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18 years, 157 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by GeorgeJ

Thank you.  I finally figured out what the Manual was trying to tell me.  The correct code would be



Thank you.  I finally figured out what the Manual was trying to tell me.  The correct code would be



Thanks.  In the Maple 14 help file I was looking under pointplot and not under plot options, so I missed the view option completely.  It works fine.  Next time I'll consider using a subject search in Maple Primes as you suggest.

Thanks.  In the Maple 14 help file I was looking under pointplot and not under plot options, so I missed the view option completely.  It works fine.  Next time I'll consider using a subject search in Maple Primes as you suggest.

Thanks Alec. In the Maple help file I was looking under PointPlot and not under Plot Options, so I missed the view option completely. 

Thanks Alec. In the Maple help file I was looking under PointPlot and not under Plot Options, so I missed the view option completely. 

J, I appreciate your post (and its title :) ). I certainly have gotten the impression that there is no compelling reason to upgrade to VISTA. Still, it seems that most new computers come with VISTA installed and at the present time, if I knew someone who was off to college majoring in some technical field told me they were about to buy a laptop computer and wanted my recommendation for a good algebra/numeric/graphing program, I would be hesitant to recommend MAPLE11 for the reason mentioned in my previous post. Were it not for the VISTA compatibility problem I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend MAPLE11. How many sales is Maplesoft loosing on account of this?
J, I appreciate your post (and its title :) ). I certainly have gotten the impression that there is no compelling reason to upgrade to VISTA. Still, it seems that most new computers come with VISTA installed and at the present time, if I knew someone who was off to college majoring in some technical field told me they were about to buy a laptop computer and wanted my recommendation for a good algebra/numeric/graphing program, I would be hesitant to recommend MAPLE11 for the reason mentioned in my previous post. Were it not for the VISTA compatibility problem I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend MAPLE11. How many sales is Maplesoft loosing on account of this?
Thank you. Yes I did mean to send a longer file, but I accidently uploaded it before I added the other stuff. I think you’ve answered my question regarding that other stuff. I now understand that the function to be analysed is `evalf/Bessel/realJI`,
Thank you. Yes I did mean to send a longer file, but I accidently uploaded it before I added the other stuff. I think you’ve answered my question regarding that other stuff. I now understand that the function to be analysed is `evalf/Bessel/realJI`,
Here is the worksheet I was referring to. In this worksheet I also show another problem I have run into. Hot on the trail of finding out how the MAPLE function BesselJ works, I evaluated BessleI and ran into the situation shown in the uploaded worksheet. It seems there is a function `Bessel/realJI`. I was able to actually invoke this function, as shown in the worksheet, but when I tried to get a display of the code of this function I drew a blank, as is also indicated in the worksheet. How would I find the code of `Bessel/realJI`? View
Here is the worksheet I was referring to. In this worksheet I also show another problem I have run into. Hot on the trail of finding out how the MAPLE function BesselJ works, I evaluated BessleI and ran into the situation shown in the uploaded worksheet. It seems there is a function `Bessel/realJI`. I was able to actually invoke this function, as shown in the worksheet, but when I tried to get a display of the code of this function I drew a blank, as is also indicated in the worksheet. How would I find the code of `Bessel/realJI`? View
I should have put this into the previous post. What's a general suggestion for someone who programs in MAPLE but occasionally wants 2D input at commands? I there a quick way to shift between 1D & 2D input?
O.K. Well, I'm glad to find that out. Now I know that I could have had my code "processed" a whole heck of alot faster in MAPLE 10 if I had used 1D input. The difference isn't so important with the faster parsing in MAPLE11, but I sure wish I had known that when I was using MAPLE10 :). Any, thanks for the info. BTW, I assume by 1D input you mean what MAPLE11 refers to as "Maple Input" - the stuff that comes out in red, right? I don't like the red, but if that's what's need for super-fast parsing I'll put up with it.
O.K. Basically what I do is this. I go into the code of the procedure and change one little thing (like a variable name). Then, with the MAPLE cursor still in the procedure, I move the mouse cursor to the '!' symbol at the top of the screen and click it. Then I note how long the hourglass symbol persists. When I do this in MAPLE 10 the hourglass seems to persist about six times as long as when I do it in MAPLE11. I assume that what is happening when the hourglass is visible is that code is being compiled. If you have both versions you can try it and see what I mean.
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