Daniel Reyes

76 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 116 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Daniel Reyes

Dear all

I have a problem with a non linar equation systems. Basically it takes long time  to show me the results

The systems is the following,

R1 := -(1-y)*sqrt(1-x^2)-x*sqrt(1-y^2)+(1/4)*y*(x*sqrt(1-z^2)-z*sqrt(1-x^2))*J = 0;
R2 := -y*(sqrt(1-z^2)+sqrt(1-x^2))+(z+x)*sqrt(1-y^2)-(1/4)*sqrt(1-y^2)*(x*z+sqrt((1-x^2)*(1-z^2)))*J = 0;
R3 := -(1-y)*sqrt(1-z^2)-z*sqrt(1-y^2)-(1/4)*y*(x*sqrt(1-y^2)-y*sqrt(1-x^2))*J = 0;

solve({R1,R2,R3}, {x,y,z}) assuming J>0

Could one help me?

Thanks in advance


Dear all: Anybody could tell me how can I obtain this integral with maple? Int(exp^(-a*x^2)*sech(x/2)^2, x=-infinity..infinity); where "a" is positive thank a lot D. Reyes CBPF

Dear all: Anybody could tell me how can I obtain this integral with maple? Int(u^(d)*coth(u/2), u=0..infinity); where "d" is positive thank a lot D. Reyes CBPF
Please, could anybody help me with this integral, where y is higher than 0? Int(Int(1/((1+y*(cos(x)+cos(z)))^(1/2)),x = 0 .. pi),z = 0 .. pi); Thank you a lot for help. D. Reyes CBPF-Brazil.
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