kx > (m/alphaD)^2*(-betaD^2+1) then lambda1 := m*Pi*sqrt(betaD+sqrt(Omega))/alphaD; lambda3 := m*Pi*sqrt(sqrt(Omega)-betaD)/alphaD; GenFunc := W1*cosh(lambda1*eta)+W2*sinh(lambda1*eta)+W3*cosh(lambda3*eta)+W4*sinh(lambda3*eta); Status := 3 end if end if; y := 0; EQ1 := GenFunc = 0; unassign('y'); GenFunc; EQHelp := diff(GenFunc, `$`(y, 1)); y := 0; EQ2 := EQHelp = 0; unassign('y')*GenFunc; y := b; EQ3 := GenFunc = 0; unassign('y'); GenFunc; EQHelp2 := diff(GenFunc, `$`(y, 1)); y := b; EQ4 := EQHelp2 = 0; unassign('y'); Test := GenerateMatrix({EQ1, EQ2, EQ3, EQ4}, {W1, W2, W3, W4}); Determinant(Test[1]); return Determinant(Test[1])







Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-Determinant) matrix must be square





P__eff := (4.881726014*10^(-13)*(x__1^2 + 0.3)*R/((1 - x__1)*(3*x__1^2 + 0.6)*(7.654218526*10^(-21)*R^2*(x__1^2 + 0.3)/((1 - x__1)*(3*x__1^2 + 0.6)) + 1)))*1000;
expr := eval(P__eff(R));
plot([seq(expr, x__1 = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7])], R = 10000000 .. 10000000000000, legend = [seq('x__1' = x__1, x__1 = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7])], color = ["blue", "red", "gold"], thickness = 3, axes = "boxed", gridlines = true, labels = [R, P__eff], axis[1] = [mode = log]);

Obviously, there is a problem with the logarithmic function curve in the interval of 10^7 to10^10. Can anyone tell me how to solve it?thank you very much!











I was trying to solve single variable nonlinear equation in maple. It gives reliable solution. For example,  equation of the type, solve(x cos(theta) -(2500-x (^3) sin(theta))^(1.3)-40, x).


But I wanted to solve for different values ( theta, k) simultaneously (shown below ):



Solve (x cos(theta) -(2500-x (^3) sin(theta))^(0.45)-k , x).


Where say , theta: 1,2,3,....,90

And , k: 3.1,3.2, 3.3,.............3.90


It would be great if you could provide link for some tutorials to do so. I am searching but still could not figure perfect tutorial to do so. 


I am interested to learn the procedure to solve this type of problem.


Thank you, stay safe and stay healthy. 

Hi, I am new to Maple.

I have a function f=2^x1*(7^x2+443^x3+547^x4+32^x5) containing five variables x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 and I have a set of values for each of them to input in f. Specifically x1 \in {1,2,3,4,5}, and the values of x2,x3,x4,x5 are the following sets (x2,x3,x4,x5) \in {(1,2,4,5),(4,7,8,0),(1,7,6,9),(0,1,3,5),(2,5,6,1)}. How do I write a program to evaluate all such values of f?

I have two simple implicitly defined curves: 0.5y^2-x-3 = 0 and x+y=1. I would like to plot these curves implicitly and shade the region enclosed by them. I've tried using the plots:-implicitplot( ) as shown, but I can't get just the enclosed region to be shaded. I know how to acheive this using the explicit equations. I am looking for an implicitplot solution, assuming there is one.


implicitplot([.5*y^2-x-3 = 0, x-y = 1], x = -5 .. 8, y = -5 .. 5, filledregions = true, coloring = [red, white])





Using the equation for an ellipse, how do I create a Monte Carlo simulation to find the area of the ellipse? I know you create an ellipse bordered by a rectangle and do say 1000 loops and then calculate the number of points inside the ellipse, find the ratio to the total number of points and multiply it by the area of the rectangle. I just am not sure how to code it to perform those operations. I struggle with creating loops in maple. 

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