
35 Reputation

3 Badges

14 years, 101 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by KateXX


Could you please help me with the following system of equations:

> restart; with(student);
> Z[0] = 377;
> solve({Z = 1/(j*w*C[1]+1/(j*w*L[1])+1/R)+1/(j*w*C[2]+1/(j*w*L[2])), C[1] = w[c]*(w[0]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[2]^2-w[1]^2)/(2*Z[0]*(w[1]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[0]^2-w[1]^2)), C[2] = w[c]*(w[0]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[2]^2-w[1]^2)/(2*Z[0]*(w[1]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[2]^2-w[c]^2)*(w[2]^2-w[0]^2)), L[1] = 1/(w[1]^2*C[1]), L[2] = 1/(w[2]^2*C[2]), R[1] = subs(w = w[1], 2*Z[0]*(1-S[21...

Dear Sir / Madam,

Would you recommend me how to isolate the real and imaginary part and simplify the equation A? Maple cannot evaluate this equation to numeric value...

A := evalf(sqrt((Re(B))^2 + (Im(B))^2));
A := evalf(abs(B));

are not working.

I have attached my equation function.txt

Dear Sir / Madam,
Could you recommend me how to find the square root of the complex equation correctly?
My equation looks like this
sqrt(complex_equation_1^2 + complex_equation_2^2).


I have some problems with pointplot3d command. This text worked in Maple 12 but it doesn't work now...

I have got this "Error, (in plots/tolist) points are not in the correct format".

My text:

file := fopen(`C:\\Users\\Kate\\Documents\\ChSU\\New Project Mobile\\Inverted-L antenna\\ILA 900 MHz Analysis\\ILA 900 MHz.txt`,READ):
Data := readdata(file,7):
Data :=convert(Data,array):
N := 30603/3:


I have one calculation and the result is "Length of output exceeds limit of 1000000"... What can I do with this error?

Thanks a lot.

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