Mac Dude

1566 Reputation

17 Badges

12 years, 326 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Mac Dude

I have a relatively involved modeling application that tracks  a particle beam through a beam line for multiple passes. The beam is described by a Maple Record with a number of different entries; one of them being a table with a 6-vector of numbers for each particle in the beam.

Each pass this beam gets updated. I would like to be able to save the whole record into a filel (i.e. append the file each pass) and then be able to read it back in; regenerating the Record structures. Is this possible?

(I'd normally upload a mwe; except this code uses a large package that would have to be installed. This is something I do not consider reasonable to ask for.)

If there is an explicit answer like: call this function, give it your Record and it should work; and call this reading function to recreate the Record, that would be swell. Or maybe some pointers in the right direction...Maple has so many read, write, save and restore functions that a systematic test is daunting.


Mac Dude

I have a .mapleinit file that amongst other things sets libname so my own packages are accessible and can be loaded using with(). Imagine my surprise when I found that a maple program that ran half an hour ago on Maple2019 bombed when it did not find its package. Closer investigation indicates that maybe .mapleinit is only searched for in currentdir()??

The updated Maple is `Maple 2019.2, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Oct 30 2019, Build ID 1430966`

The old one is gone :-(. It was Maple2019.0. I should add that on this system, Maple is installed on an administrator account that is not my user account (luckily I have access to that). I am running macOS 10.14.6 Mojave.

I verified my older Maples still work as before.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour?

Mac Dude.

Edit: I need to be more specific here: When I double-click a worksheet (.mw file) then currentdir() will be set to the directory the .mw file is in. This has been long-standing Maple behaviour. But then currentdir() does not cover the home directory where .mapleinit sits. As a result, a blank sheet finds my .mapleinit whereas my files (that habitually I open with double-click or drag-drop) do no longer run the .mapleinit file.


I have a simple plot showing a quantity against another. The vertical axis values happen to be relatively large integers (tuning words for a direct digital synthesizer, if anyone cares). In the plot pasted-in below this would be W. Maple insists plotting these in scientific notation with 5 or so digits. Is there any way to force the vertical axis to show labels in integers? I scoured the docs for this but came up empty. To be clear, Maple does the right thing in 99% of all cases, is just that these tuning words are integers so the scientific expression makes no sense here. Plotting the equivalent Hex value would also be acceptable, except that I don't know how to do that either.


Mac Dude

Does Maple allow importing HDF5 data files? I checked the docs & cannot find any hint that it does. But before I launch an SCR I thought I'd ask here.



I am getting my feet wet with Maple's system calls, like ssystem. I am considering to use Maple to run something like a Python script for certain numeric calculations, based on Maple-generated results. I am using Mac OS X (macOS for newer versions).

Maple's Help gives the basics and that works. For the specific Python example; I can run a simple script by using

ssystem("python -c A=2;print(A)"); # \n instead of ; works also.

Presumably I can do this with longer scrpts as well.

However, it appears that, when creating the process, Maple does not setup the environment the user (me) gets through initialization files like .profile, .cshrc or the like. As a result even a simple "python -c import sys" fails; presumably because the environment where Python looks for the module isn't setup. I tried

ssystem("source .cshrc");

but that fails as well. Trying to be clever and invoking a login shell (ssystem("tcsh -lc <command>");) also leads nowhere.

The Help page does say that ssystem() does not give access to all shell commands; is there somewhere documentation that says what works and what is not supported?

I am aware that Maple2018 and newer have more support in form of the Python package, but right now I need my code to be backward compatible to Maple2015 so this new package does not solve my issue for the older installation I am also using. Also, Python is not necessarily the only language I want to use.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Mac Dude


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