
30 Reputation

3 Badges

11 years, 256 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by JGonzalezGUS


I am trying to display an array of plots. I did a search and found this: "https://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/view.aspx?path=plot%2Farrayplot".

However, when I try it, I get an error message: "Error, (in plots:-display) element 1 of the rtable is not a valid plot structure".

Here's the code identical to the sample page. If I display(A__1) or display(A__2) individually, it works.

A := Array(1 .. 2);
A__1 := plot(sin(x), x = -Pi .. Pi, axes = framed, labels = [x, sin(x)]);
A__2 := plot(cos(x), x = -Pi .. Pi, axes = boxed, style = point);

Running Maple 2023 on MacBook Pro Monterey V12.6.5 (latest as far as I know).

Thanks for any assistance.


I use Maple 2022 on a MacBook Pro. In most of the plots I create I use symbol=solidcircle and symbolsize=12.

Is there a way to make those (and perhaps oher) settings user default so I don't need them in every plot command?



I have no problems assigning simple plots to variables and then displaying all in a single plot using the display command.

However, I am now trying to do the same using implicitplot without success.

This is my code;

f := 3*(x^2 + y^2)^2 = 100*x*y;

with(plots, implicitplot);
p1 := implicitplot(f, x = -4 .. 4, y = -4 .. 4, rangeasview = true):

p2 := pointplot([[1, Pi/2], [-1, -Pi/2]], color = red):


What I get is a small implicit plot and the code for the pointplot back at me.

Is there any way to make this work?

Thank you for your help.



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