
4 Reputation

2 Badges

15 years, 53 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Never

Hi, I am working on deriving Inverse Kinematic Equations for my robot. I have 4 simultaneous trigonometic equations in 4 variables. However, Maple is getting stuck when I try to solve these equations. My variables are w,x,y,z. Can anybody please suggest me a way in which I can solve this problem? My equations are a := Cos[w] (Cos[x] (-110 Cos[y] - 170) + 110 Sin[x] Cos[y] Sin[z] - 22) + 110 Sin[w] Sin[y] Sin[z] = x1 b := Sin[w] (Cos[x] (-110 Cos[y] - 170) + 110 Sin[x] Cos[y] Sin[z] - 22) - 110 Cos[w] Sin[y] Sin[z] = y1
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