
175 Reputation

6 Badges

7 years, 302 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by MapleUser2017


I teach Pre-Calulus High School level, and our school recently upgraded to Maple 2024. Like in Maple 2023 we use Assistant-Tools-import DATA and chosing an Excel file from which to import to do regression on.  In the new 2024 we have experienced, that Maple cannot read in DATA, meaning it cannot read column of DATA into a Maple document. However if we copy into Excel document on the machine locally, then there is no issue and the data is imported. 

Any idear what can cause this?  

Hi I have an n×4 matrix of answer data to a questionnaire I would like to convert into a pivot table. So I can do a Chi2test. 


How do I construct said table? 

I have been trying to to get a loop to sum the elements of a list of n size, and then take a certain element of summen list (which meets) a certain condition. And then print it out. 

What I can get it to do is printing the input list, and summing the elements in a new sister list sequence. And then if I for instance want its to print the element in testseq which is less than 15. Then it instead prints all elements less than 15 in testseq. What I would like to do is to move the index, so it only prints 10 and save it to a constant? 

So what am I missing?

test := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10];
               test := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]

testseq := [seq(sum(test[i], i = 1 .. j), j = 1 .. numelems(test))];
            testseq := [1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 38]

for i to nops(test) while testseq[i] < 15 do
end do;




Since I began to use Maple for teaching back in 2014 (now on 2023 version), the following happens to some students. 

While they are in math mode, the Maple engine suddenly stops being unable to do anything (even 2+2). Only way to solve this is to start a new document or restart Maple. I have seen this issue on both Mac and PC version. 

So my question is what causes this? 

I teach high school math where we use Maple. Some times some students who use Maple 2022 on Mac computers both older and new version of the OS, experience that the document won't react to simple things like plot, solve of loading packages with the "with" command. 

Any idea could be causing this? Because the error goes away if we load a new document within Maple or restart the program.

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