
242 Reputation

4 Badges

17 years, 199 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Dirk


I have some data (points of results -> a list of x - data and a list of corresponding y - data) and I would like to fit a curve to this data.  curves does not fit very well to the data points.

Can anybody give me a method to fit a curve to the data?


The data are:




in areas with strong slopes the accuracy of 3-D plots is quite poor.

E. g. is in the following plot the area with the strong slope displayed angular (also dependig on the perspective).

plot3d(0.2387865921e-3*Pi*sqrt(2)*(1/(Pi*T))^(3/2)*v^2*exp(-0.1924464758e-2*v^2/T), v = 0 .. 1000, T = 0 .. 500, axes = boxed);

Is it possible to enhance the quality (resolution) of a plot in this reginons (or in the whole plot)?



I would like to copy Maple results and insert them in text documents (e. g. MS-Word). I highlighted the Mple result and copied it with the context menu (strg+c, Windows). Following I pasted it with the context menu in a Word Document. Unfortunately the pasted image was very fuzzy (actually unreadable). Is there any other method to copy Maple outcomes quickly in text documents? Thanks Dirk
Why does Maple not substitute the value for y[1] in the result? subs(m=3,y[1]=2,sum(r[i]*y[i],i=1..m));%; I assume that the values were substituted in sum() but subs() does not execute sum(). Accordingly there is at the timepoint of substitution no y[1] in sum()? Thanks Dirk
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