
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 167 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

If you are looking for the underscore while in 2-D mode, you need to put a \ before the underscore to stop the 2-D parser from putting the subscript. So for differential_ring you would enter differential\_ring into Maple if you are in 2-D Mode. Scott
I would suggest that you contact Maplesoft Technical Support. I have heard that there is something with OSX 10.5 that is causing some problems but getting in contact with Technical Support will let you know if there is a resolution for this. Scott
There is nothing limiting on the evaluation version on Maple. What do you get when you go to File>New>Worksheet? Do you get a blank document that starts with [> If so, you are in worksheet mode. Scott
There is nothing limiting on the evaluation version on Maple. What do you get when you go to File>New>Worksheet? Do you get a blank document that starts with [> If so, you are in worksheet mode. Scott
Which interface and what input are you using? What appears to be happening with the users' code is another example of differences between interfaces and input modes. With the 2-D Math input, this error will come up if you don't have the space between the if and (. In the 1-D input (or Maple Input) the space doesn't matter. I believe the command line input would be the same as the 1-D input but I haven't tried that yet. Scott
Also, what operating system are you running Maple and Matlab on? Have you contacted Maplesoft Technical Support concerning this yet? Scott
I have just checked with Maplesoft Technical Support and this is a known issue on OSX 10.5. I believe that the developers are looking into this for a future release of Maple. Scott
Are those mistakes only coming up when printing or are they also visible on your screen when viewing the worksheet? Have you contacted Maplesoft Technical Support on this issue yet? Scott
What version of "Maple Toolbox for Matlab" do you have installed? You can verify that this toolbox is in fact installed and the build number by opening Maple and executing version() If you can let us know the build number that shows up beside "Maple Toolbox for Matlab" this will allow us to verify that the correct version of the toolbox is installed. Also, do you have Matlab's version of the toolbox? If so, which one do you have the default as? Scott
I have changed the user's input mode so that the full submission is now visible. As for the error that you find, just add a space between the 'if' and the '('. Then the code will be for a from 1 while a<13 do if (a=1) then functions[a]:=m||a; else functions[a]:=(m||a||rref[1,5]*x^(3))+(m||a||rref[2,5]*x^(2))+(m||a||rref[3,5]*x)+(m||a||rref(4,5)); end if end do; Edit: Now I feel bad in falling for the < problem after correcting it in the post. Thanks Doug. Scott
If you find the tilde in the answer to be annoying, you can set one of the interface variables (showassumed) so that it will not show up. The call that would do this is interface(showassumed=0); Scott
If you find the tilde in the answer to be annoying, you can set one of the interface variables (showassumed) so that it will not show up. The call that would do this is interface(showassumed=0); Scott
You should be able to open Maple, the through the File>Open menu to open the bak file. If you want to be able to double click on the bak file and have it open in Maple, you would have to tell your operating system that all .bak files are Maple files (which isn't true since I believe other software may use this file extension also). Scott
I wouldn't suggest that this since it is possible that other fixes will be missed. I would suggest contact Maplesoft Customer Service to get a Vista compatible version (Maple 11.01) if you have Maple 11 and Vista. This only applies to users with CD versions of Maple 11. All downloads that are downloaded after July 6th was Maple 11.01. For Vista users, you should not install Maple 11.00 and install the 11.01 patch or the above change of the Java package. The Vista compatible version of Maple 11 has this change and other changes that are Vista specific. This Vista version of Maple 11 was announced in July (Here). Again, if you have a CD of Maple 11.00, and you have Vista, please contact Maplesoft Customer Service Scott
For more information on the plotting error, it is due to the fact that MapleNET that was set up for MaplePrimes is MapleNET 10. So it is Maple 10 that is trying to understand the 2-D plots. Since the 2-D plot package went through changes for Maple 11, Maple 10 doesn't know how to render the saved information. I have talked to Will and I have asked for the MapleNET update to take place. Scott
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