
Mr. alireza seraj

272 Reputation

6 Badges

15 years, 200 days

MS in physics.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by asfn

hi. i write a program consists a for loop in which cycle 'i', x[i] and hz[i] is calculated.

now i want to plot hz[i] correspond to each x[i].

this code is working but how to brief them?

hhz := piecewise(x < X[1], hz[1], X[1] < x and x < X[2], hz[2], X[2] < x and x < X[3], hz[3], X[3] < x and x < X[4], hz[4], X[4] < x and x < X[5], hz[5], X[5] < x and x < X[6], hz[6], X[6] < x and x < X[7], hz[7], X[7] < x and x < X[8...

how is possible to draw each line separately?

n1 := 1; n2 := 1.45; n3 := 3.5;

z0 := 120*Pi; d1 := 1; d2 := 1; d3 := 1;a := 1;

k0 := 2*Pi/lambda;

ub := sqrt(n1^2-`&beta;b`^2); vb := sqrt(n2^2-`&beta;b`^2); wb := sqrt(n3^2-`&beta;b`^2);

Ub := k0*ub*d1; Vb := k0*vb*d2; Wb := k0*wb*d3;

z1 := z0/ub; z1b := z1/z0;

a0 := -tan(Vb)/(wb*ub)-tan(Ub)/(vb*wb)-tan(Wb)/(vb*ub)+tan(Ub)*tan(Vb)*tan(Wb)/wb^2;

b0 := tan(Ub...

how can i solve two coupled differential equations like these: s1 := diff(n[D](t), t) = a-b*n[D](t)^2-c*n[D](t)-e*n[D](t)*n[T](t); s2 := diff(n[T](t), t) = b*n[D](t)^2-c*n[D](t)-e*n[D](t)*n[T](t); why dsolve({s1, s2,n[T](0)=0}) gives error?
if i have a saved single plot without any programing codes, how is possible to add a verical text for it's vertical axis label?
why isn't possible to copy a whole plot in maple 13 and paste it in another locationof that page or another new blank tab, whereas in maple 12 was possible!?
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