
12 Reputation

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17 years, 216 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by amira3

Hello, i'm in need of some help. I'm searching how to use the library browser to create a module usable with with(). In fact i have to learn how to add or remove function to an existing library. And when i use the assistant, i see int the window a module and when i double click on the module i enter in it and i can see the fonction inside it. But when i add some functions in .m files the assistant add them in the root and not in the module. To express it clearly watch the figure Module And i want Module | |
Hello everybody. This is my first post. I'm currently using Maple 10 for a project in my school and i need to create types. I'm improving an "automatism library" called AutoSLI and for example i have to create a "transfert function" type. I want to use the type in functions like that : "zeros(Transfertfunction :: f) I use a "Record" structure inside a function. I make some tests to see if the parameters entered are correct then i create the object but it don't works when i use 'type/transfertFunction'. It creates the object when i take back the name of the type. Maybe the choice to put the creation in a function is not good.
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