Adnan Zuberi

6 Reputation

4 Badges

16 years, 20 days
I'm a 3rd year Mathematical Physics student at the University of Waterloo and I'm excited to be helping out everyone in the Maple Adoption Student Center. I'll be posting worksheets that show you how you can use Maple 12 to solve a variety of problems. I'll be actively engaged in blogging back and forth with you!

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Adnan Zuberi

I've also attached a word document that has screenshots of the outputs in case you're still experiencing worksheet problems. Zoom into the word document and you can see the symbols more accurately.

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The worksheet executes and works fine on my computer. The following might help in getting it to work.

Unlike other programs, Maple uses captial " I " instead of a small i for imaginary numbers. So I made the substitutions and I also show in the attached document how to extract each element in the solution set and how to get its real part.

For example, Re( x + I * y);  will just return Re( x + I * y) because we have to evaluate this complex expression.

evalc( Re( x + I*y ) );   will return x  which is what we want. 

Enjoy the Christmas break!


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Hi there !

I've attached a worksheet that shows you how to use Maple to quickly solve your problem.

Let me how everything goes !

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Plasma Physics, a UK based website, has helpful information on 2D collisions:


Hi there!

I've attached a worksheet that shows you how to graph a circle and a triangle together. You can modify the vertices of the triangle as you like.

Let me know how things turn out and feel free to ask me questions.


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I'm glad you found the worksheet helpful.

I've worked with quadratic drag problems in the past. I focused on modelling and determining the initial velocities (exact symbolic solutions, I haven't tried the finite differences approach yet) based on different values of Cd. 

I would like to recommend two texts:

1) Modelling with projectiles by Derek Hart and Tony Croft

2) Mathematics of projectiles by Neville De Mestre

Let me know if anything new pops up!

-Adnan Zuberi

Hi there !

I've attached a worksheet for you that has several examples of still graphs and animations.

Let me know how things work out.


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I've re-attached the document.

Feel free to ask me any questions about the worksheet :)


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Ballistics is really fun !

I've attached a worksheet that shows you how to solve the problem via clickable methods (no programming at all) .

Using the context menu you can bring everything onto one side, collect like terms, and then plug it into the quadratic equation.

The ShowSteps command works slightly differently and you can see examples of it by entering the command:


Let me know how things work out :)

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Good question !

I have attached a worksheet that gives several examples of how to do log and semilog plots. When we're dealing with different types of plots, we have to load the plots package and this is how to do it:

logplot(10^x, x=1..10);

This will create the graph your looking for.

An example of semilogplot is:

semilogplot(log[10](x), x=1..10);

If you would like more examples, simply enter in the worksheet:




The help menu is a really helpful resource. Feel free to ask me more questions.


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hmm ... interesting ...

Others tried it and it works. Perhaps you're not executing each line of the worksheet (which is why the errors are resulting).

When you open the worksheet, click on the !!! to execute every line (from the top to the bottom) of the worksheet.

Alternatively, execute each line by placing your cursor at the end of the command line and press enter.

Let me know if that works :)


Hi there !

Please see the attached file. It shows you step by step how to obtain a scatter plot and linear regression line.

Please let me know if it helps.

Also, feel free to ask any questions.

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Hi there !

Please see the attached file. It shows you step by step how to obtain a scatter plot and linear regression line.

Please let me know if it helps.

Also, feel free to ask any questions.

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Good catch.  I've revised the worksheet so it should work now.

What we were missing was the plots package at the very top:



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I've designed an animation of the collision in a way that you can choose the angles/directions of both objects before and after the collision. 

Animating objects in motion within Maple is really cool !


Let me know if that helps and feel free to ask questions.

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