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These are questions asked by Mohamed19

Hollo everybody,

I want to plot the product u^4*j_{alpha+4}(u)*j_{alpha}(v)??

Or j_{alpha} is the modified Bessel function of the first kind and order alpha.


Best regards

Hollo evreyone,

Can you help me to plot the functions given by the pdf attached file.

N.B : One can take theta=pi.

Best regardsplot.pdf


What is the derivative of the composed Bessel function BesselJ(alpha, sqrt(u^2+v^2-2*uv*cos(phi))) with respect to u?

BesselJ(alpha, sqrt(u^2+v^2-2*uv*cos(phi))) is a composed function of the form f(g(u)) with f=BesselJ(u) and g=sqrt(u^2+v^2-2*uv*cos(phi)).

Best regards


How to calculate the derivative of modified Bessel fucntion of the first kind and order \alpha, such that \alpha>-1/2?

I need to calculate de general term of the derivative of modified Bessel function of the first kind and order \alpha.


Best regards 

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