
61 Reputation

3 Badges

15 years, 215 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Benn

Thank you very much, Joe.

Thanks for your help, that works. Can you please point me to the documentation of the mo-command, I could not find it within the online-help? Thank you!

Thanks for your help, that works. Can you please point me to the documentation of the mo-command, I could not find it within the online-help? Thank you!


Thanks for your quick answer, David! To which circumstances are you referring, i. e. how can I modify my circumstances so that it looks good?



Sorry for coming with this rather old thread, but I found it when searching for a yet unsolved problem and it relates to one of the mentioned new features:

I would like the legend of a plot to be plaxed below the plot itself. It goes there by default or by forcing it with the location=bottom option. But: The distance of the legend to the label of the x-axis then is so small that it looks really anaesthetic. How can I increase the distance?

Many thanks in advance,


Same problem here, can maybe someone from Maplesoft comment on how to fix that bug?

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