15 Reputation

3 Badges

10 years, 270 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by USPAS2014

This is one is for Edgardo: In the "mini course", there is a command "PlotExpression" used that does not seem to do anything, at least for me. This is in a fresh Maple 18.01 installation on Linux with the latest version of Physics pulled off the Web today.

I cannot find any reference to PlotExpression in the Maple Help files, so where is this thing supposed to be defined? I >am< running a .mapleinit file of my own, configuring some of the plots[setoptions] parameters to my liking, but it should not clobber anything from the system mapleinit.

Another person managed to get the definition of PlotExpression and send it to me. From that I can see that the underlying plots:-plotcompare command seems to work, at least in part.




I have setup two groups in MapleCloud, to be used for distribution of materials (a readonly group) and as a drop for students to deposit their exercise sheets (an opaque group). It is my understanding that e.g. students have to request joining a group and I get to approve them.

How does one join a group managed by someone else? If I try from another account I cannot see the groups I just created, so I cannot request joining them. I seem also to not be able to just approve someone (by their email e.g.) without that person having requested to join first.




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