Muhammad Usman

235 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 72 days
Beijing, China

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Muhammad Usman


I hope everyone is fine here. I want to write the following nested loop in my code

restart; TOL := 10^(-3); v[i] := 10^(-4); u[i] := 10^(-4);
if abs(v[i]-1)<=TOL then    if abs(u[i])<=TOL then break    else t[i+1]:=t[i]+alpha; else; fi; fi;

it is not working. If the first condition (v[i]-1)<=TOL is fulfilled, then we have to check the second condition, u[i]<=TOL. That’s why I don’t use “and” here. If both conditions are fulfilled, then stop the loop and if second the condition not fulfilled (but first fulfill) then t[j+1]=t[j]+alpha. 

I shall be waiting for your positive response.

Dear Users!

I hope everyone here is fine. In the attached file I have a list of points in three dimensions. I want to plot surfaceplot (also in Dimension=2) of only those points which are less than 1.

But I want to plot the density plot for all points with the range on x-axes 5 to 15 and the range on y-axes 50-1000

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. In the attached file I have solved a partial differential equation using the finite difference method for different mesh in spatial directions (i.e., for different Mx). I want to compute the time and memory to compute the solution against each Mx and want to plot it. Kindly help me how to compute the time and memory for each value of Mx.

I shall be waiting. Thanks in advance. 

Hi Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. I have plotted the density plot below:

restart; Digits := 20; with(LinearAlgebra); with(plots); N := 20; Mx := 20; L := 1; `&Delta;x` := L/Mx; T := 2; `&Delta;t` := T/N; for i from 0 while i <= Mx do u[i, 0] := 0 end do; for n from 0 while n <= N do u[0, n] := 0; u[Mx, n] := 0 end do; for n from 0 while n <= N-1 do for i while i <= Mx-1 do Ru[i, n] := eval((u[i, n+1]-u[i, n])/`&Delta;t` = (u[i+1, n+1]-2*u[i, n+1]+u[i-1, n+1])/`&Delta;x`^2-u[i, n+1]+.5) end do; Sol[n] := fsolve({seq(Ru[i, n], i = 1 .. Mx-1)}); assign(op(Sol[n])) end do;

Digits := 10; NP := 100; XX := [seq(seq(i1/Mx, i1 = 0 .. Mx), i2 = 0 .. N)]; TT := [seq(seq(i2, i1 = 0 .. Mx), i2 = 0 .. N)]; ZZ := [seq(seq(u[i1, i2], i2 = 0 .. N), i1 = 0 .. Mx)]; interfunc := subs(__M = Matrix(Matrix(Mx+1, N+1, ZZ), datatype = float[8]), proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; CurveFitting:-ArrayInterpolation([[`$`(i1, i1 = 0 .. Mx)], [`$`(i2, i2 = 0 .. N)]], __M, [[x], [y]], method = cubic)[1, 1] end proc); newz := CurveFitting:-ArrayInterpolation([[`$`(i1, i1 = 0 .. Mx)], [`$`(i2, i2 = 0 .. N)]], Matrix(Mx+1, N+1, ZZ, datatype = float[8]), [[seq(Mx*(i3-1)/(NP-1), i3 = 1 .. NP)], [seq(N*(i3-1)/(NP-1), i3 = 1 .. NP)]], method = cubic); nminz, nmaxz := (min, max)(newz); C := .666*(1-ImageTools:-FitIntensity(newz)); PC := PLOT(GRID(0 .. Mx, 0 .. N, newz, COLOR(HUE, C)), STYLE(PATCHNOGRID)); numcontours := 15; PP := (proc (P) options operator, arrow; (op(0, P))(op(P), ROOT(BOUNDS_X(0), BOUNDS_Y(0), BOUNDS_WIDTH(600), BOUNDS_HEIGHT(500))) end proc)(plots:-display(PC, plots:-contourplot(interfunc, 0 .. Mx, 0 .. N, thickness = 0, contours = [seq(nminz+(nmaxz-nminz)*(i3-1)/(numcontours+2-1), i3 = 1 .. numcontours+2)]), seq(plot(ZZ[1], nminz .. nminz, thickness = 15, color = COLOR(HUE, .666*(1-i3/(numcontours+1))), legend = sprintf(" %.3f", nminz+i3*(nmaxz-nminz)/(numcontours+1))), i3 = numcontours+1 .. 0, -1), legendstyle = [location = right, font = [Helvetica, 14]], font = [Helvetica, 16], labelfont = [Helvetica, bold, 16], labels = [x, t], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]));
plots[display](PP, size = [500, 400]);

Here the t-axis is from 0 to 20 but its actual value is from 0 to 2 and the x-axis is from 0 to 20 but its actual value is from 0 to 2. How can I change the axis? Moreover, I used the following way to extract the data in a dat file to plot the function (say f) in some professional software.

with(plots); f := plot(sin(x), x = -Pi .. Pi); dat1 := `~`[plottools:-getdata]([f]); for i while i <= 1 do A[i] := dat1[i, 3]; Y[i] := A[i][1 .. -1, 2] end do; X := A[1][1 .. -1, 1]; MM1 := `<|>`(X, `$`(Y[j2], j2 = 1 .. 1)); ExportMatrix("C:/Users/Usman/Desktop//Graph f.dat", MM1);

How I can, I extract data in the form of a dat file to plot in some professional software? 

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. I have the following functions:

f := cos(t)*sin(x)-sin(x)+(1/2)*sin(x)*t^2-(1/24)*sin(x)*t^4

I want to plot the contour plots with legends like given as (this is the countor plot just for reference):

I want the same coloring to fill the contour plots. Kindly help me to resolve my problem. Thanks in advances

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