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12 years, 178 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ajmjr2000

@Carl Love 



Thanks for the answer.

Here is the worksheet.

I am trying to solve this system of PDEs using a collocation approach. (Hopefully I am doing it right...). I can solve this one numerically using the PDE solver in MAPLE (and compare the results), but I have a more complicated system, which the built-in solver does not seem to be able to handle. 

Thanks for the reply,

This is exactly the problem. Plots that worked in Maple 15 are giving this error message in Maple 16. I downloaded your example and got the same error message:


plot(cos((1/2)*x)+sin(2*x), x = 0 .. 4*Pi);
Error, (in plot) unknown optional arguments [true]

Thanks for the reply,

This is exactly the problem. Plots that worked in Maple 15 are giving this error message in Maple 16. I downloaded your example and got the same error message:


plot(cos((1/2)*x)+sin(2*x), x = 0 .. 4*Pi);
Error, (in plot) unknown optional arguments [true]

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