
155 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 52 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Chia

Hi all,


I tried to find the real solution of the unlinear integral equation:


exp(-h^2/T)*(Int(exp(-x^2/T)*BesselI(0, h*x/T)*x, x = 0 .. 1))/T


but I got the warning and an complex solution:


 solve(subs(T = 1, eq)-.99 = 0, h)

Warning, solutions may have been lost



Can anyone help me to find a real solution for this issue (if possible)...?

I would like to thank you in advance.


Hi all,


I'm trying to create the 3D animation which can show the idea of rotating 2D function plot, such as:



display(seq(surfdata([seq([seq([x, cos(2*p*Pi*(1/25))*x^(1/2), -sin(2*p*Pi*(1/25))*x^(1/2)], x = 0 .. 4, .1)], p = 0 .. t)]), t = 1 .. 25), insequence = true);

But it's too inconvenient because of too many seq functions in this commond, is there any easier way to plot this animatiton?

Thank you.

Hi all,


min/max command in Maple can return the minimum/maximum of a sequence or array.

 In my case, I want to find not only the minimum/maximum, but also where are them. How can I do?

For example, there is a squence [1,2,3,7,6,5,4].

Through max([1,2,3,7,6,5,4]), we can get 7.

But I still want to get "4" which is the index value of "7". 


Thank you.


Hi all,

I have some "boolean variable" constraint equation like this:


where a1,a2,...,an and b1, b2, ..., bn are 1 or -1

These equations will be used in LPSolve or the other command to find a group of parameters which can fit them.

Now I used for-loop to deal with this kind of question, for example:

But there are more than 10 boolean variables in my case and It's very inefficient. On the other hand, using for-loop to determine the equation we solve in the command will lead to great confusion.

I think there should be some ways able to solve this kind of "boolean variables" question in Maple, such as, through assume command to define the type of "boolean variable".

But I have no idea how to do it.

Hi all,

I have lots of contstraint equations group and I want to fund a group of parameters which can fit them. 

For example, these are a simple constraint eqqations group:
eqs:{x1>0, x2>0 x1<1000, x2<1000, x1+x2>300,x1+x2<700}

Through SolveTools library, I can determine whether there is a group of parameters.


LinearMultivariateSystem({x1 > 0, x1+x2 > 300, x2 < 1000, x1+x2 < 700, x2 > 0*x1 and 0*x1 < 1000}, [x1, x2]);

{[{x1 <= 300, 0 < x1}, {x2 < -x1 + 700, 300 - x1 < x2}],[{300 < x1, x1 < 700}, {0 < x2, x2 < -x1 + 700}]}


Then, if I want to find a group of parameter a group of parameters (ex, x1=300, x2=200 in this case), how should I do?

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