
20 Reputation

3 Badges

6 years, 225 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by BigBugBuzz

I am attempting to make the transition from Mathematica to Maple. I that regard, I would like to know how I would implement something like Mathematica's "Conditioned" in Maple. For example, how would I implement the example given in the diagram shown below involving the Poisson Distribution?

I am trying to solve an equation with respect to the variable w. However, although there seems to be a solution (see plot indicating a root), Maple produces the wron solution (0, when P = 1/2 and d = 1/10):


equations := S-P*S*((ln(-2*d*w+P+d)-ln(P-d))*(P-d)/(-1+w)+(P+d)*(ln(-P-d)-ln(d*(2*w-1)-P))/w)/(2*d^2) = 0

S-(1/2)*P*S*((ln(-2*d*w+P+d)-ln(P-d))*(P-d)/(-1+w)+(P+d)*(ln(-P-d)-ln(d*(2*w-1)-P))/w)/d^2 = 0


variables := w



solutions := solve(equations, variables)



eval({solutions}, [P = 1/2, d = 1/10])






plot(eval(S*(-P*(-2*d*w+P+d)*ln(-2*d*w+P+d)+P*w*(P-d)*ln(P-d)-(-1+w)*(P*(P+d)*ln(P+d)-2*d^2*w))/(2*d^2*(-1+w)*w), {P = 1/2, S = 1, d = 1/10}), w = 0 .. 1)





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