Thomas Dean

327 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 239 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Thomas Dean

Use IsSymmetric(G)

Apply sort.


Help -> Maple Help -> solve



Aplply isolve() to your inital equation.

This will give the variables a,m,n,x in terms of _Z1 and _Z2, both integers.

You can subst integer for say Z1 and then solve for Z2, etc .

int(cos(3+sin(x)), x = 0 .. 5,numeric=true)

Look at help Statistics[Sample]

eq := -Pi/2 - arctan(25*x) - Pi = -(2*Pi)/3;

plot(lhs(eq)); ## shows the lhs is negative.

limit(lhs(eq), x = -infinity) ## shows the limit to be -Pi.

and -Pi < -2*Pi/3;



Tom Dean

eqs:=solve({fS,fV,fC,fR},{x1,x2,x3,x4},explicit); # No RootOfs


The problem, as stated involved floating point values and associated errors.

In calculating the target position, an approximation was used.  The values obtained gave different slopes for the bearing lines.

Correcting the calculation of the slopes of the bearing line resulted in a better solution, to several decimal places.

Sorry for the noise.

Tom Dean

help pdsolve[boundaryconditions] has an example that, on the surface, looks sililar.



S := {W,X,Y};

S minus {X};


Tom Dean

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