Darrell Pepper

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11 years, 336 days
1968: BSME - Univ of Missouri - Rolla (now MS&T) 1970: MSAE - University of Missouri - Rolla 1974: PhD - University of Missouri - Rolla 1974-1987: E. I. Dupont de Nemours, Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, SC; various tech and mgr positions 1987-1990: Chief Scientist, The Marquard Co, Van Nuys, CA - NASP program 1988-1995: Co-founder and CEO, Advanced Projects Research, Inc., Moorpark, CA 1988-1992: Professor of Mech. Engr., California State University Northridge 1992-present: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UNLV; 1996-2002 Chair; 2002-2003 Dean 1996-present: Director, Nevada Center for Advanced Computational Methods 2004: ASME Confressional Fellow, senior legislative fellow - US Senator Dianne Feinstein 2001-2016: Co-founder and EVP, Nevada Energy and Environmental Systems 2011-2013: Distinguished Visiting Professor, EM Dept., US Air Force Academy, CO ~ 350 publications consisting of referred journals, conferences, textbooks, and reports

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Darrell Pepper

My co-author and I recently published the 3rd edition of our finite element book1 utilizing routines written with MAPLE. In this latest edition, we include a chapter on the meshless method. The meshless method is a unique numerical method for solving PDEs. The finite element method requires the establishment of a mesh associated with node points. Consideration must be given in establishing a good mesh (and minimizing the bandwidth associated with node numbering). The meshless method does not require a mesh to connect nodes. The following excerpt describes the application of the meshless method for a simple 1-D heat transfer simulation using six nodes.

Consider the 1-D expression for heat transfer in a bar defined by the relation2


where the 1-D domain is bounded by 0 ≤ xL. The exact solution to this problem is


with the exact derivative of the temperature given by



In order to solve the 1-D problem, a multiquadric (MQ) radial basis function (RBF) is used 


where r(x, xj) is the radial (Euclidean) distance from the expansion point (xj) to any point (x) , c is a shape parameter that controls the flatness of the RBF and is set by the user, and n is an integer. With n = 1, we retrieve the inverse multiquadric


that will be used to solve Eq. (1). Other types of RBFs are available; the MQ is accurate and popular.


A global expansion for the 1-D temperature can be expressed as


with the second derivative of the temperature given as


Introducing the RBF expansion for the terms in the governing equation, and collocating at the interior points, we obtain


At the boundaries, we collocate the RBF expansion to impose the boundary conditions


Defining the operator


we can now assemble into a fully populated matrix as,



The solutions obtained using finite difference, finite volume, finite element, boundary element, and the meshless method are listed in Table 1 for 6 equally spaced nodes3 with To = 15 and TL = 25, and L = 1. The interior nodes do not have to be uniformly spaced.

Table 1. Comparison of errors for interior temperatures i = 2,3,…N-1


The Maple code listing follows:

> restart:

FUNCTIONS (RBF) il:=6:To:=15:TL:=25:L:=1:
>   x:=[0,1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5,1]:
>   S:=1000:n:=1:dx:=1/(il-1):
>   C:=Array(1..il,1..il):phi:=Array(1..il,1..il):d2phi:=Array(1..il,1..il):
for i from 1 to il do
   for j from 1 to il do
      d2phi[i,j]:=3*((x[j]-x[i])/20)^2/(4*((x[j]-x[i])^2/40+1)^(5/2) )-1/(40*((x[j]-x[i])^2/40+1)^(3/2)):
   end do:
end do:
>   for i from 2 to il-1 do    
>       for j from 1 to il do
>         C[i,j]:=d2phi[i,j]+phi[i,j];
>         C[1,j]:=phi[1,j];
         end do:
      end do:
> #ConditionNumber(C);
>   alpha:=LinearSolve(convert(C,Matrix),b):
for i from 2 to il-1 do
   for j from 1 to il do
>         TM[i]:=TM[i]+alpha[j]*(1+(x[i]-x[j])^2/(S*dx^2))^(n-3/2);
 >     end do:
>   end do:


> TE:=To*cos(xx)+(TL+L-To*cos(L))/sin(L)*sin(xx)-xx:
> TE:=subs(TE):
> TE:=plot(TE,xx=0..1,color=blue,legend="Exact",thickness=3):
> MEM:=[seq([subs(x[i]),subs(TM[i])],i=1..6)]:
> T:=plots[pointplot](MEM,style=line,color=red,legend="MEM", thickness=3): 
  MEM:=plots[pointplot](MEM,color=red,legend="MEM",symbol=box, symbolsize=15):

>  plots[display](TE,MEM,T,axes=BOXED,title="Solution - MEM");



Additional examples for two-dimensional domains are described in the text, along with a chapter on the boundary element method. The meshless method is an interesting numerical approach that belongs to the family of weighted residual techniques. The matrix condition number is on the order of 1010 and can give surprisingly good results – however, the solution can fluctuate when repeatedly executed, eventually returning to the nearly correct solution; this is not an issue when using local assembly instead of the global assemble performed here4. The method can be used to form hybrid schemes, e.g., a finite element method can easily be linked with a meshless method to solve a secondary system of equations for problems involving large domains. Results are not sensitive to the location of the nodes; a random placement of points gives qualitatively similar results as a uniform placement.

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