MaplePrimes Questions

How do I keep it from reverting to text mode every time I press enter. It gets annoying having to switch it back constantly. Search wasn't helpful -_- Thanks in advance.

When implementing the Groebner Basis over Galois Field(2^m), I found an interesting thing: to represent and compute over GF, you have to map first.

 for example

generally the function having zero points or poles with non-integer order such as f(z) = (z-a)^(1.5+i0.3) must be dealt with on appropriate Riemann surface. In the following link I tried to extend the argument principle for such functions on a single sheet of Riemann surface and got a formula similar to that of ordinary argument principle. Using that formula the winding number of f(z) = (z-a)^(1.5+i0.3) around the origin is expressed as 1.5+i0.3.


I would like to find the date 6 months from a given date and also how many days are elapsed between two dates ? Are there any date functions defined in maple to perform above tasks ?


I have a matrix;   

                1   -4  1

A4:           0    7  5     

                 0    0   0

After writing a code I was given an output from Maple in the following form: {n=1,x=4,lplp=6,lpsp=8}. I need to use these values separately. How to I get them out of the brackets? When I type n on the next line it just shows "n" not n=1. Any ideas?

I need to specify some boundary conditions and I am unsure how to write it. My conditions are

F[m,n](1)=1,F[m,n](-1)=-1 if m=n=0 else F[m,n](1)=F[m,n](-1)=0  and F'[m,n](1)=0 and F'[m,n](-1)=0 for all m and n

how do i specify this?







let me put it simple: in maple if I do


if i do l := list(30); l[1] := 2; l[2] := 2; l[3] := 3; l[4] := 3; l[5] := 5; l[6] := 7

I have following program and get error

>f := (x,y) -> `if`(x>1, x+y, x-y);

>f(1.1,0.1);#function without int evaluated correctly
>ff := (y) -> int(f(x,y), x=-2.0..2.0);


Error, (in eval/if) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: 1 < x

I have the differential equation below


How do I evaluated it with a series representationtation of F like the one below


i tried using the subs command to substitute it in but just got back what i started with


Dear OpenMaple users,

we try to tackle the following problem (unfortunately with limited success):

We would like to use OpenMaple (Maple 12) to call a maple procedure from C (C++ with only C features used). We have the void-function myfunction which gets two n x d arrays (d<=20, called inputmatrix and outputmatrix), a double parameter myparameter, a MKernelVector kv, and an ALGEB r.

Hello! My question is how I can decompose, for example, sin(x) to infinite product. Something like this: Pi*z*Product(1-z^2/n^2,n = 1 .. infinity) = sin(Pi*z) Thanks

hi I want to write a program that convert a polygon to triangle, that is if we have polygon with 6 edges, how we can get triangle from it using edges or vertices??

I am biginner,

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