3012 Reputation

19 Badges

5 years, 149 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by C_R

I very welcome this new feature Thumbs up - Free signs icons but here I am stuck

"restart; f(x):=( sin(x))/(x) :  plot(f(x),title=f(x))"


solve(f(x) = 0, x, allsolutions); about(_Z1)

Originally _Z1, renamed _Z1~:
  is assumed to be: integer



%PIECEWISE([2*Pi*_Z1, ``])


Q1: How to get also the uneven multiples of Pi?
Q2: Why is zero not excluded?
Q3: How to get the desirable output "{  Pi n        n in `&Zopf;` , n<>0"





For the past days I observe that reply to posts stucks at the progess bar

(using a firefox browser). I am wondering whether that is only on my installation. Loading pages is not slow as reported here. I have a suspicion that this happens after having previewed a reply before submission. I observe also sometimes a yellow background of the preview and sometimes a blue background.

I try to submit now with blue backgound

I have doubts as to whether this is possible, but I would like to ask anyway.

For example, can

`*`(`+`(a, b), c);
                           c (a + b)

be written with composed procedures (`*`@`+`) and somehow grouped arguments (a,b) for `+` and (a+b,c) for `*`.

So far I have only come across composed procedures in parethesis applied to one expression in parenthesis.

Since the second pair of parenthesis does a function application to everything what is inside the parenthesis it seems impossible that the right most procedure is only applied to a sub-term of the expression first.

If the answer to my question is no, I want to aks a related question:

Is it possible to separate procedures calls from arguments? So, in a first part of a statement I have a sequence (or a list or a composed function) of procedures/operators and in the second part a sequence of arguments instead of a nested construct of procedure calls?

I tried

interface(warnlevel=0); infolevel[all]:=0;prinlevel:=0;kernelopts('printlevel'=0);

to suppress the warnings I get from this code

  if((re>0) and (im>0) and (im<1-re))then
  end if;
end proc;

The reason for the warnings is clear. The input lines are too long to be plotted. However, the resulting plot is exactly what I intended. Programatically truncating the lines would make the warning disappear, but it would make the code much more complicated.

What else can be done to suppress this kind of warning.

It is &ndash; that is not rendered.

Maple 2023

For comparision Maple 2022.

Can someone reproduce this? Anything I can do about it (some settings maybe)?

Both session directly after restart of Maple.

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