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These are replies submitted by GeorgeJ

Will, CUTE PDF works!!!!! It prints all the page numbers !!! Thanks for the reference. When I think over this whole thing its a real head scratcher. Both the Konica 1735 driver and Adobe's own Acrobat 7.0 both showed the same weird problem on 2 different computers, so I was 99% sure the problem was w/ the MAPLE print routines. Then this wierd free program CUTE PDF works correctly, while Acrobat, created by the creators of the pdf format, did not. Go figure! :) Thanks
Will, since my last post I have loaded MAPLE 10 on another machine. I have also updated to MAPLE 10.06 on both machines. Both machines have Adobe Acrobat 7.0 standard, and I get the same problem in both - when I do a print/preview in I see page numbers at the bottom of all 3 pages but when I print the file to a PDF file using Adobe Acrobat standard 7.0 the page number only appears at the bottom of the first page. I don't know what "CUTE PDF" is but I sure would like to try a copy if it is free. At this point I conclude that there is a high liklihood that one of the following is true A) There is something in the interaction between MAPLE 10 and Adobe Acrobat 7.0 standard which causes this problem, and there also happens to be this problem in the interaction of MAPLE 10 and the Konica 7135 printer, B) There is something wrong w/ my copy of MAPLE 10. The disk I was mailed gave me MAPLE 10.03 from a build in March, and I upgraded a few days ago to 10.06 from the latest upgrade on the MAPLE website. If the problem is A), then maybe I could solve it if I could get Cute PDF. If B) is the problem then should I uninstall on both systems and ask you folks to send me a new disk? I think its highly unlikely that something that happened on the computers corrupted MAPLE 10, because what is the liklihood of the same identical corruption taking place on 2 different computers? Is there anyone out there who is running MAPLE 10 who has Adobe Acrobat standard 7.0 on their computer? If so I would appreciate it if you could download and print it to a pdf file and see if you get page numbers at the bottom of all 3 pages. -Thnka you View on MapleNet or Download
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Will, since my last post I have loaded MAPLE 10 on another machine. I have also updated to MAPLE 10.06 on both machines. Both machines have Adobe Acrobat 7.0 standard, and I get the same problem in both - when I do a print/preview in I see page numbers at the bottom of all 3 pages but when I print the file to a PDF file using Adobe Acrobat standard 7.0 the page number only appears at the bottom of the first page. I don't know what "CUTE PDF" is but I sure would like to try a copy if it is free. At this point I conclude that there is a high liklihood that one of the following is true A) There is something in the interaction between MAPLE 10 and Adobe Acrobat 7.0 standard which causes this problem, and there also happens to be this problem in the interaction of MAPLE 10 and the Konica 7135 printer, B) There is something wrong w/ my copy of MAPLE 10. The disk I was mailed gave me MAPLE 10.03 from a build in March, and I upgraded a few days ago to 10.06 from the latest upgrade on the MAPLE website. If the problem is A), then maybe I could solve it if I could get Cute PDF. If B) is the problem then should I uninstall on both systems and ask you folks to send me a new disk? I think its highly unlikely that something that happened on the computers corrupted MAPLE 10, because what is the liklihood of the same identical corruption taking place on 2 different computers? Is there anyone out there who is running MAPLE 10 who has Adobe Acrobat standard 7.0 on their computer? If so I would appreciate it if you could download and print it to a pdf file and see if you get page numbers at the bottom of all 3 pages. -Thnka you View on MapleNet or Download
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Both of you guys helped me out. Thanks. Its clear to me now. I think this could have been covered better in the manual.
Both of you guys helped me out. Thanks. Its clear to me now. I think this could have been covered better in the manual.
Thanks, Will. That's extremely helpful. In future I'll try to remember to put at the bottom of my post a link to the uploaded file if there is one.
Thanks, Will. That's extremely helpful. In future I'll try to remember to put at the bottom of my post a link to the uploaded file if there is one.
Actually Will, I was referring to the paragraph before the equation. I wondered if it was possible to format this paragraph so that if the worksheet were printed out the last character in each line would be in the same position as the last charcter on every other line. Word processors such as Microsoft WORD have this capability. Somewhere in the MAPLE manual it is stated that the Manual was produced using MAPLE. I see that for paragraphs in the manual, the last character on a line lines up with the last character on the previous line. How can this be accomplished using MAPLE? -regards
Actually Will, I was referring to the paragraph before the equation. I wondered if it was possible to format this paragraph so that if the worksheet were printed out the last character in each line would be in the same position as the last charcter on every other line. Word processors such as Microsoft WORD have this capability. Somewhere in the MAPLE manual it is stated that the Manual was produced using MAPLE. I see that for paragraphs in the manual, the last character on a line lines up with the last character on the previous line. How can this be accomplished using MAPLE? -regards

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Something wierd is happening here. Look at the do loop
right below here. It appears to work, although
the code is meaningless because the index of C doesn't

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Now watch what happens when I try to do what I really want to do...

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Error, (in zz[1]) invalid subscript selector

Now lets try replacing the index of C with a constant.

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Interesting, isn't it? Its as if the loop lets me use k once but not twice.

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> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Something wierd is happening here. Look at the do loop
right below here. It appears to work, although
the code is meaningless because the index of C doesn't

Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Now watch what happens when I try to do what I really want to do...

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Error, (in zz[1]) invalid subscript selector

Now lets try replacing the index of C with a constant.

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

> Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Interesting, isn't it? Its as if the loop lets me use k once but not twice.

This post was generated using the MaplePrimes File Manager
Download the original worksheet | View worksheet on MapleNet

If I posted this question twice it was by accident.
Thanks for the info, David. well, I'm moving right along here. Now I'm on page 2 of the user manual. When I go to the corseponding document under Help, I indeed see the line diff((1.1),x) The first parameter of diff, which is (1.1) refers to an expression on a previous line which was given that number automatically by MAPLE. I notice that (1.1) is bolded in the expression. When I try to play around with the file and remove (1.1) and put it back in, I notice 2 things - 1) it isn't bolded, and 2) it doesn't work! Obviously there is some special thing you have to do to put a line number into the spot for the parameter of a function. Could someone tell me how to do this.
Thanks for the info, David. well, I'm moving right along here. Now I'm on page 2 of the user manual. When I go to the corseponding document under Help, I indeed see the line diff((1.1),x) The first parameter of diff, which is (1.1) refers to an expression on a previous line which was given that number automatically by MAPLE. I notice that (1.1) is bolded in the expression. When I try to play around with the file and remove (1.1) and put it back in, I notice 2 things - 1) it isn't bolded, and 2) it doesn't work! Obviously there is some special thing you have to do to put a line number into the spot for the parameter of a function. Could someone tell me how to do this.
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