MaplePrimes Questions

Is it possible to perform a Ztransform with initial conditions in Maple?

I want to calculate the Ztransfrom of following differrence equation.



y(-1) = 1

y(-2) = 2

For now I am using following command.


I suppose that this command uses initial conditions zero.


Thank you in advance,



Hi all,

I would like to know how can I teach Maple to do the analytic integral of ln(x)*ln(1-x)^2 for x in [0,1] ]which has a solution of -6+Pi^2/3+2*Zeta(3) ~ -0.306018 (from Mathematica). I want this because I have to integrate an expression which has terms of this type and with similar x dependence with this being the simplest example.

I don't  think Maple has a closed form for this integral because when I use the command integrate(ln(x)*ln(1-x)^2,x=0..1) the output returns the function called.


I'm trying to run the basic example posted in the hepf files at "OpenMaple, Java, Examples".  The procedure to produce a test.class file from the file seems to work fine.  But I get an error message when I try to run the test.class file as per directions.  What I am seeing is

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: C:/.../test

then a bunch of stuff and finally

Could not find the main class: C:/.../test. Program will exit.

eigs := Eigenvalues(H);
Error, (in simplify) too many levels of recursion

!!  I never asked Maple to simplify anything !! I'd be happy even if it came messy!  I was planning on only using the linear approximation of the answer anyway !!

In fact, what's strange is that I did the Eigenvalues of this exact same matrix a year ago using Maple 12 (I'm still using Maple 12) and it gave them to me.  The matrix is the same this time except the symbols have different names!

First of all, is there a way I could add maple and matlab scirpts on this forum to make my questions more readable ?? I know we can enter latex scripts on a lot of the latex forums and it's very convenient.


I have a matrix that's a function of a few parameters.  I evaluate this matrix at specified values of those parameters and Maple gives me:

-10123.5740   14316.89761    5065.657044

14316.89761  -20246.81544   3581.960447

i have an equation like this:

a*b*c =  sqrt(a+2)*d*e

I want that the maple writes this equation like this :  a == .........

how can i achieve this.



Can someone please help me on this. I am trying to decode the List [1,128,130]  to get the original list [ 1,2,3] but my program gives me [1, 32,0]. What did i do wrong and how can i get it to give the original list [1,2,3]?




so in the big picture, i have a transfer function and i am wanting to determine it magnitude and eventually later on do some optimization of the function but now i just want to get the real and imaginary parts of the function.  So here is my function:


These four questions arose while trying to learn how to use Maple 12:

How can I break a string into substrings of a given length and store the substrings into a list.



my string is `i love going to the movies`;

and i want the substring size to be 2

so my list L would look something like this


L = [[i ],[lo],[ve],[ g],[oi],[ng],[ t],[o ],[th],[e ],[mo],[vi],[es]]



I try to find the Maximum of the function F1 under some linear constraints with the NLP-Solve command. In the NLP-Solve command I set assume= nonnegativ and the range of the variable y[2]
is given by y[2]=[0..4.9999].
The porblem is that NLP-Solve finds the maximum at
x[2] = 6.33333333333333392, y[2] = -2.22044604925031308*10^(-16)
y[2] is nearly zero, but it is negative an so it is not in the domain of F1. How can that happen if I set  "assume=nonnegativ"

Hi , every one! Now I use the maple12 and feel it convenient to work with execpt that when I open the procedure by maple10 on another computer, the procedure become messy code? what can I do with this? Is there any direct way to do this without rewrite the procedure?  many thanks!

The concrete procedure is as follows:

PDE := diff(u(x,t),t)+diff(u(x,t),x)=0;  IBC := {u(x,0)=x,u(0,t)=0};

pds := pdsolve(PDE,IBC,numeric,time=t,range=0..0.1);

pds:-plot3d(t = 0 .. .1, x = 0 .. 1, axes = boxed, orientation = [-110, 60], color = [0, 0, u]);

and the greatest number in the graph is over 4,500. I do not understand why the number is so high?  The former PDE and the initial value are very small.   many thanks!


Is there a way to have a legend on a plot? I knonw we have legendstyle=s move the legend around the plot, but it is often so much nicer to place the legend onto the unused area of the plot. I read it somewhere it was not possible, but my source could well be ancient. If not, any convenient adoptations of textplot for this task?

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