
Prof. Amr Ramadan

76 Reputation

8 Badges

14 years, 190 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by amrramadaneg

Dear friends,

I found a file in the Maplesoft Application Center to evaluate the minimum of a function in two variables.

I tried to extend the code to find a minimum for a function in 4 variables.

But the code does not work. Any Help, I will be appreciated.


Dear colleagues.

I use gradplot for a displacement vector in x-direction only, as foolows

gradplot(u1(x), x = 0 .. a, y = 0 .. b, grid = [10, 10], arrows = SLIM, color = u1(x), T, caption = typeset("The displacement field"), fieldstrength = fixed, size = [0.3, 0.5])

I need to make color legend to show the minimum and maximum value and in between for the displacement.


Greeting for all members in Mapleprimes

could I have a simple procedure to plot the following figure

See the attached file.


,Hello dears

I have the following function

where L=10 and I want to plot this function, so I use 

But it does not work.

Is there any help.


Dear all 

I need to animate the following function in two dimensions

,u:=  (x, y) -->x^2+y^2+3

((gradplot(u(x, y), x = -10 .. 10, y = -2 .. 2, grid = [8, 8], thickness = 3, arrows = SLIM, color = u(x, y



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