
1311 Reputation

14 Badges

12 years, 345 days
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Ronan

@sand15 That deserves a vote up.

@Carl Love I like that.

@Carl Love I find sometimes it works and sometimes not. About 50-50. I find it useful because it scrolls directly to the response clicked on.


@acer   That is precisely what I was trying to achieve.

@rlopez That is good to know. I never think of using the the Student Package.

Same here. It took minutes after clicking submit to post a simple question this evening.

@Preben Alsholm I realised about an hour ago, I could get myself into a lot of trouble with altering the default. In a couple of months time when I probably would have forgotten about it.

@acer I see what you mean about foo. I hadn't thought about it before then. Yes it definately gets irrating when someone keeps adding to a specification. Basically there are no extra requirements.  There is no point in trying to handle obscure possibilities. I am just trying to catch wrong arguments being passed and the procdeures doing a wrong interpretation. The $ is a very simple way of catching that. Especially if a number is passed.

Is this safe? I wrapped expects around  coerce  to catch non string entries. Though the error message is rather unwieldy.



p := proc(c::expects(coerce(proc(s::string)
                      local L:=StringTools:-LowerCase(s);
                                ERROR("\"%1\" does not coerce",s))
                    end proc)):="Blue")

  return c;

end proc:


p("bLUe"), p("Blue"), p("blue"), p("b"), p("B");

"Blue", "Blue", "Blue", "Blue", "Blue"


p("ReD"), p("Red"), p("red"), p("r"), p("R");

"Red", "Red", "Red", "Red", "Red"


p("GreEn"), p("Green"), p("green"), p("g"), p("G");

"Green", "Green", "Green", "Green", "Green"



Error, (in p) "God" does not coerce



Error, (in p) "black" does not coerce






Error, invalid input: p expects its 1st argument, c, to be coercible via proc (s::string) local L; L := StringTools:-LowerCase(s); piecewise(member(L,["blue", "b"]),"Blue",member(L,["green", "g"]),"Green",member(L,["red", "r"]),"Red",ERROR("\"%1\" does not coerce",s)); end proc, but received foo



Error, invalid input: p expects its 1st argument, c, to be coercible via proc (s::string) local L; L := StringTools:-LowerCase(s); piecewise(member(L,["blue", "b"]),"Blue",member(L,["green", "g"]),"Green",member(L,["red", "r"]),"Red",ERROR("\"%1\" does not coerce",s)); end proc, but received 5





@mmcdara  Ahh. I use Geomclr:= "...." as the global colour setting but can be changed specifically.

I now notice you put the optional parameters in {  }. The makes you have to do clr =...    but has the advantage of allowing skipping one if desired. Nice. 


I have experimented with catching an incorrect input. How should I get it to produce an error instead on skipping on. An empty input p() is fine.


p := proc(c::coerce(proc(s::string)
                      local L:=StringTools:-LowerCase(s);
                    end proc):="Blue")

  return c;

end proc:

p("bLUe"), p("Blue"), p("blue"), p("b"), p("B");
             "Blue", "Blue", "Blue", "Blue", "Blue"

p("ReD"), p("Red"), p("red"), p("r"), p("R");
               "Red", "Red", "Red", "Red", "Red"

p("GreEn"), p("Green"), p("green"), p("g"), p("G");
          "Green", "Green", "Green", "Green", "Green"


 not menber("god", ["blue", "b", "green", "g", "red", "r"]), 

   not menber("black", ["blue", "b", "green", "g", "red", "r"])



@mmcdara This makes things much neater. I will try setting it up as a procedure that is called inside the package, as this is used in various places. Yes I do need to put in checks for the 0 denominator.

I notice one has to enter
spread2(...clr="Red" , prnt =false) 
instead of
spread2(....."Red" , false)

Why is that? 

  I do like that you skip clr
spread2(p0 , p1, prnt=false)

    export spread....,
local col := substring(StringTools:-Capitalize(clr), 1..1);
           local COL := `if`(col="R", "Red", `if`(col="G", "Green", "Blue"))  
return col
end proc;
           if `not`(member(col, {"R", "G", "B"})) then
             error cat("allowed colors are red, green or blue, received ", clr)
           end if:

           if prnt then
             print(cat("Spread 2 [x,y] Points/Vectors wrt origin ",  COL));
           end if:
           if col = "B" then
               return ....

           elif col="G" then
               return ....

           elif col="R" then
               return ....
          end if;
          end proc:




@Carl Love Firstly, appologies for the delay in replying. I understand what was happening better now. I evolved my way through things this week.

What works to prevent unintended evaluation in the overload situation has been to use all the inputs for each overload scenario. I kept being caught out by just printing messages withoud using the parameters/arguments,

Have two versions "test" and "test1" where the order of the procedures in the list are completly reversed. Both work nicely and have not hit any unintended eveluations. I have left many of my evolving notes in.

The setup seem to be reliable for invalid inputs too.





        test :=overload([

option overload;
print("#1 single 1D input. No colour check required");


option overload;
print("#2 pair of 1D inputs. No colour check required");

proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload;
global GCb;
if clr="Blue"  then
   print("#3 input recognised 2D Point/Vector. Blue.") ;
 elif clr= "Red" or clr="Green" then
 print("#4 inputs recognised 2D Point/Vector. Red or Green");
end if;

#4 If put before #3 causes false evaluation of #3 type input #4
#  [p0,p1,clr]  cures the problem because it itse the inputs ;
proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     p1::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload;
global GCb;
if clr="Blue"  then
   print("#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors.Valid for Blue.") ;
 elif clr= "Red" or clr="Green" then
 print("#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors. Red or Green");
end if;

#4X;  If this is moved to before 4 causes false evaluation of #4 type input #4X 
#  [p0,p1,p2,clr]  cures the problem because it itse the inputs;    
proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     p1::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     p2::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload(callseq_only);
global GCb;
if clr="Blue" or clr="Red" or clr="Green" then
   print("#4X inputs recognised Set of 3 2D Points/Vectors.Valid for Blue, Red & Green") ;
end if;

proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])),'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload;
global GCb;
if clr="Blue"  then
   print("#5 inputs recognised single 3D Point/Vector");
     else  print("#5  error 3D Point/Vector only valid for Blue Geometry");
end if;

proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)},
     p1::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload;
global GCb;
if clr="Blue" then
    print("#6 inputs recognised pair of 3D Points/Vectors ") ;
      else print("#6 3D points/vectors only valid for Blue Geometry");
end if;

proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     pl::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])),'Vector[column]'(3, algebraic),`+`,procedure},var::satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])):=[x,y],
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
        option overload;
print("#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green") ;
proc(l1::satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])),
     l2::[{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)}, 'Vector[column]'(3, algebraic)],$)
option overload;
print("#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only");

#9  if put before #5 it causes false evaluation of #5 type inputs as #9 
#    [p0,pl,vars] cure ;
proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])),'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)},
     pl::{'Vector[column]'(4, algebraic), `+`,procedure},var::satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])):=[x,y,z],$)
        option overload;
global gcb;
print("#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only");

 proc(l1::[{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)}, 'Vector[column]'(3, algebraic)],
      l2::[{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)}, 'Vector[column]'(3, algebraic)],$)
        option overload;
print("#10 inputs recognised   Skew lines 3D.No colour check Blue only") ;





#  3d lines  a list or row vector for position point and column vector for direction

l1:= [<1 | 5 | 7>, <3, 7, 9>];   #3D line

[Vector[row](3, {(1) = 1, (2) = 5, (3) = 7}), Vector(3, {(1) = 3, (2) = 7, (3) = 9})]


l2:=[<-4 | 2 | 1>, <3, 8, -9>];  #3D line

[Vector[row](3, {(1) = -4, (2) = 2, (3) = 1}), Vector(3, {(1) = 3, (2) = 8, (3) = -9})]



l3:= [[1 , 5 , 7], <3, 7, 9>]; #3D line

[[1, 5, 7], Vector(3, {(1) = 3, (2) = 7, (3) = 9})]


l4:=[[-4 , 2, 1 ], <3, 2, -9>];  #3D line

[[-4, 2, 1], Vector(3, {(1) = 3, (2) = 2, (3) = -9})]


# 1 & 2 inputs


"#1 single 1D input. No colour check required"


"#2 pair of 1D inputs. No colour check required"


# 3 inputs



"#3 input recognised 2D Point/Vector. Blue."


"#3 input recognised 2D Point/Vector. Blue."


# 4 inputs



"#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors.Valid for Blue."


"#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors. Red or Green"


"#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors. Red or Green"


# 4X inputs


"#4X inputs recognised Set of 3 2D Points/Vectors.Valid for Blue, Red & Green"


# 5 inputs


"#5 inputs recognised single 3D Point/Vector"


"#5 inputs recognised single 3D Point/Vector"


"#5  error 3D Point/Vector only valid for Blue Geometry"


"#5 inputs recognised single 3D Point/Vector"


#6 inputs


"#6 inputs recognised pair of 3D Points/Vectors "


"#6 3D points/vectors only valid for Blue Geometry"


"#6 inputs recognised pair of 3D Points/Vectors "


#7 inputs

test([a,b], <3, 2,d>,"Red");

test([a,b], 3*x+ 2*y+d);

test([a,b], 3*p+ 2*q+d,[p,q]);
f:=(p,q)-> 3*p+ 2*q+d;

"#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green"


"#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green"


"#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green"


proc (p, q) options operator, arrow; 3*p+2*q+d end proc


"#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green"


# 8 inputs


"#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only"


"#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only"


"#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only"


"#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only"


#9 inputs

test( [s,g,h],<1,2,3,4>);
test( [s,g,h],x+2*y+3*z+4);
test( [s,g,h],5*r-6*s+k*t+g,[r,s,t]);
h:=(r,s,t)-> 3*r+ 2*s-7*t+6 : #  a plane
test( [s,g,h],h(r,s,t),[r,s,t])

"#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only"


"#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only"


"#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only"


"#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only"


#10 inputs


"#10 inputs recognised   Skew lines 3D.No colour check Blue only"


"#10 inputs recognised   Skew lines 3D.No colour check Blue only"


"#10 inputs recognised   Skew lines 3D.No colour check Blue only"


#false/incorrect type inputs working correctly as required


Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test()'




Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test([a, b, d],[a, c, f],[d, e, n])'



Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test(1,2,3)'


test([a,b], 3*p+ 2*q+d,[p,q],[e,t]);

Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test([a, b],3*p+2*q+d,[p, q],[e, t])'


test( [s,g,h],h(r,s,t),[r,s,t],2)

Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test([s, g, h],h(r,s,t),[r, s, t],2)'


test( [s,g,h],5*r-6*s+k*t+g,[r,s,t],"Blue")

Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test([s, g, h],k*t+g+5*r-6*s,[r, s, t],"Blue")'



Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test(2,[a, b])'



Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])'



Error, invalid input: no implementation of test matches the arguments in call, 'test(k*t+g+5*r-6*s,[r, s, t],[s, g, h])'









        test1 :=overload([

 proc(l1::[{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)}, 'Vector[column]'(3, algebraic)],
      l2::[{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)}, 'Vector[column]'(3, algebraic)],$)
        option overload;
print("#10 inputs recognised   Skew lines 3D.No colour check Blue only") ;

#9  if put before #5 it causes false evaluation of #5 type inputs as #9 Is there a way of checking p1 and  triger overload or if not presest?
#    [p0,pl,vars] cure ;
proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])),'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)},
     pl::{'Vector[column]'(4, algebraic), `+`,procedure},var::satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])):=[x,y,z],$)
        option overload;
global gcb;
print("#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only");

proc(l1::satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])),
     l2::[{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)}, 'Vector[column]'(3, algebraic)],$)
option overload;
print("#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only");
proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     pl::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])),'Vector[column]'(3, algebraic),`+`,procedure},var::satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])):=[x,y],
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
        option overload;
print("#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green") ;
proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)},
     p1::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])), 'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload;
global GCb;
if clr="Blue" then
    print("#6 inputs recognised pair of 3D Points/Vectors ") ;
      else print("#6 3D points/vectors only valid for Blue Geometry");
end if;

proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 3])),'Vector[row]'(3, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload;
global GCb;
if clr="Blue"  then
   print("#5 inputs recognised single 3D Point/Vector");
     else  print("#5  error 3D Point/Vector only valid for Blue Geometry");
end if;

#4X;  If this is moved to before 4 causes false evaluation of #4 type input #4X 
#  [p0,p1,p2,clr]  cures the problem because it itse the inputs;    
proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     p1::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     p2::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload(callseq_only);
global GCb;
if clr="Blue" or clr="Red" or clr="Green" then
   print("#4X inputs recognised Set of 3 2D Points/Vectors.Valid for Blue, Red & Green") ;
end if;

#4 If put before #3 causes false evaluation of #3 type input #4
#  [p0,p1,clr]  cures the problem because it itse the inputs ;
proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     p1::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload;
global GCb;
if clr="Blue"  then
   print("#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors.Valid for Blue.") ;
 elif clr= "Red" or clr="Green" then
 print("#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors. Red or Green");
end if;

proc(p0::{satisfies(s -> type(s, [algebraic $ 2])),'Vector[row]'(2, algebraic)},
     clr::`string` := GCb,$)
                option overload;
global GCb;
if clr="Blue"  then
   print("#3 input recognised 2D Point/Vector. Blue.") ;
 elif clr= "Red" or clr="Green" then
 print("#4 inputs recognised 2D Point/Vector. Red or Green");
end if;

option overload;
print("#2 pair of 1D inputs. No colour check required");

option overload;
if _params['p0']=NULL then `error nothing entered`
else print("#1 single 1D input. No colour check required");
end if;


#  3d lines  a list or row vector for position point and column vector for direction

l1:= [<1 | 5 | 7>, <3, 7, 9>];   #3D line

[Vector[row](3, {(1) = 1, (2) = 5, (3) = 7}), Vector(3, {(1) = 3, (2) = 7, (3) = 9})]


l2:=[<-4 | 2 | 1>, <3, 8, -9>];  #3D line

[Vector[row](3, {(1) = -4, (2) = 2, (3) = 1}), Vector(3, {(1) = 3, (2) = 8, (3) = -9})]



l3:= [[1 , 5 , 7], <3, 7, 9>]; #3D line

[[1, 5, 7], Vector(3, {(1) = 3, (2) = 7, (3) = 9})]


l4:=[[-4 , 2, 1 ], <3, 2, -9>];  #3D line

[[-4, 2, 1], Vector(3, {(1) = 3, (2) = 2, (3) = -9})]



# 1 & 2 inputs


"#1 single 1D input. No colour check required"


"#2 pair of 1D inputs. No colour check required"


# 3 inputs



"#3 input recognised 2D Point/Vector. Blue."


"#3 input recognised 2D Point/Vector. Blue."


# 4 inputs


"#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors.Valid for Blue."


"#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors. Red or Green"


"#4 inputs recognised pair of 2D Points/Vectors. Red or Green"


# 4X inputs


"#4X inputs recognised Set of 3 2D Points/Vectors.Valid for Blue, Red & Green"


# 5 inputs


"#5 inputs recognised single 3D Point/Vector"


"#5 inputs recognised single 3D Point/Vector"


"#5  error 3D Point/Vector only valid for Blue Geometry"


"#5 inputs recognised single 3D Point/Vector"


#6 inputs


"#6 inputs recognised pair of 3D Points/Vectors "


"#6 3D points/vectors only valid for Blue Geometry"


"#6 inputs recognised pair of 3D Points/Vectors "


#7 inputs

test1([a,b], <3, 2,d>,"Red");

test1([a,b], 3*x+ 2*y+d);

test1([a,b], 3*p+ 2*q+d,[p,q]);
f:=(p,q)-> 3*p+ 2*q+d;

"#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green"


"#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green"


"#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green"


proc (p, q) options operator, arrow; 3*p+2*q+d end proc


"#7 inputs recognised 2D Point and Line valid for Blue, Red & Green"


# 8 inputs


"#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only"


"#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only"


"#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only"


"#8 inputs recognised 3D Point and 3D Line.No colour check Blue only"


#9 inputs

test1( [s,g,h],<1,2,3,4>);
test1( [s,g,h],x+2*y+3*z+4);
test1( [s,g,h],5*r-6*s+k*t+g,[r,s,t]);
h:=(r,s,t)-> 3*r+ 2*s-7*t+6 : #  a plane
test1( [s,g,h],h(r,s,t),[r,s,t])

"#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only"


"#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only"


"#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only"


"#9 inputs recognised 3D Point and Plane.No colour check Blue only"


#10 inputs


"#10 inputs recognised   Skew lines 3D.No colour check Blue only"


"#10 inputs recognised   Skew lines 3D.No colour check Blue only"


"#10 inputs recognised   Skew lines 3D.No colour check Blue only"


#false/incorrect type inputs working correctly as required


Error, invalid input: no implementation of test1 matches the arguments in call, 'test1()'




Error, invalid input: no implementation of test1 matches the arguments in call, 'test1([a, b, d],[a, c, f],[d, e, n])'



test(1, 2, 3)


test1([a,b], 3*p+ 2*q+d,[p,q],[e,t]);

Error, invalid input: no implementation of test1 matches the arguments in call, 'test1([a, b],3*p+2*q+d,[p, q],[e, t])'


test1( [s,g,h],h(r,s,t),[r,s,t],2)

Error, invalid input: no implementation of test1 matches the arguments in call, 'test1([s, g, h],h(r,s,t),[r, s, t],2)'


test1( [s,g,h],5*r-6*s+k*t+g,[r,s,t],"Blue")

Error, invalid input: no implementation of test1 matches the arguments in call, 'test1([s, g, h],k*t+g+5*r-6*s,[r, s, t],"Blue")'



Error, invalid input: no implementation of test1 matches the arguments in call, 'test1(2,[a, b])'



Error, invalid input: no implementation of test1 matches the arguments in call, 'test1([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])'



Error, invalid input: no implementation of test1 matches the arguments in call, 'test1(k*t+g+5*r-6*s,[r, s, t],[s, g, h])'





@Preben Alsholm Thank you. So this is a case of my "understanding" being an assumption. i.e. I always thought if the proc input had parameters that did not have default values one had to enter them all or an error would occur. Not so then if a particular one or more is not used, it can be ommitted. Of course that would be the last ones in the inputs.That is a very interesting subtle point..

                  proc(P1::list,P2::list,P3::list,P4::list,$) # 4 list inputs
                     option overload;
                     print("3 lists");
                  end proc,

                     option overload;
                     print("2 lists");
                  end proc
foo1([1,2],[3,4]); #Output correct because P1 and P2 are lists P3 and P4 ommited

@Preben Alsholm Yes. My undarstanding was that if the inputs do not satisfy the input criteria of a procedure the next procedure is checked. There apperas to be more to it than that.

I suppose a work around would be to repeat  the inputs blandly for each proc in the list to force usage.

proc(P1... P3  )
end proc,

proc(P1::type.. ,P2::type...,a::type...:=4)

end proc


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