
28 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 175 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Hamid

I need to solve following ODE: ODE:= y(f)*(diff(y(f), f, f))+50.0*f -50.0*f^2= 0 Subject to boundary conditions: BC:= (D(y))(.5) = 0, y(0) = 0 I used BVP method : dsol2 := dsolve({ODE, BC}, numeric, method = bvp[midrich], y(f), range = 0 .. .5) But I got " Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) division by zero" Can someone please tell me what I can do. Thanks, http://maplenet.maplesoft.com/maplenet/worksheet/mapleprimes/4384_BVP.mw
I need to solve following ODE: ODE:= y(f)*(diff(y(f), f, f))+50.0*f -50.0*f^2= 0 Subject to boundary conditions: BC:= (D(y))(.5) = 0, y(0) = 0 I used BVP method : dsol2 := dsolve({ODE, BC}, numeric, method = bvp[midrich], y(f), range = 0 .. .5) But I got " Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) division by zero" Can someone please tell me what I can do. Thanks, http://maplenet.maplesoft.com/maplenet/worksheet/mapleprimes/4384_BVP.mw
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