
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 186 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

This it odd. I would contact Maplesoft Technical support with this and one of the .eps files that is being truncated. Scott
What version of Maple are you using and on what operating system? I have tried this on Maple 11.02 and 10.06 on Windows XP and the export to eps worked fine viewing the picture in adobe photoshop and GSview. Scott
If you are just looking at programatically exporting a plot as a gif or something, look at the plotdevice and plotsetup help pages. Just by calling something like plotsetup(gif,plotoutput=`plot.gif`); This will mean that the plot command that is following this call will be saved as a gif in the current directory and it will be called plot.gif. Scott
hello dcasimir, From the website that Robert had pointed you to, it has indicated the following: "The Maple Advisor Database is a project of the Symbolic Computation Group of the University of British Columbia, under the direction of Robert Israel." As for incorporating it into Maple, you can download the maple.hdb, maple.ind, and maple.lib files onto your computer. There is some instructions on how to install these packages here. Scott
hello dcasimir, From the website that Robert had pointed you to, it has indicated the following: "The Maple Advisor Database is a project of the Symbolic Computation Group of the University of British Columbia, under the direction of Robert Israel." As for incorporating it into Maple, you can download the maple.hdb, maple.ind, and maple.lib files onto your computer. There is some instructions on how to install these packages here. Scott
I have Firefox (v on two different computers and I haven't found this happening. If you go into the left panel under Account then click on Edit, is there a check mark beside "Recent blog posts" under the Block configuration? Scott
Technical Support has indicated that they were able to get around this problem by having a previous working Java (Java 1.4 for example) and telling Maple 11 to use that version instead. If you are having trouble doing this, please contact Maplesoft Technical Support. Scott
Could you give us some more information as to what you are trying to download and what did you do to try to do this? Also who has set up this MapleNet? It could be a setting on a server that may be blocking the connection (like a firewall or something). I would also check with those in charge of the server to see if there are any errors coming up in the log files. Scott
The posts that you were referring to from eTwqgQegPG has been deleted. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Scott
For those interested in this application, you can find it in the Maplesoft Application Center here . Scott
You can link to another forum topic by using the html link and just add the html address in the section where it indicates 'href="'. I have updated your post to that forum topic you referred to. Scott
There is nothing wrong with evalb here. Actually everything is working as it should. If you execute evalf[10](0) you will get 0.0 (to 10 significant digits). While if you do what you have on the other side of the equal sign of evalf[10](0+1.0*10^(-30)) you will get 1.0*10^(-30). In all the other cases you have something in the ones place so epsilon is outside of the 10 significant digits. Scott
I have checked with Maplesoft Technical Support and this appears to be a known issue with Maple 11 on Mac OSX 10.5. I thought the export to html should work but I don't have a MAC so I can't test this. Scott
You should see about using the seq command. I think some of the Maple Gurus have mentioned it is faster and it will be a lot easier for your case. Therefore the above for loop would look like DisplayLEDs:=seq(plot(LEDs[a,2],x=280..900),a=1..11); The above command is not only a lot quicker but it is a lot easier to read and quicker to type. As for the || characters, those are the concatenate characters in Maple. So f||i is equivalent to cat(f,i) Although, if you wanted to do the for loop, you didn't need the cat at all. Just do the normal assignment (provided that DisplayLEDs is assigned before that line) and you can forget about the 'Comma' variable. Scott
This error would come up if there is a registry entry that wasn't deleted. I would suggest contacting Maplesoft Technical Support to get guidance on the registry entries to delete. Scott
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