Muhammad Usman

235 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 66 days
Beijing, China

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Muhammad Usman

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine. I want to plot the following sequence in 3d for t=0..1 and x=-pi..pi;

[0., 0.4995839572e-1*sin(x), 0.9966865249e-1*sin(x), .1488899476*sin(x), .1973955598*sin(x), .2449786631*sin(x), .2914567945*sin(x), .3366748194*sin(x), .3805063771*sin(x), .4228539261*sin(x), .4636476090*sin(x), .5028432109*sin(x), .5404195003*sin(x), .5763752206*sin(x), .6107259644*sin(x), .6435011088*sin(x), .6747409422*sin(x), .7044940642*sin(x), .7328151018*sin(x), .7597627549*sin(x), .7853981634*sin(x)];

In the sequence first entry (0) for t=0, second (0.4995839572e-1*sin(x)) for t=0.05, third (0.9966865249e-1*sin(x)) for t= 0.1 and so on the last entry (.7853981634*sin(x)) for t=1. In addition, how do I plot if the number of points exceeds in the sequence for example 100 or 1000 points, but the difference between two consecutive values for t is the same here the difference is Delta*t=0.05.

Dear Users!

I hope you are doing well. I have the following discretized form

for n>=1 and j=0..M. We obtained the following matrix equation for any "n" and j=0..M as:

I want matrix proc of any useful way to define A^n, u^n, and b^n. I am waiting for your positive response. Thanks in advancs

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. I have three vectors say V[1], V[2] and V[3] as:

restart; with(LinearAlgebra); with(linalg);
V[1] := Vector([3, 2, -4]);
V[2] := Vector([1, 2/3, 7]);
V[3] := Vector([-9, 0, 1/2]);

I can define a Vector V have V[1], V[2] and V[3] using blockmatrix command as:

C := blockmatrix(3, 1, [V[1], V[2], V[3]]);

My question is that how I can extract vectors V[1], V[2] and V[3] from C? Thanks in advance

Dear Users!

I hope you are doing well. In the attached file I want to convert the system of ODEs (attained the system against the value of M) into matrix form and need the matrices A, B and vector b. Remember the order of A, B and b vary as M vary. I am waiting for your kind response. Please take care and thanks

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. I want to solve the following system of PDEs associated with Robin-type boundary conditions. But got the error. Kindly help me to fix this issue. Thanks

restart; TT := 0.1e-2; l := 1/5; b[1] := .18; b[2] := 2*10^(-9); k[1] := 1.3*10^(-7); k[-1] := 24; k[2] := 7.2; p := .9997; d[1] := 0.412e-1; f := .2988*10^8; g := 2.02*10^7; s := 1.36*10^4; E[0] := 3.3*10^5; T1[0] := .5*10^9; C1[0] := 3.3*10^5; alpha[0] := 10^(-10); D1 := 10^(-6); D2 := 10^(-2); D3 := 10^(-6); d[4] := 1.155*10^(-2); t[0] := 1/D1; kappa := 10^4; k[3] := 300*(24*60); chi := 0; sigma := d[1]*t[0]; rho := f*t[0]*C1[0]/(E[0]*T1[0]); mu := k[1]*t[0]*T1[0]; eta := g/T1[0]; epsilon := t[0]*C1[0]*(p*k[2]+k[-1])/E[0]; omega := D3/D1; beta1 := b[1]*t[0]; beta2 := b[2]*T1[0]; phi := k[1]*t[0]*E[0]; lambda := t[0]*C1[0]*(k[-1]+k[2]*(1-p))/T1[0]; psi := t[0]*(k[-1]+k[2]); gamma1 := chi*alpha[0]/D1; delta := D2/D1; kappa := k[3]*t[0]*C1[0]/alpha[0]; xi := d[4]*t[0]; PDE1 := diff(u(y, t), t) = diff(u(y, t), y, y)-gamma1*(u(y, t)*(diff(theta(y, t), y, y))+(diff(u(y, t), y))*(diff(theta(y, t), y)))+sigma*piecewise(y <= l, 0, 1)+rho*C(y, t)/(eta+T(y, t))-sigma*u(y, t)-mu*u(y, t)*T(y, t)+epsilon*C(y, t); PDE2 := diff(theta(y, t), t) = delta*(diff(theta(y, t), y, y))+kappa*C(y, t)-xi*theta(y, t); PDE3 := diff(T(y, t), t) = omega*(diff(T(y, t), y, y))+beta1*(1-beta2*T(y, t))*T(y, t)-phi*u(y, t)*T(y, t)+lambda*C(y, t); PDE4 := diff(C(y, t), t) = mu*u(y, t)*T(y, t)-psi*C(y, t); ICs := u(y, 0) = piecewise(0 <= y and y <= l, 0, 1-exp(-1000*(x-l)^2)), T(y, 0) = piecewise(0 <= y and y <= l, 1-exp(-1000*(x-l)^2), 0), C(y, 0) = piecewise(l-epsilon <= y and y <= l+epsilon, exp(-1000*(x-l)^2), 1-exp(-1000*(x-l)^2)), theta(y, 0) = 0; BCs := {(D[1](C))(0, t) = 0, (D[1](C))(1, t) = 0, (D[1](T))(0, t) = 0, (D[1](T))(1, t) = 0, (D[1](theta))(0, t) = 0, (D[1](theta))(1, t) = 0, (D[1](u))(0, t) = 0, (D[1](u))(1, t) = 0};

PDE:= {PDE1, PDE2, PDE3, PDE4}; pds := pdsolve(PDE, {ICs}, BCs, numeric, spacestep = 1/100, timestep = 1/100);

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/process_PDEs) specified dependent variable(s) {(D[1](C))(0, t) = 0, (D[1](C))(1, t) = 0, (D[1](T))(0, t) = 0, (D[1](T))(1, t) = 0, (D[1](theta))(0, t) = 0, (D[1](theta))(1, t) = 0, (D[1](u))(0, t) = 0, (D[1](u))(1, t) = 0} not present in input PDE

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