Petra Heijnen

125 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 169 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Petra Heijnen

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

I searched for Optimization and kernel connection lost in Mapleprimes. Didn't find your post, unfortunately. 

I use Maple 2015.2, but had the same problem when going back to Maple 18.

Sad that problem doesn't seem to be solved yet despite your SCR.



I use Maple2015.2 on Window 7, 64-bit.

I've restarted just before running te example.

Or even worse. It only updates after a mouse click, so some user action seems to be required.

It seems to only update at the end of an execution group.

If I use 

[> M[1,1]:=1:
[> M[1,2]:=2:
[> M[1,3]:=3:

It updates after executing each individual execution group.

@Mac Dude 

restart: with(LinearAlgebra):

for i from 1 to 3 do
for j from 1 to 3 do


Thanks, but it doesn't do anything. I've made a simple example as above, Then added a data table component (called DT0) added to M. I've added some sleep time in order to clearly see updates if any. 

It just doesn't matter whether I use the update command or not. It just only updates after both loops are finished.

@acer Thank you very much. It works exactly as I wanted. 

@acer I use Version 18. I assume that the same command can be used in 18?

I did define the graph in the normal way. But used save G,"graph.txt": to use it in the hidden code region of another file. I've never noticed that this could change the weights on the edges. Isn't that strange? 

However, I'm happy that it's solved now.


Indeed, that might be a solution:

{x = 31.94872189, y = 223.2784497},

{x = 29.97009587, y = 223.2834615}


But it does not explain why the geometry-way doesn't work. I'm curious about that. 

However, in the mean time I can use this work-around. Thanks.

Indeed, that might be a solution:

{x = 31.94872189, y = 223.2784497},

{x = 29.97009587, y = 223.2834615}


But it does not explain why the geometry-way doesn't work. I'm curious about that. 

However, in the mean time I can use this work-around. Thanks.

That's really weird. Because, I get this with Maple 17.02. (see screen shot below)

That's really weird. Because, I get this with Maple 17.02. (see screen shot below)

@itsme Thank's a lot. That does the trick!

@itsme Thank's a lot. That does the trick!

The code below shows the (unwanted) behaviour:

This is in the file "":

read "savegif.mpl":

read "savegif.mpl":


En this is in the file "savegif.mpl":

with(plots): with(plottools):


save polygonlist, cat("polygon",nr,".txt"):
plotsetup(gif, plotoutput=cat("plot",nr,".gif"));



The txt file is normally saved. No problem there. But the graphic "pol" is plotted on the screen, not in the gif-file. 

Thanks for helping me out. 

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