
15 Reputation

3 Badges

6 years, 319 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Hoovernent

I am trying to solve laplaces eqn in maple, and i cannot see an error in my code, however when i run it it returns me nothing. No error, not solution. just nothing.


pde := (diff(u(x, y), x, x))+diff(u(x, y), y, y) = 0;

bc[1]:= D[2](u)(x,0) = 0;
bc[2]:= (u)(x,1) = x^2-x;
bc[3]:= (u)(0,y)=0;
bc[4]:= (u)(1,y)=0;

pdsolve({pde, bc[1], bc[2],bc[3],bc[4]}, HINT= X(x)*Y(y));


what is going wrong?

I have written the following code; 

Do := proc( F::algebraic , Q::list)
local n:=nops(F), m:=nops(Q);
seq(F[i]~(Q[i]), i=1..n);
end proc:


which does not work

I know there is a really simple mistake but i just cannot see it.


I am trying to plot matrix in maple, and from the help i believe i need to use matrix plot. 


I am trying to do something like; 



for example. Is there a way to do this? Just like plotting a graph without specifying the range of x and y. 



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