
242 Reputation

4 Badges

17 years, 199 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Dirk

Maple generates the values (numbers) for axis labeling automatically, e. g. 3.5   10E-3 for 3.5 meters. If I want to label the axis manually with millimeters, how can I fit the automatically generated numers to the manual given unit?

I have a problem and hope, anybody can help me with that.

I have density data dependig on temperature and pressure. The data are stored in an excel file (in a square block - see attachment). Is there an easy way to import this data in Maple, that I can use several values of the density at given a pressure and temperature? Maybe comparable with a table (or matrix) where you can pick out indexed values, e.g. rho[temperature,pressure].

My current solution is to write a procedure, but before that I would like to know if there is an easyer way.


I tried to get a 3D "surface" plot (comapreable to a matrix surface plot or matrixplot) of a list in the form:


where xi are the x-data, yi are the y-data and zi are some velocity data. Unfortunately I found only the possibility to draw a pointplot3d. Maybe anybody can help me.




I have just another question. I would like to create a high resolution jpg file of a 3D plot, but I get only pictures in a very bad quality (even by using the plotpoints command).

How can I enhance the quality of exported picture files?




I have some numerical data (-> data2.txt) for a velocity profile (x- and y- coordinate with corresponding velocity). I would like to compare this data with a analytical function (3D plot -> Maple file).

Do anybody know, how

#1 to get the data - points in the 3D plot and

#2 how to determine the error between the data - points and the 3D plot?



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